I don't care if it was 4am, I was HUNGRY and I needed TEM-TAY-SHUNS. That is why I jumped on and off the bed a squillion times until you gotted your lazy butt out of bed at 5am. HOWEVER I wanted TEM-TAY-SHUNS, NOT stinky goodness. Stinky goodness is for breakfest when the sun comes up. That is why I jumped on and off the bed anofurr squillion times until you lockded me out of the bedroom. In locking ME out of the bedroom, you also lockded MILES out of the bedroom, and he is really really really sad about that. He was crying. That is why he will not sit wif you this morning.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh poor Miles and Sammy. That is horrible. I think there is something in the air about meezes right now. Chey has been naughty and wrestling with me, Latte was naughty this morning... What is it?!
Ah...boys! When you find yourself locked out of the bedroom, claw the floor under the door. We have carpet there and it drives my agent CAH-RAAAAAZY!
After a few plucks or two, she jumps up and lets me back in.
Silly lady.
Oh no Sammys, you got kicked outta the nice warm comfy bed? Dat wuz not gud.Did yu get yur Tem-ta-shuns? I hopes so.It wuz funs laying ofur on yur new cow-ouch yesterday.Next time I will brings my jar of Tem-ta-shuns and we can have us a feast!
Bye to my sweet and gorgeous Sammys!
Purrrrrrrrrrsss and headbutts
We were nutso last night too. Especially Scooby. Meowing at the window, jumping up & down & meowing some more. Mom put us all in the basement. -Shaggy
Wow. Our beans (especially Dad) threaten to throw us out of the room, but never do... I weigh too much and Tilly looks pitiful. heehee.
Poor Miles.
But if your Mommy would have just fed you the right thing, this never would have happened.
Sounds like a rough morning for you two. Sometimes our beans are just clueless!
Wow Sammy sounds like your having bean issues.My mom gets like this too.I don't know why she never takes my advice to leave the treats out so I can help myself...Humans Sheesh!!!!!
Maybe you just need to work out some sort of a code so she doesn't mix up treats with breakfast. Can she count? Then you could work out the number of times you jump on the bed for treats and the number of times you jump on the bed for breakfast.
I do that too, or I used to, until the Little Squirt came to live with us. Momma says everything has changed with me and maybe I need a si-ki-atrist. She is ccncerned about me, well........good!!
Jeez, if you didn't settle down after stinky goodness, your beans should've tried tem-tay-shuns! I can't believe you were locked out! Poor Sammy, poor Miles.
Poor Miles, locked out cuz of Sammy. You should BOF get more Temptayshuns. And, some fur me, too, while we're at it. Dad shut me outa the bedroom one mornin an I just rattled the door. A lot.
I've trained my beans to leave crunchies out all the time and give us Temptations each morning and night. That's the schedule I hold them to. However, if the crunchies should run out, I'll walk back and forth across their heads. If they shut me out, I rattle the door and MEOW loudly, not that pitiful squeek Victor calls a meow.
I was just telling George how training beans is a lifetime occupation!
Poor Miles...
We know who is getting annoying, so if one of us is, the other doesn't get kept away from the warm softy bed and The Big (warm Thing.
The guilty one leaves (for a while) and the other stays (and gets extra attention).
Sownds like yur beans need alist uf instrukshuns tu folo. We haf ours reed dem efury nite tu remind dem.
Those Tem-tay-shuns are really good. We hadded them for the first time a couple days ago. No wonder why you like dem so much.
We learned how to jump up, hang on the door handle, swing back and forth and ... wala...Open sesame! BTW - like your new couch!
Sounds like a rough night for everyone. Here is what you do... when you get locked out, act like you go into a panic (or in the case of me... actually go into a panic... but we're not talking about me). Put on some pathetic meows to warn your Mom, then starting banging your head into the door. Bang it pretty hard. It doesn't feel good, but remember you are pretending to be in a panic. In no time you will have a very guilty feeling Mom at the door, loving you, and possibly giving treats. Works for me every time.
People should leave out Temptations all the time just in case we want some. ALL THE TIME!!!
Hummy & Haddy do this to me to, it is just so unfair!
Gud fur yoo fur trayning yer lady to do what yoo want. How dare she try to feed yoo stinkie gudness when yoo wanted Temp-tay-shuns....what in the werld is she thinking!
Oh guys, I can totally relate! I get locked out every night because either I or Latte does something to wake the Lap Lady up. You know what else is good to do? Try to open the door knob. I'm almost there but its round and hard to turn. I'll get it soon tough!
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