Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hams of the Werld - Day 1

IT'S HERE!!!! The big day has arrived. We are all teleporting over to Auntie Deb's to haf some brekfest and then we will leave for Smith-field HAM!!!!
Hanging out in Auntie Deb's Kitchen - waiting for breakfast - ham and ham omelets, ham and ham sammiches, ham and grits, and also more arrivals.
Left to right: Nina Torbie, Buddy, Sassy, Allie, Tamir and Wally
Everyone is having a good time hanging out with Auntie Deb, and Sassy, Sam, Seaborne, Sadie and Summer. They are very gracious hosts and will be travelling with us too!
After brekfest the WEINER-MOBILE arrived!! HOLY BAST!!! What a WONDERFUL vehicle!!!!! Sammy will be doing the driving - so I hopes that you all didn't eat too much for brekfest.
Pictured below - waiting to board the Weiner-Mobile:
Top Row: Ferris, Nigel, Speedy and Sadie, Sol and BJ.
Middle Row: Ed and Igmu, Madison, Ellie, Cecilia, and Ginger
Bottom Row: Crystal, Ellie, Xing Lu, Smokey, Khyra, Faith Boo and Tour Guide Victor.

Amidst choruses of "99 containers of nip on the wall" and the consensus that none of us are really good at counting backwards after 98, we hear the cries of OH. MY. BAST!! THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!! The Holy Grail of Hamdom. The Taj Maham. BuckingHAM Palace......... PORKTOPIA!!!!
To Be Continued.......... Tomorrow we travel in the weiner-mobile to visit Mr Hendrix and tour "porkopolis" and also visit the O-S-C-A-R Meyer place in Madison, WI.
Now, Victor's Mom has offered to make some nip ham toys for us to purchase to remember this trip and to also help raise money for cats and dogs and other animals in LA who are effected by the fires, and also for a CB cat (to be named near at the end of the the Ham tour). The nip ham toys are $2 EACH for the ferst 2 and then $1 for each one after that (so 3 for $5, 4 for $6, 5 for $7, 6 for $8, 7 for $9, 8 for $10, etc). Please consider helping!

Pee Ess: There's STILL time to join the tour. If you haf joined and doesn't see your pikshur yet, no worries, we is still printing out the pikshurs from the camera - it's kind of hard when you're riding in a giant hot dog that's being driven by a total maniac.


Alexi said...

I would like to tag along too. You may have to get a picture from my bloggie.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yeah, you're off.

Buddy, be sure to send some ham home from each stop so we can taste it too.

Samantha & Mom said...

Can we come too? Just get a picture from our Blog!! This looks like loads of fun!
Your TX furiends,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oooooooooooooow, what a ride dat was...Zippy shouldn't be allowed to sit up der wif Sammy as she haf a tendancy to just keep yelling "faster faster faster"!

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We went to Aunt Debby's house but she isn't up yet. Where's da ham? Should we wake da biped up and make her start cooking?

Karen Jo said...

The tour looks great. I ordered some ham nip toys for the kitties I know. They will be getting them for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

We is hopin' that you's guys is gonna take us on a tour of some Polish ham factory. Dat is some good ham!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... a giant hot dog. Whitey wants to know if the O-S-C-A-R Meyer place is giving our free samples of bah-loney?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Phew! We got here. We had a bit of trouble teleporting across the pond cuz of turbo-lents. It wuz probably good though cuz it got us ready for Sammy's driving.

The Florida Furkids said...

This is so much fun! We're headed to Aunti Debs house for breakfast right now!! We love HAM!!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Mmmmm....this ham is mighty tasty!!

Millie said...

Woo hoo! Mom's doing boring junk like sewing and watching tennis. I am going to have FUN with everybody. Sammy hasn't learned to drive a giant weinermobile any better than a two decker red bus. This is gonna be fun!

Hams of the Werld, Here I Come!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so excited about the tour that we forgot to mention that we gave you an award on our blog today!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

Oh there is the Weiner Mobile with my family and my friends on board...I'm a bit late because well, because I had to use the litter box before boarding...

Don't leave without me!!!!! Woo hoo!

I saw my mom doing something on the computer yesterday so I hope that means nip toys for us.

Deb Cushman said...

The tour sounds like fun. Enjoy all your hams! We think we'll stay home and eat our lettuce.
Freckles and Deb

Victor Tabbycat said...

::Nom nom gulp:: Dat was a close one! I took Karen Jo's vice an snuck to Auntie Deb's afore Mom could ground me fur spillin her dirts!
Ok, on dat left, um, trees... houses... more trees. On da right... Sammy! Squirrel! Qwik!

Nina Torbie said...

Oh! I'm so excited! This is my first cat blogging adventure. Did anyone bring a first aid kit, just in case? ::lick lick lick:: too bad the wiener mobile seats are just plastic.

PS It should say $2 EACH for the first 2 nip hams, $1 each additional. Oh, I hope Mom can make them all before we're old!

Meowers from Missouri said...



hey! who knew kittens could turn ::greenish:: on hairpin turns??!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Woohoo! This is fun! Sammy, you're a crazy driver! Yikes! Watch out for that bus! Phew, that was close. We thought you drive on the right over here, not on the left like us.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

This sounds like fun. WE wish we could go! We were disappointed that you did not come to the Owens place here. You could have seen the horses that pull their parade wagons. They mainly do sausage, though!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Psst...that's okay... I'll be the one in disguise. I think they are looking for me on the tour unfortuntately and Britain will let the extradite....

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, this is so much fun.
I love Sammy's driving, it's more fun than anyfing.
It's kinda like

Than, maybe Billy SweetFeets an I snugglesnugglesnuggle :: blush ::
~ Faith Boomerang

Wendy Hoke said...

I'm here, I'm here!!!!! Boy that ham is good!

See you tomorrow!


p.s. Billy Sweetfeets has a girlfriend?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are on our way! Thanks you for inviting. Just snag a picture!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

*holes yore paw* Oh Miles dis is grate! Oh n lotsa nommy ham. mmmmmm I is in heaben wif yoo!
purrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

Well, we won't hold your paw, but the rest of us are coming along too. That weinermobile is pawsome. The Taylor CatSSSSS are great hosts too. Mmmmmmm
~~ Pepi, Boni Maroni, Mini, and Gree with Othello, Kashim and Sally who are visiting us while Momma Astrid is away

Anonymous said...

Yoo all look like you're having a pawesome time!

The Devil Dog said...

Are you going to let Miles drive, Sammy? He drove so well on our road trip. Do make sure their is no karaoke machine for Monty to screech along with, okay?
Mom has her second test Saturday, so she will never miss us. Which photos of us would you like?

Roxy & Lucky

Daisy said...

Wheeeeeee! This is fun! I never knew the Weiner Mobile could go so fast. The ham sammiches are delicious!

Sorry we are a little late, but Mr. Shrill tried to join us. We had to go back home to drop him off.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Samm, please take the curves a little slower. Buddy keeps falling over on me and if I hadn't eaten such a big breakfast at Auntie Deb's, I'd be flat as a pancake by now. I don't care if he is my brother, Buddy IS heavy.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All these khats...

All these khats...

All these khats...


Jans Funny Farm said...

Sammy, don't pay any attention to Crystal. I LOVE your flying -- um, driving. In fact, if you get tired, I'd be glad to pitch hit for you. I'm sure I have a pilot's license somewhere in my baggage.


Just Ducky said...

Wait for ME!!!!

Noll's Nip said...

Sammy! It's Noll. Look behind you, I'm hanging onto the weiner's bumper!

Victor Tabbycat said...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sounds like ya are all haffin a great time...

Reese =^..^= said...

Meowee! Looks like fun on the weinermobile!! Be careful.

Sweet Purrfections said...

This looks like a great tour! I hope I don't miss out on it!

Sweet Purrfections said...

This looks like a great tour! I hope I don't miss out on it!

Sweet Purrfections said...

This looks like a great tour! I hope I don't miss out on it!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh my goodness, this is so amazing. I wish I was younger and I would so be there!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We want to come along too!
We haven't been checking the blogs too much lately, so we hope we are not too late!
Can you get pics from our blog?
Thanks for making room for us, we especially can't wait to go across the pond!

The Kitty Krew said...

We're having a great time on the tour! Woohoo!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...