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ME has been here 6 monfs and mommy says that today will be my purrfday 'acause ME was almost 6 monfs old when ME gotted here. so IT'S MY PURRFDAY!!! ME IS MANCAT!!! mommy says ME is still peanut though. MY woofie furriend MAX does not come up to mommy's knees, and he only weights 36 pounds, so that is why ME looks giant when ME is next to him. Mommy says ME is still little.
Happy Happy FIRSTEST PURRFDAY Billy Sweet Feets!!!! Welcome to ManCathood! We'll try to stop by later to have a niptini with you (but we might not make it till late).
Happy first Birthday Billy. So at what age do kittehs go to school and learn how to count? ;)
You are way too kyoot. Happy Purrfday Billy!!!
Luf, Us
Oh wow oh wow oh wow!! Happy Purrfday Billy!! Do mancats still get to PLAYPLAYPLAY? Even if their bestest friend is still only a minimancat?? I hopes so. Me not worry though - me thinks we should PLAYPLAYPLAY to celeybrate until time for the party and then we can PLAYPLAYPLAY some more!!!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally a Mancat!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy!!!! Look out girlctas ;) !!!
Purrs Mickey
Billy!!! Happy Purrthday to you!! You are finally a mancat! Woohoo!!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy Birthday, Billy Sweet Feets!
This is Crystal. I'm 10 and I want to tell you straight out, if you want to live beyond 10 years, cut out the cigarettes and booze! Forever!! I want my friends to be healthy and around for a long time.
Happy Happy Purrfday, Billy!!! And, yes, please lose the cigarette. We worry about the Big Boy (who came home after college and won't go away!) acause he smokes and we don't like it.
Have a glorious day!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Haf the sweetest purrday pawty ever
We all ♥ you lotz!
happee happee birfday
on this your special day
happee happee birfday
that's what we're here to say!
Happee birfday Billy!
We agrees bout the's not good for you!
Happy happy purrthday Billy! Hope you get lots of treats!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Billy! Even though you are officially a Mancat, I am not sure that you are old enough to drink whiskey.
Aw rite! PAW-TAY! Whoooo hooo!
Billy, you da mancat.
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Billy,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many mooooooore!
Does we has to call you "William" now? Dat could cause sum confusion wif WMD.
Happy, happy birthday, Bill! I'll bring some cigars and Scotch for us mancats later.
Happy first Purrthday, Billy! Congratulations on being a mancat now.
::Clap, clap, clap::
Three cheers for the mancat!!
Happy bithday big guy, and many more.
Meowwzzaaaaa! Cigars & Scotch in the mancats lounge later.
I'll be there!
You are a mancat already? Where did the last 6 months go? Have a lovely time Billy.
Hi Meezers...thanks so much for sending good purrs WInton's way!!!
Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf and Blossom
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Billy Sweetfeets! You're a mancat now! :)
Happy happy birthday Billy Sweet Feets! We are so happy that you are now officially a mancat, that is so exciting! We hope you have a treat filled special day!
Purrs and headbutts to you!
Happy Birthday Billy!!! We will try and be back in time for your birthday party!!! Have a great one!!!
Happy Purrthday Billy Sweetfeets - please don't start smoking, it is furry bad fur yoo. Now a little whiskey and nip cigars in da mancat lounge, dat's a celebration!
Wowie, yur a mancat now! Happy Purrthday, Billy Sweetfeets! We will try to make it to the Chatzy Pawtay! And we hope you have a superfabyoolus day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Billy, I hope that you have the happiest 1st birthday! It's my birthday today too but I am 12 today! I hope that I can get to your party tonight!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Big happy Birthday!!! though it's not so good to be a man cat, you can't get away with as much as you did when the humans thought of us as babys ;)
Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol Great Graphic Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Sweetfeets. You are now a big mancat. Hope you got some tunajuice.
Hoppy Birthday Mr. Billy!
Happy Birthday Billy! Bendrix and I would love to join you in a shot and a smoke. Mommy just had some of that liquid in coke after working 12 hrs yesterday. her feed don't hurt no more!
Lets party tonight!
Happy Purrthday Billy. The Jack is fine, but lose the smokes. You might burn your furs off.
Welcome to ManCathood. Now you can join the M-Cats Club.
Happy Purrthday Billy!!!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
O, Billy Sweetfeets, this is a side of you's we hafn't seen before!!!!
We's must not let Sol, Smokey an BJ see what you's doing fur yours furrst purrthday, they only gotted tuna fish. No Jack Daniels or cigaretties. Hee hee.
Love and Purrs,
Happy 1st Birthday, Billy!!
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Happy purrfday! So sorry I missed the chat session, but I hope you had a great time!
Happy B-Day, little buddy! Sigh...the little tykes grow up so fast, eh, Sammy & Miles?
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi Billy, We are sorry we missed chatting with you at your party. We hope you had a great party, and we think you are going to make a wonderful mancat.
Happy Birthday.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I'm so sorry that I missed your party. Today was the first day that I could venture down the stairs. Please know that I was there in spirit!!!!!
Many more Happy Birthdays!
Love, Auntie Deb
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Billy SweetFeets,
Belated Birthday wishes! We hope that you had a great time yesterday!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Birthday Bill SweetFeets and many. many. many mooooooore!!!! We love your Graphic! hehehehehehehe
Your FL furiends,
Happy Purrfday, Billy! (Be careful with that Jack Daniels stuff! Even though you're a mancat, it'll put hair on your chest. Oh, that's right, you already have hair on your chest. Nevermind!)
Billy ... Although it's your birthday an' you are officially a ManCat, there is NO SMOKING! I'm gonna tell your momma!
Happy Purrthday Billy! Hows it feel to be an official mancat?
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Billie
Happy Birthday to you
And many moooooooooore
Lucky & Roxy
happy furrsest purrthday, dear billy sweetfeets!! we are sorry we could not attend the festifities--mom & dad hadda go to chicago acause our grampa bean wasn't feelin' so hot. but we hopes you has a pawesome year!! love & purrs,
nels, ed, nitro, & xing lu
Happy Birthday Billy!!!
Sorry we're late.
Prince Frostin's Court
Oh noes...we missed your purrthday!! Hope you got some great presents.
Hapy Purrthday Billy. Now that you are an official mancat you can whap Miles and Sammy. So the next time they sit on you or shove your head in the water dish feel free to bop away.
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