The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
No, I don't haf Green Eyes
Mommy says I haf a Green Eyed monster in me. I askded her what that means as I was pushing Sammy out of the way to get to sit next to Mommy on the couch, and she said that I was jealous of Sammy getting attention from her. No I'm not. I just want my share of attention at the same time he gets his. Then after she kissed on Sammy and me and Trixie for a while when she gotted home from werk, she gived us ham. Sammy actually ate a piece and I hissed at him, 'acause it was from my pile. Then I tried to eat Trixie's pile. I was just hungry, not jealous that she gotted some too. Why can't Mommy see that I don't have a green eyed monster living in me? My eyes are BLUE -see?
This pikshur is for Kukka. She saided that I could draw a pikshur of a giftie for her and I did. I hope you likes it Kukka! It's a little small, but I did put your name on it.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh, those are spooky eyes!
I do the same thing, eat Mittens foods and push her around, cuz I am the Queen. Momma is always yelling PATCHES, NOOOOO.......I DO have green eyes though.....
Mittens says purrs to Trixie......her bestest furrend.
Patches Lady
Oh Miles you just enjoy eating and hugging and snugglin! Nuthin wrongs wif dat. But Sweet Sammys and Beautiful Trixies need some lovin'and treaties too. But, I's understand, cuz Momma has got to feeds me first too. I gets to taste efurryfink first! I also CHASE the oddur poodins away from Momma...she is MINE all MINE! I make sure she smells just like me. I hafta werk hard to keep da oddur poodins away. It's a tough job for a itty bitty kitty.
HI to my Sweetest Sammys!
Miles, my sweetie! What a beautiful replica of an authentic pink, leather flask!
With your permission, I would love to post your picture on my blog, so others know that gift can be crossed off of my registry.
What a special boyfriend you are!
Miles, you're eyes are so hypnotizing.
Um, and the flask for KM is very nice. You are a good boyfriend!
You do have lovely eyes Miles. Cheysuli does everything you do, so I don't know why it upsets the humans. I think you do 'cause you are Siamese and you are special.
Miles, you don't have a monster in you. You just want what you deserve.
You have purrty blue eyes, Miles. And of course you want all the ham. You're Miles! *giggles*
That's a furry nice purresent for Kukka. You're a very sweet boyfriend to make her that.
~~ Boni
boyfriend? oh oh oh oh oh - that's alot of 'asponsibility isn't it? I'm just barely 1! oh, I don't know if mommy will like me being a boyfriend to someone - i'm 'apposed to be HER little boyfriend. maybe she's gonna get a green eyed monster in her now! - Miles
Yes Ko Ko the attention hog from Poiland does that and manages to push Merlin and me out of the way *grumble, grumble* ~Shadow
PS nice picture it looks just like the real thing. ~Shadow
Miles, you are a very good artist! I would like to see you draw a picture of a bunny!
What an artist you am. Anofur item in your long list of talents!
Oh, Miles, you are such a handsome kitty. Such beautiful eyes you have. You could get away with anything! And I'm sure you do!
I read Missy your latest, she really enjoyed it.
You are a very talented kitty cat, that is quite an impressive flask. That should turn milady's head.
These females better step off! I don't like all this talk about my little man's beautiful eyes!
Ladies...while I can have an entire Tomcat Stable, I'm a very jealous (and vicious) woman.
I may just have to lick you until you cry for mercy!
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