Thursday, March 16, 2006

She went hunting!


I was happy and smiling last night. Mommy got home late from werk - somefing about getting her claws done- and she had been hunting! And, she said that because it was our friend Buddah's birthday, we could have a speshul treat. So, I hadded ham AND shrimps! Sammy didn't want any so he had his speshul kitty crack. I shared my ham and shrimps with gramma Trixie, and grampa Norton hadded some donut in his bed, 'acause he was feeling poorly and did not want to get up. Then Mommy cuddled Sammy and I and we looked at Max 's book while Mommy read it. Then I laid down on the pillow and went to sleep all smiley. AND, I didn't rabbit kick Mommy under the covers last night.




You look so contented afta your shrimpies and ham. Boy I sure am glad your Momma went and hunted for you and Sammy. (HI Sammy!!)

Me and Sammy are gonna have to have us a few nips together. I LOVada nips!!

Woo woo I act like a naughty girl when I get nips. *blush


Shaggy and Scout said...

Sammy seems kinda anti-social just going off with the nip by himself like that.

WCTs said...

Just the sweetest kitty pics and such great stories.
Love your blog..we have the same background wallpaper.


Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

Our mom says your smile is very sweet & innocent, Miles. We're all hopin' that your grampa Norton enjoyed his donut and is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting the ham!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

yea to special treats!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mom said she needs to cut mine claws cuz I gotted hung up on the tree last night and couldnt pull my claw out.

We am glad you am happy, nothing better than A Happy Cat!

I loves to kick kick, so does Mittens...she kick kicks her towel Mom has for her to lay on, on the bedspread. She gets all crazy with it sometimes....

Fat Eric said...

Yay! You got ham! Well done Miles, and you look purrrty happy. Hope Norton feels better again soon.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wow - ham and shrimps! We thinks we'd look contented like you if our mom would go and hunt us down some of them shrimpies. We's hoping maybe there will be some at Finnegan and Buddy's party. See ya there! Sammy aleady gotted the cutie Abby for a date... Maybe I'm too young for girl kitties... Hey Miles wanna play tub soccer?
Beau Beau

Anonymous said...

Ham and shrimps -- yeah baby! Way to go Miles!

Sending good vibes to Norton...

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally got some good treat! And, it seems I was missing your age, but I just got it off the about me part. I don't have anything for Trixie and Norton. Are they participating in the Catolympics? Miles is fine. Take care, and enjoy your treats!

Anonymous said...

It was your WEIGHT I needed to know for the sumo wrestling.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...