Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Torch has been passed!!


I has passed the torch to Dino, Egypt and Tuxie and they will be running wif it to Mew Jersey to bring it to Timmy.

I want to fank Dino, Egypt, Tuxie, Maxie and Midnight and Kitty Dad (and all the ofer beans) for taking such good care of me. I was really tired when I gotted there, and they hadded some stinky goodness and a basket all set for me so that I could rest. Then, I gotted to meet a Fencing Secretary named Mr Rumsfeld. I was so furry 'acited, but I was tired too. He maded a speech at some school for people who enforce the air, or somefing like that. (oh wait, Mommy says it was the Secretary of Defense and the Air Force Academy, sorry).

There was alot to see on the way to Colorado, and a couple of times I gotted dis-trak-ted by some birds and almost went off course. Mittens, I hadded Mommy put a sticker on my left paw and I sang the Hokey Pokey song when I hadded to make a turn so that I knowed which way to go. I has to say that there is LOTS of climbing to do in Colorado!

I am happy to be home 'acause I missed my Mommy lots, and Kitty Dad let me bring some mousie ice wif catnip flakes and birdie sprinkles home wif me to share wif Trixie and Sammy. Maybe I will, it's really good.

Good luck Dino, Egypt and Tuxie !! You will do really well. YAY!!!!!



Wow Miles you had a very ad- vent- ours trip. I sure hope BOO does as well as you did. She is werking real hard on her conditioning to be ready for the run.

Hi sweestest Sammy!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh boy, Miles, sounds like some real citement for you. Glad you are home safe. I bet you know your left from your right now.


Zeus said...

It sounds like you had a really big adventure in traveling to Colorado! How exciting! You did a fantastic job, Miles, and to meet a secretary on top of it all...well, that's just gravy my friend!

Gemini said...

I'm glad you are safe Miles. It sounds like a furry big adventure.

Shaggy and Scout said...

GOOD JOB! And you got to meet a dig-nit-airy too! WOW!

The Crew said...

Wonderful work Miles! Now you can take a well deserved nap.

Anonymous said...

It Snoozy time!

Maggie, Molly & Lucy Too said...

I heard you did a fine job..Glad you are home safe and sound.

Victor Tabbycat said...

I fink those air forcers fly like birds. That or they learn to blow really hard. Maybe that's how the hot an cold air blow thru the house to keep it nice when it's cold or hot outside?
Were there big trees in Colorado? Did you see any trains crossin the country? I wish I coulda carried the torch, but I'd be ascared to leaf my house. Miles, You da Cat.

Eponine's Cowboy said...

I'm having a hard time keeping up with this relay! I need to do a better job of checking more frequently.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...