Sunday, June 04, 2006




I stealed some bacon from mommy's breakfast plate. OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW - it was maple flavored bacon!! Why can't they make maple flavored bacon stinky goodness?


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, wow, Miles....I have nefur had that. Momma eats this ishy paste in the morning she calls oat-in-a-meal.

Patches Lady

Hi Bestest Furrend Trixie...I sit on Momma's lap and smell her breath when she eats the paste.

Mittens Pollypaws

Anonymous said...

Miles, you are quite the foodie!

Gemini said...

Oh Miles, that was furry fast of you! Momma said if I get any ideas, I will be in BIG trouble.

Lone Star Purrs said...

We gotted our package in the mail yesterday!! Fanks sooo much!! Momma liked her pressies too. We'll post picsures on our blog later. We liked the trout stinky goodness.

Fat Eric said...

mmmmm....bacon.... (drools)

Zeus said...

Bacon is the food of the gawds...(drools with Fat Eric)

Edsel/The Pooch said...

i get little pieces of bacon for treats sometimes, it's very, very good

Shaggy and Scout said...

Miles you are an excellent thief. What a sneak!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Bacon is okay. We never have it much here. But Mama had Hammm today and shared!

Still don't get why we can't get hamm stinky goodness.....

Max said...

Baaaaccccooooonnnnn....oh man now I want some. I've never had it with maple syrup flavor, though. Maybe they don't make it for cats because we'd all be on a sugar high from the sryup...?


Miles you are quite the gourmet!

I can tell you really enjoyed your BACON!

Hi Sweetest Sammy!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

O Miles! Not that I know you like bacon soo much I will invite you ofer next time Mommy makes some.

Maggie, Molly & Lucy Too said...

Oh my momma let me have my first taste of bacon this past sunday too...yummy, Mine wasn't mable, but regular flavored. I even got a little taste of eggs...It must have been our lucky day!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...