Our furriend Tilly wented to the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday morning. We is so sorry for her mommy and daddy and for Toby.
Rest well sweet Tilly
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
We wuz furry sad to read 'bout this. It's a furry nice tribote that y'all did. Now Tilly is playing wif Trixie and Norton!!
What a sweet tribute, yall. Furry nice.
Sanjee Boni Mini Pepi and Gree
HI to my boyfriendcat Miles! PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS Sanjee
Things are sad lately. Too many sick kitties and kitties going to the Bridge. Too Sad!!!!!
Thank you for letting us know about Tilly. What a beautiful kitty. She is enjoying the green grass & basking in the sun at the Bridge right now.
It wuz furry sad bowt tilly, but she will haf lots of furrends, old and new, ofurr the Rainbow Bridge
We is sad about Tilly too. At firstest when we saw that, we thought "Trixie" but then we looked again and saw the white fur and knew it wasn't. It was furry sad about her 'cause she seemed to have been doing better.
We nevur knew Tilly but owr hearts go out to her family. We stopped by her blog and she was obviously loved vary much and is going to watch ovur her peeple frum the other side of the rainbow bridge.
I wuz so sorry to hear 'bout Tilly. I didn't knows her furry well. I knows dat there is an empty spot in her Momma's lap rite now and dat she must be furry sad and miss Tilly. We's agree wif Patches there is too many sick kitties right now, so we will purrays hard fur all of dem.
Fank yu Sammy and Miles fur a'memberin Miss Tilly.
Purrs and headbutts
What a nice tribute to Miss Tilly. We have prayers and purrrrs going to her family and friends. We will miss her.
Tilly can meet up with Norton and Trixie. They will show her around the Bridge.
I'm sorry Tilly's gone, although I didn't know her. Still ... she was your friend and I'll bet she was a wonderful cat.
So Sorry to hear about Tilly. She was a pretty girl. Prayers to her family, its so hard to loose a special one.
That is a furry sweet tribute to Tilly. I am going to move her from the Gorgeous Gingers site to the Rainbow Gingers page where Norton and Trixie are.
Mom and I are very sad and so sorry about you losing friend Tilly!
We didn't know Tilly but we appreciate your letting us know about your sweet friend. It's very sad.
I let my mom add her reason on Zeus' blog (Zeus Is My Reason For the Season). She was #2!
We didn't know Tilly either, but it is always sad when someone goes to the Bridge. Sounds like you all had a good Thanksgiving though.
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