Last night, after efurryfing had calmed down from our furry bad day, Mommy picked each one of us up and danced wif us. She saided that she used to dance wif Trixie all the time, spinning round and round and singing. She saided that she wanted to celebrate Trixie's long life and the loved that she gived to all of us, and the bestest way to do that was to do what she liked doing and 'amember her. We sat and thinked of all the fings that Trixie likded to do. Staring at the wind was boring (plus, there was no wind inside). Biting toes gets old quick. There was no christmas tree lights to chew on, (we will save this for the holiday seasn). We settled on dancing. We spinned round and round and Mommy singed "you are my sunshine" - I could not begin to tell you the tune 'acause it maded my ears hurt to listen, but I liked the dancing part. It gived me happy thoughts of Trixie.
I would like to fank efurryone for coming to visit us yesterday and sit wif us. Last night I just sitted in Norton's spot on the couch and stared at Trixie's blankie that was across the room. Then Mommy camed ofurr and we danced. Like Miles said, the dancing was fun, the singing was horrible. But it was a nice way to 'amember Trixie.
Tonigh at 9pm our time (6pm for west coast kitties) Patches, Mittens, Mistrie and CalicoMom are having a candle lighting ceremony for Trixie. Please come to the Big Piney Woods wif us to purr for her. And then after, maybe we can all dance in her memory. And then maybe after that, we could all purray for Luna.
Efurryone is invited ofurr anytime this week if you wants to come and visit wif us.
Meezer Mom and Dad
We would like to thank everyone for all of your kind words and thoughts and for all the cards and messages sent through Trixie's Rainbow Bridge site. We really appreciate the kindness you have all shown us.
We are so glad you are able to help your beans by doing what Trixie liked. We have your whole family in our prayers and thoughts.
'And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance....i hope you dance...'
Dancin is right. Celebrating Trixie's life is bestest.
We'll be there to celebrate Trixie tonight at the Big Piney Woods.
Lotsa Love and Purrrrrrrrrrrs,
Boni, Sanjee, Pepi, Gree, Mini, Mom Robyn and Grandma
Oh we wuz so glad to hear 'bout the dancin! That was such wonderful way to 'member Miss Trixie. Sammys you will hafta show me how to do a new dance when I see you.
We wuz glad you like the story bout The Loving Ones. I cried when Momma read it to me, but I tolds her she had to share wif you and Miles and your Mom and Dad.
We are thinkin of you and will teleport ofur later in da week to chek on you, and will sees you tonight in the Big Piney Woods.
Lubs wif purrs and headbutts
Thank goodness for memories!
Trixie is happy now, out of pain and able to see and hear and play in the daisies.
See you tonight. Blessings to all at the Meezer house.
Oh with all our moving I missed all this happening. We're all so sorry to hear about Trixie's passing. That is the same thing that happened to Fluffy, the cat who came before us. He was 19 years old. At least you know she lived a good, full life full of adventure and love. Our collective hearts go out to your family.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
That sounds like a lovely way to remember Trixie. Though I don't like to be touched much, I think I would have put up with it to remember Trixie. We will certainly all be at the big Piney Woods to purr for Trixie!
She's dancing now for sure with her golden paws and light footwork along the clouds. Trixie will always be remembered by those who loved her...
That was furry sweet. I hope that you all start feeling better. Miss Trixie no doubt is watching you all and wishing she could tell you that she feels much better and can see and jump and attack and play with Norton and Ralphie again.
That's a good way to amember Trixie. Miles, Sammy, can I come ofur to snuggle wif you? I'm feelin sad an lonely.
Victor - sure, come on ofurr. We can snuggle and purr and purray for Luna, and 'amember Trixie. Efurryone is invited. - Sammy
Fanks, Sammy. I's nefur been part of a Meezer pile before. Purr, purr, purr, purr.
Boots, Tess and I are sorry for your loss. The dancing sounded lovely and we are sure Trixie, Norton and Ralph are dancing together too. Our hearts go out to you. Think of all the good times that you had with Trixie and be happy.
What a great way to pay tribute to Gramma Trixie! She was probably singing, dancing and laughing right along with you.
Our love to you...
Sammy, Miles, Meezer Mom and effurycat n bean, If blogger is actin up (like it is this afternoon) and we can't get to the Big Piney Woods for the ceremony for Trixie tonight, come to An Alternate Cat Blogosphere instead. We set it up today. We want to honor Trixie and celebrate her life no matter what blogger does!!!
Boni, Sanjee, Pepi, Gree, and Mini
We're so glad you're here Victor. *purrrrr purrrrr purrrr*
I´m sorry... I´m with you and your pain from Spain...
What a beautiful way to remember such a beautiful soul.
We'll -- ML, MBE, KC & Bear -- be joining you tonight at the Piney Woods, maybe Miles and Sammy can show KC and Missy the dance.
I've danced with Bear all her life, she is quite a good dancer, too -- very light on her feet. "I Could Have Danced All Night" is "our" song.
Trixie will be dancing with us.
We will be there in the Big Piney Woods but momma has a meeting at chruch tonight. She hopes to get there a bit later. Kisses & headbutts to you all.
Mommy made something for Trixie on our blog.My mommy has to get up early also.
we'll be there tonight too. yur momma sounds so sweet wif all that dancin an stuff - yur furry lucky ta haf her.
I bet Trixie was a furry good dancer!
We fink the dancing was a good idea. We bets Miss Trixie was watching and uprooving of it. Now she can dance wiv her bruvvers.
So nice Miles and Sammy that you and your Mom are celebrating Trixie's life with dancing and singing, even if you didn't like the singing. I'm sure Trixie would really like it that way. She is a beautiful girl kitty and she is so glad that she was loved by all of you. There are great memories she left you.
Dear Sammy and Miles,
Dance like no one is watching.
I hope you will participate in Cat Remembrance Day on ninelivesihad.blogspot.com.
Could I have this dance for the rest of my life?
Would you be my partner every night?
When we're together, it feels so right.
Could I have this dance for the rest of my life?
Dance away.
It's a beautiful thing you did to dance in Trixie's memory. We are glad you are celebrating her life. She had such a good and loving one.
Sammy and Miles and Meezer Mom and Dad - We hated to leave so sudden but blogger wouldn't let us post any more at the Calico Girls. We'll do another dance here at home for Trixie. Love n hugs n headbutts n purrs,
All of us at the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
Yoo guys are such a strong familie who luv eachothur a lot. Trixie is luking down on yoo and smiling....we know it!
-Rosie and Cheeto
I hope you dance and dance and dance.
We are so very sorry to hear about Trixie. She had a beautiful life with a wonderful, loving family. We are sure that she would want you all to dance always.
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