Here is the Meezer Monday Miles Report
The Foods Report: Turkey, chick-hen, bacon and pork rib.
The Billy Report: Well, it's been quite a 'aciting weekend around here. Billy um, volunteered, to be Dr Buddy's ferst brain surgery patient. The surgery wented ok, and we finally finded out why he is weerd. Go read all about it.
Now here's our resident whack-o to talk about another resident whack-o: Sammy Meezer here with some furry 'aciting and disturbing noos: BILLY IS AN ALIEN. Well that seems to be the consensus after his surgery. That and the fact that he seems to be able to communicate with the aliens in the neighborhood. Especially the one next door. And the fuzzy white one that comes to visit us. But the surgery results 'esplain ALOT.
Back to you oh tub of goo.
::SIGH:: why do I drive myself crazy week after week?
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Billy ... Brain surgery? Uh, oh.
Yay for your Grampie getting out of the hospital! My Grandpa was in the hospital for 3 days last week too.
I saw Billy's brain surgery. It looked ~ interesting.
Miles, you do set yourself up for abuse. yes you do.
We are STILL trying to figure out why your mom has khats!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
You got a pork rib? Way cool. I'm glad to know that Billy HAS a brain. The way you guys talked, I was a bit worried about that outcome.
Well, that explains a lot! Maybe we should get Dr. Buddy to perform brain surgery on Ferris to find out why he is so bad!
You got to eat pork ribs? Pork ribs?
Billy had brain surgery? we didn't know!
You guys are so cool! you do know that you are in the rocket in Mooshie's quilt, don't you? You know, the one Mom made for Monty's NewBean? We had to honor your special driving skills!
ps, I'd love a card!
Well howdy Meezers & Billy! My name's Nico, I'm a poly meezer & me and my brothers just started blogging a few days ago! It's nice to meet you - hope to see you around!
Nico, Austin & JayJay :)
Are you going to get Dr. Buddy to wash the alien right out of Billy's brain?
Pork rib? That sounds extra yummy.
Oh my Billy yoo needs a brainwashin?
Now I knoos why yoo is ahhh diffurant!
*kitty grins* In a gud way! We lubs yoo Billy -- we all lub orange boys! Course if Ping had his brain examined we don't knoos what dey wood find eiffur.
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman
your adorin tiny tuxie princess
Sammy, we didn't know you wuz a tub of goo. Iz that because Billy iz an alien? Just wonderin.
sounds like a pretty interesting week there!
smiles, auntie bee
Hello to my three sweet boys! Goodness!!! I have missed visiting with you! I managed to get on the computer today and actually helped the catSSSSS blog! How have you three been?
Billy...Hello my sweetfeets...I have lots of kisses for you!
Miles...How have you been? I have missed reading all your reports. Kisses too you too!
Sammy...Hi! Your alien reports always make me laugh! Kisses!!
Meezer Mommy!!! Hello to you too!
Much love from:
Auntie Deb and all the CatSSSSS
We just learned our comment didn't post when we had to type in our info at Millie's blog.
We posted some of the insights received since Billy's surgery.
And Billy, we want you to know we love you!
We're glad that Billy survived the brain surgery, but are not sure hiw ti take the results. We thought ALL cats were aliens! We're confuzzled!
Dudes! Whitey wrote Sammy Meezer into The Story Game this week! Iz very exciting! Come see!
We think Billy needs rest and lots of toys and nip for Christmas!
"MA" thanks you for coming by to wish her a Happy Birthday......and we loved your Monday Miles Report.....xxxxxxx
SO Funny! Mom LOVES aliens!
Crap, yoo guys sent Billy fur brain serjeree? Wow. We think maybe Dr Buddy shoulda scraped one of dem green spots fur analasis. And yoo gots bacon AND pork rib? Man, yoo guys got da good life.
Well guys, the results of the surgery just confirms what you suspected all along, doesn't it.
Oh dear. hee hee
Brain surgery????? Aliens????? We gotta go read all about this!!!!!!!
We followed Billy's surgery and are pretty sure that he is either overdosed with nip or part Irish.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Billy, this is our first visit and we are so very glad your drain bamage wasn't too severe. Get well soon :-)
Do those spots on Billy's brain make him an alien???
Oh Miles... how DO you put up with it all?!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment for Glogirly. She's been smiling alot today reading comments.
She said to tell MeezerMom that this crazy disease is often a moving target and not to beat herself up over it. What works one day, may not the next. Blood sugar is like blood pressure... it's constantly changing.
If MeezerMom is interested, she can check out the message forum that Glogirly reads regularly. It's part of the American Diabetes Association website and she said there are a lot of incredibly friendly and knowledgeable people just like her. (well, except alot smarter when it comes to managing diabetes.) That's where she learned the most important things about how to eat and manage her own diabetes in her own way. She swears by it. Here's the link:
(Glogirly's cat)
You do it Miles,because you can't believe your family is nuts!! heehee
Just think about the food ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
how are the ghosts in the basement sammy? Billy is an alien huh? i eat aliens. :)
Billy, you are just unique, not alien!
So glad your surgery went well Billy! Now, how to get rid of the green spots in your brain... If you find out how, let me know, coz I have white spots in my brain (seriously)! :)xxx
do you guys get to eat all that foods....sounds so yummy
kodak, 3 perf and blossom
I am glad that Billy is alright!
Maybe he should stick his head in the water bowl and swish it around to clean his brains out!
And also, thanks for visitin my new blog!
Miles, I feel for you buddy!
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