O M G - she tried it wif the toof paste AGAIN last night. Holy oink! Is she really that stoopid, or has aliens invaded her brain and made her a pod person?
She gotted that yucky stuff all ofurr Miles mouf, adn he went running upstairs and hided. Then I ran around for a while, but she catched me. She tried to give me kissies ferst, but I wasn't buying that, so she put a little bit of that goo on her finger and put it under my lips. I drooled. I drooled ALOT. I drooled all ofurr her arm. She hates drool. Then I ran around and wented to the cruncy bowl, and ated the eleventeen crunchies lefted in the bowl, and drank about a squillion gallons of water. Miles finally camed downstairs wif that goo dried on his face. Mommy felted sorry for him and gotted a paper towel and washed it off his face. She said that if I would eat treats, she would give us the tartar control treats, but I don't eat them. Piglet Miles will eat anyfing, so he's ok. I don't know what I'm going to do - she better not come after me wif that yucky stuff again. EFURR! HELP ME!
18 comments: can't just call my boyfriend "Piglet Miles." Especially when you were the one who said, "Holy oink!"
Consider yourself warned, my friend! While I like you well-enough, my loyalty is to my boy, Miles.
I think you should possibly come over to the Big Piney Woods. Momma has never approached us with paste. Of course, if she reads this, she may get some bad ideas.
Hello and good morning to that sweet Trixie...
Your bestest furriend
Sammy that really stinks that your mommy is tringz to brush your teefers. Hopefully your mommy doesn't fink of taking you to the V.E.T to have them do it. I know Taps was taken to one to get his done once by our mommy.
Wow, she really means business huh? Sounds like you guys are continuing to resist properly. I especially like the drool and the dried on toothpaste- that tends to make them feel really guilty.
Maybe you should try the crunchie treats? Anything is better than this horror.
Chase had the vet clean his teeth once but meowmy says its too expensive to do all that often.
Owwwww Sammy
Well you needs to teleport ofur for a few days and lay low at my house. Maybe she will furget about that stinky toofiechikpaste. I finks Momma is gonna go and get us those tar tar cookies cuz she worried so 'bout me when I got my toofies cleaned this year. She doesn't want to send me to the V-E-T to get my toofies cleaned again. NOW I agree wif her on dat. I don't like the V-E-T at all.
Sammys pleeze try those treats...fink of them as deee-lick-shous cookies. I do. I lubs dem.
Be sweet my precious most gorgeous blue eyed Sammys!
Purrs & Headbutts
Oh that sounds furry not fun, Sammy. I'd tries to learn to eat those tartar control treatsies if I was you.
~~ Sanjee
maybe ya could act like you was 'llergic to it when she tries ta paste yur teef together or purtend it makes ya sick er sumfin. can ya kinda keel offur an start foamin at the mouf? that'd be effective
She's not givin' up, huh? Do ya want us to come over there with "the fang of doom"? We'd be happy to help!
Sammy, you should start eating those tatar control treats, or let your Mom use the paste. Otherwise you have to go to the VET and you'll like that even less. Just ask Bubbles.
Wow, that doesn't sound like it was fun at all, we're really sorry! But your Mom just loves you and wants the best for you. Maybe a V.E.T.-approved weak sterile solution wouldn't be so yucky? - leo&bambi
Oh my goodness! You are having a rough few days in the Meezer Household! Mom and I were catching up on some of your posts together, and she started laughing when you were talking about all your adventures with the toofpaste, but I don't think that's funny at all! Though I was laughing at your post about how to drive beans nuts... and Mom covered my eyes so I couldn't read anymore. But I'll sneak back on the computer later. Thanks for that wisdom! I've missed keeping up with your blog so I'm going to do better now!
We like the Temptaions tar-tar control treatsies. We don't usually like treats...but these taste like chick-hen!! And they're yummy!!! Anyfing is better than that toofpaste!
Ma is thinking about getting a baby person toothbrush. She said she saw tartar on the back toothsomes. The vet wants to charge an arm and leg to get that off-so ma says. Better let ma try-I hate it though.
As long as yoo've still got teeth left, BITE and YOWL winever she gits neer yoo with toothpaste. They will give up after a wile, take my werd for it.
oh sammy we feels so sorry for yus. we finks we can sneaks you into ars house and you kans hide.
maybe tries the treats, okay?
yuki & kimiko
Bwhahaah! We hates to laff at yous but the picshur in our minds of the drool is too funny. We shouldn't laff too much though acoz our Mom we finks is going to try the same fing wif us. We's goin to hide.
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