So, if a kitty jumps on the bed to snuggle wif their purrson, and said kitty gets a little carried away and bites the purrsons ear, but then realizes what he did and a-mee-dee-at-lee kisses the owie spot he made, should he legally be banished from the bed?
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, November 10, 2006
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Brach and I say, "No."
My agent says, "Yes."
And, for some reason, she thinks her vote counts 4x as much as ours.
Maybe I'll bite her ear...
Yu bet-errr chek wif Victor 'bout any leg-gal-it-t's. But I wood say 2 frow yurself on dah murr-cee of da vic-tum wif yur sweetest x-shress-shun and hopes fur da bestest. I fink yur Mommie will forgives yu. She knows dat yu nefur means any harms. Yu is a sweet boy dat is a lil ram-bunk-shuss. Aren't all boyz?
Hi to my sweet and gorgeous Sammys!!
:::::bye boyz:::::
purrsssss and headbutts
NO WAY! He immediately paid restitution and the case should be dropped.
I say no. Momma can't log into say otherwise.
Although Momma has thrown me off the bed for kissing her ear too...
In my house you would get pushed off the bed for the rest of the night/ morning. But, the next night all would be forgiven and the person would want a snuggle
No, there is no legal basis for banishment given the instant apology and remedial measures.
No, no, no! I bite Mom sumetimes becus I haf so much luf inside me dat I dunt no wut else tu du. Mom smiles an thinks its reel cuut.
NO!!! Bite an lick is loving, not hurting. Oh, Miles! I'm ascared yur Mom needs some re-trainin!
I don't think so! If said Meezer didn't mean any harm by it and made amends quickly there should be no banishment!
No way! Victor is your guy if you need good advice, but, in my opinion, you have made rest-i-tushion.
We never bite The Big Thing. He is stong and grabby, and he doesn't like ear bites and bunny kicks.
No way! Kitty kisses makes up for everything!
Okay, let me put this in the other perspective here...
As a child I once bit my kitty's ear. It wasn't to be mean, it was out of love.
But the kitty didn't forgive me, he ran off and didn't come back from under the bed.
How would you like it?
No way! Enny kitty can get carried away. Yoo wuz just showing yer luv.
Fanks furr letting us come ofurr to try out yer new couch, it's reely cumfy-bull. An we enjoyed having a nap pile wiv yoo, but it wud haf been better if Eric stayed at the bottom of the pile instead of flattening us all.
Bities followed by kissies are okay, but please, next time, no bities first, just kissies?
No you should not be punished. You were just playing hard. If you need a second legal opinion. Finnigin J Katz, Esq can help too.
In a word: no.
Aw, it was jus an aksident, Miles. Your Mommy should knows that! Derby's rite tho, Finnygan Katz, Esq can advise you bout legal stuffs. You can come ofur and bite my Mommy on the ear if you wants. *whispers* but i warns ya, she bites back sumtimes.
Miles I know you were showing love but sometimes we cats kind of get carried away with our kind of love it hurts our beings. Just try not to bite so hard. But hey you guys got the new couch maybe you can go sleep there if you get banished. Looks like a pretty nice place to sleep.
If the bite was more like a perforation, maybe an earring is in order. If it wasn't, then there should be no banishment. Especially if kissies were offered.
No, the kitty should get tummy rubs and crunchy treats. Bites happens, but at least the kitty tried to make up for it.
NOOOOOOOOO! Of course not!
Purrs - The KCC cats
furrst of all, Grr gives love nibbles all the time - to show affection. like that saying goes "it's the thot that counts" wuz ya thinkin' 'bout hurtin' her? no. so she gots no reezun ta punish you.
My Bunny Daddy is a lawyer and he looked through all his big, thick, yummy books and said that you should absolutely not be banished from the bed. I mean, you did apologize!
sound like you need finngan J Kaz esq to repezent you too he getting me out of the cheese pop corn insdent and even the creal mik insdent.
I say no you said you were sorry mama should take that and let you on the bed
Lilly Lu
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