Meezer Tails
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Thursday, October 07, 2021
Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon and back and I know you're baby sister Bella did too. We don't know what we will do without you sweet boy.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
How life has changed
When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one year old meezer in the house. I had 2 geezer Orinch Meniss kitties as well. Over the years I lost the 2 geezers and added another Orinch Meniss and another meezer. Life was awesome. We had a lot of fun times on this blog.
Hams of the world tour. Haunted houses. Weiner Mobile escapades. Sammy and his Aliens. Dancing Billy. Miles and his constant snark. Christmas poems. The famous (or infamous) Hammy Smells christmas carol. Friends made. Oh so many amazing friends made. Friends lost, and so many tears shed. And then the Orinch Meniss got sick and flew off to the Bridge. My heart was shattered. This past Sept 10 my sweet, amazing Miles flew off to the Bridge. I was in pieces. My sweet Sammy was fighting cancer at the same time. So many friends came to his rescue and helped him. I have no words to thank you for the 15 months you all gave us together. Today, at 5:03am, my sweet Sammy flew off to the Bridge. The sorrow is unbearable for me. I know that we only are borrowing these sweet lives for a short time, but each time I have to say good bye to one of my babies, it gets harder and harder.
I don't know if this will be our last blog post - and I know that I have not posted in a very long time. Truthfully, it kind of hurts my heart so much to not share Miles' and Sammy's voices anymore. They were so much a part of me for so long. I still have my sweet amazing Nicky and he has a new geezer Orinch Meniss brother to introduce. I hope to get past this incredible sense of loss to find their voices and carry on. I doubt that after all this time anyone would read this blog anymore, but we will see.
Thank you all so much for you love and friendship over the last 13 years. You will never know how much you have enriched my life.
Farewell my sweet Sam-Sam. I love you to the moon and back forever.
My sweet Miles. You have left the most amazing paw print on my heart that will never, ever go away. I love you my baby boy.
When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one year old meezer in the house. I had 2 geezer Orinch Meniss kitties as well. Over the years I lost the 2 geezers and added another Orinch Meniss and another meezer. Life was awesome. We had a lot of fun times on this blog.
Hams of the world tour. Haunted houses. Weiner Mobile escapades. Sammy and his Aliens. Dancing Billy. Miles and his constant snark. Christmas poems. The famous (or infamous) Hammy Smells christmas carol. Friends made. Oh so many amazing friends made. Friends lost, and so many tears shed. And then the Orinch Meniss got sick and flew off to the Bridge. My heart was shattered. This past Sept 10 my sweet, amazing Miles flew off to the Bridge. I was in pieces. My sweet Sammy was fighting cancer at the same time. So many friends came to his rescue and helped him. I have no words to thank you for the 15 months you all gave us together. Today, at 5:03am, my sweet Sammy flew off to the Bridge. The sorrow is unbearable for me. I know that we only are borrowing these sweet lives for a short time, but each time I have to say good bye to one of my babies, it gets harder and harder.
I don't know if this will be our last blog post - and I know that I have not posted in a very long time. Truthfully, it kind of hurts my heart so much to not share Miles' and Sammy's voices anymore. They were so much a part of me for so long. I still have my sweet amazing Nicky and he has a new geezer Orinch Meniss brother to introduce. I hope to get past this incredible sense of loss to find their voices and carry on. I doubt that after all this time anyone would read this blog anymore, but we will see.
Thank you all so much for you love and friendship over the last 13 years. You will never know how much you have enriched my life.
Farewell my sweet Sam-Sam. I love you to the moon and back forever.
My sweet Miles. You have left the most amazing paw print on my heart that will never, ever go away. I love you my baby boy.
Friday, June 15, 2018
it's been a while
It's been a while since we posted. We doesn't know how much longer we will be keeping this blog. I has cancer and Sammy has cancer and the mom is very very sad. We has to move 'acause our landlord is selling our house. Grammie has been in and out of the hospital. The mom has had kid-me stones. It's all just been bad around here.
We loves you all.
It's been a while since we posted. We doesn't know how much longer we will be keeping this blog. I has cancer and Sammy has cancer and the mom is very very sad. We has to move 'acause our landlord is selling our house. Grammie has been in and out of the hospital. The mom has had kid-me stones. It's all just been bad around here.
We loves you all.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Update on us
I had a v-e-t appointment last week and the v-e-t is kind of werried 'acause i might haf another skin cancer starting. she will watch it. I doesn't want to go through this again.
Miles is not feeling well either. He has to go to the v-e-t this week.
Nicky is a pain in my butt. He keeps chasing me around the house all the time trying to eat me.
I had a v-e-t appointment last week and the v-e-t is kind of werried 'acause i might haf another skin cancer starting. she will watch it. I doesn't want to go through this again.
Miles is not feeling well either. He has to go to the v-e-t this week.
Nicky is a pain in my butt. He keeps chasing me around the house all the time trying to eat me.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
Lies about Miles, and things Miles won't do.......... maybe
1. I IS NOT FAT - I'm undertall
Q. I IS NOT A PIGGY - I just like to eat all mine foods really fast, then barf
18. I DID NOT POOP ON THE FLOOR. (ok, maybe I did)
D. I DO NOT SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE (well, maybe sometimes I does)
7. Maybe I will
Z. It looks comfy
%. Is that a fleece blankie in it?
10. ooooo it is.
12ty. ::sigh:: this box is comfy..................
1. I IS NOT FAT - I'm undertall
Q. I IS NOT A PIGGY - I just like to eat all mine foods really fast, then barf
18. I DID NOT POOP ON THE FLOOR. (ok, maybe I did)
D. I DO NOT SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE (well, maybe sometimes I does)
7. Maybe I will
Z. It looks comfy
%. Is that a fleece blankie in it?
10. ooooo it is.
12ty. ::sigh:: this box is comfy..................
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
The mom is a BIG FAT LIAR.
She SAID she was going to update the blog last week. LIAR
She SAID I would not haf to go back to the v-e-t. LIAR
She SAID I could sleep on the bed with her. LIAR (response from the mom: I DID put you on the bed, YOU jumped down and slept under it for 23 minutes then crawled out and HOLLERED at me from next to the bed for 10 minutes. Then I got up and put you BACK on the bed and you walked all over me for 10 minutes and then jumped back down)
(response from Miles: whatever, the mom)
She SAID I would be getting special foods. LIAR (response from the mom: you ARE getting special foods, your brothers have to eat it too because, well, just because) (response from Miles: It SUCKS. They are tasteless little rabbit terd pellets of yuckiness) (response from the mom: whatever, Miles)
She SAID I would get FRENCH TOAST. LIAR (response from the mom; what, who's the LIAR? You HAD french toast Sunday) (response from Miles - FRENCH TOAST EVERY DAY) (response from the mom: Um NO)
She SAID I would get HAM for Easter. LIAR. (response from the mom: Who's LYING again? You GOT ham for Easter). (response from Miles: wait, Easter is only once a year? NOT FAIR)
The mom is a BIG FAT LIAR.
She SAID she was going to update the blog last week. LIAR
She SAID I would not haf to go back to the v-e-t. LIAR
She SAID I could sleep on the bed with her. LIAR (response from the mom: I DID put you on the bed, YOU jumped down and slept under it for 23 minutes then crawled out and HOLLERED at me from next to the bed for 10 minutes. Then I got up and put you BACK on the bed and you walked all over me for 10 minutes and then jumped back down)
(response from Miles: whatever, the mom)
She SAID I would be getting special foods. LIAR (response from the mom: you ARE getting special foods, your brothers have to eat it too because, well, just because) (response from Miles: It SUCKS. They are tasteless little rabbit terd pellets of yuckiness) (response from the mom: whatever, Miles)
She SAID I would get FRENCH TOAST. LIAR (response from the mom; what, who's the LIAR? You HAD french toast Sunday) (response from Miles - FRENCH TOAST EVERY DAY) (response from the mom: Um NO)
She SAID I would get HAM for Easter. LIAR. (response from the mom: Who's LYING again? You GOT ham for Easter). (response from Miles: wait, Easter is only once a year? NOT FAIR)
Thursday, March 29, 2018
update on us
It's been a while and anyone who is still reading our blog may be interested in an update - even though we don't think anyone reads it anymore.
Miles - Miles has been projektile barfing and pooping. He now has a thyroid prollem. And the mom says that his ves-tib-u-lar prollem (like mine) is back again and he is falling down the stairs and can't jump up on anything. His usually clears up in a few weeks or months. Mine nefur has.
Sammy - Sammy is doing some better. He has about 3 more weeks of treatments. Then the Dr will check him again in a month after that. He is still pulling the fur off of the tops of his front legs, so he looks kind of weird. Mom says it's stress.
Me - I'm doing good. I have been nice and even though there's a nice box out in the living room that Miles likes, I have not pounced on him or mailed him off anywhere. It would be icky right now with him pooping all over the place.
Sheesh, it's bad enough that the mom has told everyone on bookface that I poop everywhere, but Nicky, you didn't need to mention it here.
It's been a while and anyone who is still reading our blog may be interested in an update - even though we don't think anyone reads it anymore.
Miles - Miles has been projektile barfing and pooping. He now has a thyroid prollem. And the mom says that his ves-tib-u-lar prollem (like mine) is back again and he is falling down the stairs and can't jump up on anything. His usually clears up in a few weeks or months. Mine nefur has.
Sammy - Sammy is doing some better. He has about 3 more weeks of treatments. Then the Dr will check him again in a month after that. He is still pulling the fur off of the tops of his front legs, so he looks kind of weird. Mom says it's stress.
Me - I'm doing good. I have been nice and even though there's a nice box out in the living room that Miles likes, I have not pounced on him or mailed him off anywhere. It would be icky right now with him pooping all over the place.
Sheesh, it's bad enough that the mom has told everyone on bookface that I poop everywhere, but Nicky, you didn't need to mention it here.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
We is having a SNOW PARTY. Also combined with a HOUSE TRASHING PARTY.
We is having a SNOW PARTY. Also combined with a HOUSE TRASHING PARTY.
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
We are just so mad at the mom
She is so unhelpful with our blog. We are thinking of shutting it down.
In other news, Sammy is going for treatment.
I had bacon and chick-hen
Nicky got outside. Then got yelled at by the mom. A LOT.
She is so unhelpful with our blog. We are thinking of shutting it down.
In other news, Sammy is going for treatment.
I had bacon and chick-hen
Nicky got outside. Then got yelled at by the mom. A LOT.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Meezer Tuesday Report
Meezer Tuesday (because EVERY DAY IS MEEZER DAY) report
Foods: I hadded BACON and CHICKHEN and POTATO PAMCAKES. The BACON was good and the CHICKEN was sublime, but PAMCAKES should NEFUR be made from vile potatoes.
Sammy Report: Sammy is doing ok - he hadded another tumor removed. We are hoping to get clearance for his radiation treatment to start.
Nicky Report - Nicky is a spastic idiot. He has been chasing Sammy around the house, and when Sammy hides, he comes after ME.
Then I scream like a teenage girl in a horror movie until he stops. HEY, I DID NOT WRITE THIS.
It's mine blog too and I gets to write whatever I wants to write. And I want to write that you are very annoying when you scream like a little girl. I has an idea - why doesn't you go lay in your box for a while?
Meezer Tuesday (because EVERY DAY IS MEEZER DAY) report
Foods: I hadded BACON and CHICKHEN and POTATO PAMCAKES. The BACON was good and the CHICKEN was sublime, but PAMCAKES should NEFUR be made from vile potatoes.
Sammy Report: Sammy is doing ok - he hadded another tumor removed. We are hoping to get clearance for his radiation treatment to start.
Nicky Report - Nicky is a spastic idiot. He has been chasing Sammy around the house, and when Sammy hides, he comes after ME.
Then I scream like a teenage girl in a horror movie until he stops. HEY, I DID NOT WRITE THIS.
It's mine blog too and I gets to write whatever I wants to write. And I want to write that you are very annoying when you scream like a little girl. I has an idea - why doesn't you go lay in your box for a while?
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...