Ham, oh ham, where haf you gone? Why hafen't you visited me? I miss you Ham. I miss your salty piggyness. I miss your pinkness. I miss your hammy taste. Why? Why? WHY? Haf you heard that I also love tem-tay-shuns and you feel abandoned? Don't werry Ham, I love you more. I love you efen more than Dairy flavored tem-tay-shuns. Oh Ham, please come back. *SIGH* I will be waiting right here on the cowch for you.
Oh Miles, have they not been feeding you?! I hope the ham finds you...
Oh Miles, the ham should come back after your lovely plea! I bet your mom is getting you some right now!
C'mon ofur...let's go raid da fridge...I knows theres ham in der! Don't furget to brings yur koot brofur too!!
Hi to my sweet and gorgeous Sammys!
Purrsss and Headbutts...
Yu boff needs to come ofur and eats ham and play fev-vers!
I hope Ham comes back to you soon, Miles! I've never tasted Ham... but if I see some I'll send it your way!
I hope Ham comes back to you soon, Miles! I've never tasted Ham... but if I see some I'll send it your way!
Ham go to Miles!
I's doin lotsa kitty mojo so's the ham comes to you, Miles :)
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs to my boyfriendcat!
Miles, Ham is notoriously jealous. I think it's going to take more than an apology to stroke Ham's ego enough that he/she returns.
Maybe unleash those beautiful eyes in a pouty fashion! Ham can never resist beautiful eyes!
Turkey is coming.
why are you deprived of hamm? is your Mom being mean or punishin' you?
Ooooh. Ham is a Good Thing. Mom? Get me some ham will you?
Good luck finding your ham, Miles! Maybe you'll get some for Thanksgiving!!
Poor, poor Miles. We'll haf to start a colleckshun an bring you all the ham we can find. Maybe ham's not loud on the cowch? Hang in there, furiend, we'll help you.
Ham go to miles. I nevfur had ham i have to use my mezzer mewo to get some
iris the kitten meezer
Miles, you sure do like your ham. I can't have anything like that anymore cuz of my tem-per-men-tal tummy. I hope you fine some.
Your bestest furriend.....Mittens
effun more than Dairy Flayver Temptations? mmmmm...those are yummy! but we gotta agree - ham's yummier. we shure hope it visits you soon.
Oh no! You should make sure the ham knows how to find you again. try mapquest.com!
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