Friday, September 15, 2006


We gotted mommy soooooo scairt last night!

Yeah! We was upstairs running around like our butts was on fire, and hafing rasslemania 137 in the hallway when........

We gotted too close to the top of the stairs

And we felled down the stairs

well, halfway down the stairs, but it maded a LOUD noise

And mommy jumped up and ranned up the stairs really fast.

We was sitting there on the stairs laughing. We don't fink she fought it was funny.


Carmen said...

She was just glad you were ok! She'll laugh about it later. :)

My cat, Pooh Bear, took a trip to the vet yesterday and got his revenge on me by handing the bill over to me when it was done. :) He thought it was VERY funny. I thought he should get a job. ;)

O30T said...

Oh dear as long as you didnt get hurt then I am sure your Hummie will laugh about it when her heart goes back to her chest.


OOOOOOOooooooooooo whew I held my lil kitty breaf for a second too Sammy and Miles. YOU 2 needs to be kareful. *whew that was a close one...glad to kno no one wuz got hurtie.

Be kareful my precious Sammys!
And Miles, I sur don't want nofinks happenin to you! Boo said she thought of you last night when she hadda her ham bites.

Be kareful boyz!

Purrs and Headbutts

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

The furless ones just forget we are cats sometimes! We are not babies, crying out loud! Sounds like a lot of fun to me.


Sadie said...

I know my Mom gets scared when somethin like that happens to me, too, but that's silly. We're cats! We're invincible!

LZ said...

Oh the Lap Lady would have had a heart attack. Well...maybe not so much since Latte & I fell from 7' in the air (above the door trim) to the hardwood floor once. I didn't go back up there but ADD cat (Latte) goes up there all the time.

At least your mom LOVES you a whole bunch!

Kukka-Maria said...

It's all fun and games until you fall half-way down the stairs and break your four legs (or eight, in this case).

Now who sounds like a over-protective mother? Crap.

Gemini said...

Momma says that one of her cats fell off the second floor railing. She was real scared but he was okay. Cats are resilient but humans worry so much. I'm glad you are okay and thanks for letting me come and visit.

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh, I's furry glad yall didn't get hurted! Beans worry too much tho.

*extra purrrrrrrrrrs to Miles!*

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Stairs? What are stairs? I may have to get me some of these!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Sammy, Miles, I fink you is followin me round. Or maybe I is followin you. I saw yur comments at Skeezix, Ayla, AND Charlie's blogs. It's sure a PAR-TAY weekend.

I wonner if Charlie has stairs we can wrestle an fall down? I love playin on stairs. See you Meezers soon!

Mrs. Sniffles said...

What a night! I am glad you guys are ok!

Anonymous said...

huh? how can she miss the humor in that one?

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Oh, I am so glad you didn't hurtie yourselves! I don't have any high places to go to fall off of. I don't like the fridge. That's the highest place here.Oh, wait. The one who went before me used to climb up to the top of the cupboards,that's real high, but she had to be helped down....

Just Ducky said...

Wonderful things that go BUMP in the night. Sammy and Miles tumbling down the stairs.

Lone Star Purrs said...

Heehee! That sounds like fun to us!! We do that to Momma when were runnin' around and unner the bed....while she's tryin' to sleep.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, that is so funny!!! We don't fall down the stairs (even half way) when we play-wrestle, but sometimes we yell like it's for real and The Big Thing comes running efrey time to check on us. Then we promptly fall asleep on the bed together and he just scratches his head and laughs.

Max said...

Heh. Buddah and I do that a lot, too. It's gotten to where the Woman just hollers out "NO FIGHTING!" even though we might be playing.

Renee Nefe said...

she's worried that you used up one of your lives.

round here I worry that the humans will fall down the stairs cuz they do silly stuff like spin for no reason near the stairs.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

HAHAHAHAHA yoo two fell down the stairs playing resslemania. When we lived with owr ladies parrents right aftur she broke up with mr. universitee of miyami we had stairs. Not animore.

Can we come over and play resslemania with yoo on the top of yer stairs and then Faaaaaaaaaaallllll down too? That sownds sooooo fun!!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Naughty children to scare Momma like that. Did she take away treats for the night? I hope you're OK though and didn't hurt yourselves.

Zeus said...

Whew! Thank goodness you both were alright. It's fun to scare your human pet on occassion though!

Hot(M)BC said...

*Wave Wave Wave* hi Miles!!!
~~ Sanjee

PrincessMia said...

Bwahahahaha! That is funny! Poor beanmom. I bet you scared her real good.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

That am funny to us but yur right, yur Mom was prolly really scairt. They don't know we just gets up and keeps going like the energizer bunny.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Ahahahahahaha we love to get our Mom with things like that too ~Merlin, shadow, Ko KO

Rascal said...


(Catzee, I saw that!!!)

That's what happens when a Cat is in the ecstasies of rasslemania.
I'm glad you two and your mommy are ok.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We would love to have you come over anytime and purr for our momma. She would love that!


Kitty Cats Corner said...

Sure is glad you didnt hurt yourselves.

~The Kitty Cat's Corner cats

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

Moms just don't get it, do they? Whenever we have some *fun* like that, our mom ALWAYS picks us up & hugs us 'till our eyes almost pop-out! Glad you guys had a good time and are okay!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...