Well, it looks like I will be wearing my denim jacket on "speshul o-k-shuns". Most responses were that I was adorable. I 'pre-she-ate the flattery. I will wear my denim jacket wif pride from now on. I just hope that she doesn't buy me that striped polo shert that she was talking about. aye-yi-yi
Goodie! I really think it looks lovely with your eyes. It makes you look big and tough.
Yu do look adorable in denim! I fink the polo shirt wood look gud on yu too! Tell yur Mommie to go fur it!
:::Wavin Paws::::
Hi to my gorgeous handsome sweetie Sammy!!
Purrsssssssss and Headbutts
You can't help looking adorable. I bet she finds other things to dress you in now!
Now your Mum will have to get your brother a leather biker's jacket. What handsome boyz!
Cheysuli says that it covers up your natural meezer handsomeness. However, we all think you are adorable and look forward to seeing you in your polo shirt too.
I love me a preppy tomcat! Don't dismiss the polo just yet, Miles...
It just goes to show how manly you are, Miles. We think that you'd make a striped polo shert look good too!
You look very handsome in your denim jacket. :) My human mom thinks so too. Although she may be biased - the cat who owned her before I came along was a Meezer, and I think she thinks all Siamese are good looking!
I think I'll be getting a couple of sweaters for Christmas this year. I hope everyone will think I'm adorable wearing them!
(Thanks for stopping by my place. My mom is studying Physiotherapy she said.)
Oh dear, I missed this yesterday. While the voting has ended, both mum and I say 'stupid'. We kitties look just fine in what the good Lord gave us to wear, our fur.
Miles, mum has turkey and I thinks some ham in the big cold box if you need to get away.
I love the denim jacket! It is adorable. I say that because you are wearing it and not me. When mommy showed me your picture, I showed her my claws. Then daddy put his foot down.
I did however see "antlers" on the table. Mommy said something about Christmas pictures. Daddy and I say "no."
Miles, you look handsome. just lay back and enjoy
Miles - I'm excited you're starting to wear clothes! I do not have a denim jacket, but I would wear it if I did!
Tell your mom thanks for all the compliments saying I'm cute. I'm back now!!
You do look very handsome in your demin jacket.
The denim jacket is more appropriate for winter (and it makes your eyes glow)!
Yer denim jackut is casual yet stilish!! Vary becoming on yoo!
Oh yeah denim does you well. Mom still better not get any ideas wif me tho. Hey maybe we can get all you good looking models togefur to do a show? You and Skeezix and I fink the SSS's get to wear clothes sometimes too.
~Beau Beau
Well, at least your Mommy has good taste. Ours would probably dress us in polyester plaids so she better not get any ideas! -- Blackie and Sky
How handsome you look in your jacket!
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