First, we've been tagged by our new friend Zeus , to tell efurryone what our favorite cat blogging werds. So, here are ours
1. Stinky Goodness - yes, we know that a lot of ofer cats like this too, but Max really got this one right.
2. Purrfday (or Purrthday) - our Mommy just loves that werd
3. Poodin - our Mommy has been calling Grampa Norton and Gramma Trixie poodin since they was babies.
4. Human Litter Box - well, what else would it be called?
5. Binkies- we wish we were bunnies so that we could do this.
We don't know who to tag, so anyone who wants to play can!
OH OH OH OH OH! Somefing HORRIBLE happened to me yesterday!!! I fink I need a new Mommy. I fink she HATES me!! She was getting ready to go to her study group last night for their last praktice session before the big test, and she was in the Human Litter Box room, trying her bestest to look human so that she could go outside, and when she lefted the room SHE CLOSED THE DOOR AND LEFT ME THERE!!! I was prakticing tub soccer for the cat olympics, and she ALWAYS looks in the tub before she closes the door, but this time she didn't. Then I heard the outside door close and I saw the big metal box pull out of the driveway, and I WAS TRAPPED!!!! I tried to get Sammy and Trixie to open the door, but it was shut tight. And it was HOT in there - the warm air blowy thingie was still on. I thought I was going to DIE. Then, after FOREVER, she came home, and she STILL DIDN'T NOTICE that I was not downstairs to say Hi to her. It took 10 WHOLE MINUTES for her to realize that she could not find me. FINALLY, she opened the door to the human litter box room and I was giving her my red devil eyes while I was laying on the window sill. Sammy came running in and jumped up there to make sure that I was ok. Then Mommy tried to kiss me and tell me she was sorry, but I told her she could go sell it somewhere else, I was not buying it. I got her back though, when she was sound asleep at 2:30am, I crawled under the covers and put the big bite on her toes.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh Miles what an ordeal! Sometimes they go totally brainless don't they? Good job on the toe bite though!
Oh poor Miles! Thank goodness you're OK. Beans are notorious for doing things like that. My beandad left me in the Closet Under the Stairs for a whole 35 minutes. Beanmom rescued me.
Oh, Miles that is horrific......purely awful, we are so glad you are OK! Thanks for sharing the Terrible Tail.
I liked your words, Meezers!
Miles: Isis has this happen to her all the time because she is so tiny, and our human pet is so tall that she forgets to look down. I am glad you are alright, and I hope that you never have to go through such a horrendous experience again!
After all, look what those lock-ups have done to Isis: cuckoo, cuckoo!
Good for you!! She deserved it after leaving you locked up. How can humans forget us kitties like that?!
Miles, that's just awful. How lucky that you survived such an ordeal and feel up to talking about it. Our Mom always checks to see where each of us is before she leaves the house.
Oh dear. I gots stuck in the closet one day, all day, while mum was at work. That was no funs at all. Mum is very good abouts checking I am not stuck anywhere before she leaves for work now.
i am glad you are okay. tell your mom that if she is going to get fallin' down drunk after her test to make sure she has a designated driver so she stays safe.
Oh, Edsel, that is the most funny thing!!
The Mom always makes sure she knows where we are before she leaves, and gives us each a treat. We have come to expect it.
You should put the bite on her toes everynight for at least a week because of what she did. Unforgivable ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Glad you is Mom ax-i-dently closed the closet door on Boo one night and den couldn't find her. She went outside in her PJ's lookin for Boo 'cuz she thought she got out or somethin'. She went all over and into the big trees lookin' for Boo. She was all upset. Den I asked Jinx, where is Boo and he said silly kitty she right dare in the closet. Get the male bean to open the door so Momma will hush up. So I told the male bean to open da door and out popped Boo, only Momma sad down on the step and boo hooed even more. I don't understand these crazy beans. Cryin thinkin' Boo was gone and cryin' cuz she found her!
I didn't get to say HI to my Sweeties Sammy!
Oh no, what a terrible ordeal for you Miles! I got shut in the spare room once and my humans went out, when they got home they were all worried because they couldn't find me. They never thought I would be in the spare room because I never normally go in there. When they opened the door I shot out at 100mph!!
Fortunately my mom hates to close doors because the First Siamese, Simone used to get locked in and then she would just sit there and wait, and never meow until AFTER my Mom had opened the door. So now she just leaves doors opened--mostly so I haven't been trapped. That sounds horrible.
We gets locked in the bedroom all the time. If my sissyfur Sooner gets locked in there too long she pees on the bed. She did that the other day. Then she did it the next day too even though the door was open all day. She told me she did it to get back at them for making her take icky medicines( she has a fungal infection on her nose that is almost gone).
I was shut in a bedroom my first 2 weeks here, but that was so Bonnie could get used to me (not that THAT worked). It was lonely, but Mom an Dad and the boy came in an spent lotsa time wif me. Well, now that I can go efurrywhere, they shut us OUT of that room! Beans is nuts.
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