Meezer Rule Number 1:
Cats are always for Peace.
Dona Nobis Pacem

Pam grew up in the Rochester Area and attended Bishop Kearney High School. She still considers Rochester to be her home, although she does not live here anymore. She frequently visits the area and the students at Bishop Kearney. Pam is the 2nd woman to command a Space Shuttle. We are so very proud of her. (and she's only one year older than our mommy, so it's really cool that someone that old can still go into space. HAHAHAHAHA)
Sammy and I got to be at Mission Control for the launch. At ferst, I thought they said LUNCH. and I was so 'acited. Then I saw all the 'puters and realized that they didn't mean lunch. It was furry loud, but 'aciting too!

We is furry 'acited about the landing. We is going to teleport ofur to Sammy's girlfriend Abby's house 'acause they live close to where the shuttle will land.
Thank you to Zooaltry (Maggie, Zoey and Ann) for the awsome pikshurs!

We is furry 'acited about the landing. We is going to teleport ofur to Sammy's girlfriend Abby's house 'acause they live close to where the shuttle will land.

Meezer Rule Number 2:
Always cheer for your hometown heros!!
Godspeed Pam and Crew!
WOW!!! What an adventure!!! Can I come next time??? PLEASE!!!!!
She is a really cool hometown hero!!! Enjoy the shuttle landing too ;)
Of course we are!
Yay for yoo!
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies to my boyfriendcat Miles :) ~~ Sanjee
Oh and Pepi says grate Meezer rules!
Those are both great rules! Let there be peace. :)
Oh wow! How exciting. I think I need to consider you for the Administrators of NASA when I am elected President of the US!
Doc Holiday
Purrfect for America
Peace to you two wonderful boys, and Hey! Be careful!
Oh we is so happy dat yu bofth comin ofur furr da Shuttle landing...we can watch furr it outta our window... oooo dis will be furry excitin and yu bofth can tell us all about the launch!
***wavin paws and tails***
Miles and Sammys is comin ofur!
Any kitty is welcome ... da more da meezerier!
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs
Purrs and Nosekisses
***Blowin kisses***
Your happy and adoring little muffin girl
Bus rides, train rides and now to outer spaces? You twos are so luckys!
You all have some very exciting adventures!! We love the pictures!
The Bunch
Wow! I really liked reading about this. It is cools!
Hi Miles and Sammy,
guess you are excited. 'Discovery' returns today, yay. We hope for a safe return and successful mission. We must go read some of your links about your hometown girl!
....and Peace to you as well,
Moe & Mindy
Purrs for peace . . . .and great adventurous pictures of you both!
You guys always find the coolest adventures!
Wow, Meezers in Space - how cool is that!
Purrs for Peace,
beautiful cats!! what a beautiful post for peace, my globe is up and flying today....Peace to you!!
we likes yer peace globe, but we is green-eyed envyus of yer astrocat pictures!! we will be posting one tomorrow . . .
purrs to ya, fellow furs!!
Wonnnnnnderful peace globie.
We're purring for peace too!
That's cool you gots to go to the luanch!
Wowie, how kool about the launch! I love those pickshures. And peace to you, our superduper furriends!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and alla the Ballicai!
Peace to yoo too and yer family.
Yoo bofe haf such grate avenchurs and yoo must be furry proud of yer hometown hero.
Pax vobiscum!
And how exciting about your hometown hero -- how proud you must be!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
wow! you have your own hometown hero. very cool!
purrs for peace and for their safe return home.
wowzer - NASA eh? good job you kissed out on your LUNCh cos space food is vile xxx
You guyz are amazin!!! Up in space, road trips, evfurry place. Did Sammy learn to steer da space shuttle yet? I yam not sure I yam ready to go on a road trip to space!!!!!
-Paz y'amore,
Dr Tweety
Da picshures am amazing! Peace to you all - Sammy, Miles & Fambly.
Peace to you all...we loves da pikshers! Your friends at da Castle.
Terrific Rules Today!
China Cat & I will certainly be supporting Pambo tomorrow, as well as the Peace Blogs today!
Those are really cool pictures!
Hurray for Hometown heros! Great Peace Globe and we agree all cats are for peace. Those are great pictures!!
Your FL furiends,
Great news about your hometown hero. I hope you enjoyed watching the landing. Peace to you and all the world.
You got to be at mission control? I'm so envious. Did you sneak a peace globe on the flying machine?
Peace to you and yours!
And purrs too.
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