We would like to wish efurryone out there who has served our country a Happy Veteran's Day. Mommy's daddy served in the Army in Nurenberg during the German war trials. He landed in Germany the day WWII ended and was on guard duty during the war trials. Our daddy was in the Navy, in the submarine service. Our daddy is visiting this weekend, it's nice to haf him home.
Yes, let's think about the Veterans today!
Our Daddy was in the Navy, too, years ago.
The Big Piney Woods Girls
That is furry good of you to post. My Daddy hasn't been in the meeleetery, but my Mom's Dad was in the Armies and my Auntie was born in Nuremburg while he was there.
My Daddy wuz in the Navy too! So wuz my Uncle and my Granddaddy.
We must fank all of those servin our country for all they do to keep us safe.
Hi to my sweetest and most gorgeous Sammys!
::::wavin paws:::
Hi Miles!
purrs and headbutts
As a cat of world peace, dere should be no war. My Opa and Oma (Mom's parents) were chil`dren dring``1 c WWII in the Netherlands. My Opa had to Eat hiS pet crow because they had no food.
Thanks, WWII vets, fur all yu id.
Sammy- yoo are so patriotic. We didnt know yer grandpa surved in the army and yer daddy was in the navy.
Rosie and Cheeto Sooowlute them!!
My Grandpa was a navy pilot! We are glad that you have your Daddy home! YEAH!.
Our bestest to yur Daddy and all the ofur brave men in the service.
Mum has writ loads on her bloggie about Remembrance Day and Veteran's Day.
Miles! Dude! Long time no wrassle!!
Mum is feeling better and has uploaded some cool foot-idge of me playing wiff pandy.
I maintain - I wus PLAYIN'.......
Great tribute to the veterans. Mommy and Daddy haf friends and family who have served and are now serving. We think of those who've gone before and are still there often.
On a lighter note, and meaning no offense if you are a different religious denomination, mommy saw this stamp at Michaels and it has 3 wise Meezers/ She thoughts you'd like to check it out. If you'd like it and don't haf a Michaels near you, send us your mailing address and we'll send it to you.
(see top right of page Stampendous Rubber Stamp, Wise Siamese)
We agree. The Big Things Who Came Before did really good things to protect their young ones. Our Big Thing says his older ones did hard work in terrible long fights. But he gets kind of quiet about it.
We asked our mum bowt Veteran's Day an she sed in the UK it's cawled Armistice Day, an she sed her dad wuz in the RAF an our dad's dad wuz in the Army. She sed her grandad wuz in the trenches in the first World War. She sed efurry buddy shud amember all the people who fought furr us, an that we must fink abowt all the people who haf been sent to fight in modern times too.
I'll never fully understand the selflessness one demonstrates when they sign up to protect our country and its citizens.
I'll never fully understand, but I will be eternally grateful...
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