I let Mommy's friend touch me!!! I camed downstairs after Trixie and Miles camed upstairs to tell me that she was nice, and then I heared mommy calling me, so I wented down the stairs. I wented ofurr to the couch and then mommy pickded me up and then her friend camed ofurr and pet me. She saided that my furs felted like suede (whatefurr that is) and that I hadded gorgeous blue eyes. And then it happened, my purr motor started and I couldn't help it, I liked her. After a minute I came to my senses and ran upstairs, but a little while later I camed down again and went to my spot at the big window. I wasn't so scared. But I ignored her. But still, i letted her pet me. Mommy saided that she was proud. Miles was a little attention piggy. He would not leave her alone. He put his stink all ofurr efurryfing she broughted wif her.
Way to go, Sammy! You are so very brave. Awesome!
Wasn't so bad was it. Maybe you knew her in a previous life or somefin so you were able to allow her to touch you.
you were very brave. i would never let anybody i didn't know touch me, heck, i wouldn't come into the room....
We am furry proud of you!! Meeko won't come downstairs if we gots company. Kiara will sometimes. But sometitmes...the visitors are REALLY loud and scary!!! Then we run!!
That was a very brave thing to do. I stay hided up in the closet in Mommas clothes. I like it there cuz it smells like her. You DO have lovely blue eyes!!
Hi Trixie!!!!
Mittens Pollypaws
wow - we hafta run effun if someone who lives here is comin ta the door - jus ta be shur
That was very brave of you Sammys! You made a new bean friend. She was a furry nice lady, now you will know her when she comes back to see you again.
Oh Sammys you really do have dreamy blue eyes!
BYE my sweetest Sammys!!
Purrrrrrss (you get my purr motor running!) & Headbutts
Yes, you are very brave. Bubbles hates strangers and Mrs. B only pays any attention if they feed her.
You were very brave Sammy. I on the other hand answer the door whenever the bell rings. I loves company.
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