Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dear Santy Claws


Dear Santy Claws

I haf been a furry good boy this year. No matter what my mommy says about me. I don't fink the following should be issues in me getting Christmas Loot:

Laying on mommy's face so she can't breafe
Pushing fings off the counter and into the human litterbox
pushing Miles down the stairs
clawing mommy's head while making biscuits
tossing mommy's cell phone off the table and onto her head when she is sleeping
sneaking into the forbidden room and getting locked in there
sitting on the elevated floor (it's NOT a table, it has a rug on it, it's a floor!!)
sitting on the dining room table (Antique Irish Linen? My butt doesn't leave marks)
knocking ofurr the bowl wif all the coins in it
taking the fev-vers out of the fev-ver pillows (they're FEV-VERS!!!!!!!!! I has to haf them)
sitting on Miles's head (no one should be punished for that)

I fink, that being the good boy that I haf been, I should gets the following rewards for Christmas:

FEV-VER wands
FEV-VER butt mousies
FEV-VERS - just a bag of fev-vers
A ginormous bag of Tem-tay-shuns
anofurr ginormous baf of tem-tay-shuns
fev-vers and tem-tay-shuns in my stocking
oh, and a really dorky sweater for me to gif to Miles.

Fank you Santy Claws.

Your furriend (who has been a really good boy)

Sammy Meezer


Mrs. Sniffles said...

What a great idea for a post! I think I will post my Santa list too!

Anonymous said...

What an excellent boy you have been Sammy! I am sure Santa won't leave you five sleigh loads of coal (like he did for Giggy last year):)

Gemini said...

I hope you gets all the temptations you asked for!

Susie said...

All things considered - you have been a good boy! Come by and visit on Meezer Monday!

Anonymous said...

yup sound like you been a good meezer to me we delfttly fing you should get all that.

Iris ( a fellow tem-tay-tion loveing meeezer)

Just Ducky said...

I hopes Santa brings you everything that you want. I know you have been a great kittie this year.

Ivan from WMD said...

I think you've been a very good boy, Sammy. You should get everything on your list and THEN some!

Hot(M)BC said...

A'course you's been good, Sammy. Well, maybe cept sittin on Miles head. But you *are* a brofur (and they's like that) so I guess it's ok. You should get lotsa fun stuff for Chrissymas!

PurrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr to my boyfriendcat Miles!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Its a vary gud thing yoo tuk the inishiative and told santy claws why yoo desurve to get grate fev-vur pressies this christmas! Yoo desurve props fur that!


Yu've been a furry gud boy dis year I fink Santa Claws will bring yu all of da fings yu asked fur. I bet he is furrrioussly werking on yur list rite now gettin finks all red-dee. I had not fought 'bout my list. Sammy fank yu, I needs to get Momma to rite out my list too...Momma!

::wavin paws:::
HI Miles!!!!
~Boo, Ping, Jinx & Gracie

Sammys I need fur yu to come ofur and help me rites my list to Sandta...

Purrsssssssss and Headbutts

Ingrid said...

Nice list and not too much demanding ! But my cats think you should ask for speach therapist lessons ! Not only because you are a "chic" siamese cat and not ordinary street cats as they are (except Arthur who as siamese blue blood in his veins) but also because they are European cats I have to read your post twice to them ! (Not quite true lol)

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Sounds like you have been the bestest boy efur. All those things you listed are nothing compared to what Precious does all the time. It is nice to ask for something for Miles, too. Show how giving you are.


Hi to my bestest furriends


Shaggy and Scout said...

All this seems quite reasonable & logical. Sandy Claws will leave lots of loot at your house!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo hasf been a gud boy an yoo are not being greedy wiv yer list, so yoo shud get efurryfing you want.

Anonymous said...

Sammy, I hope you receive all the items on your list for Christmas. The only thing that Santa could possibly object to is the pushing things into the human's litter box. That's really on the "no no" list for some reason. Otherwise, it sounds like you've been a great Meezer. Santa should bring you all the items on your list.

Anonymous said...

we agree wif you 587% you shure do deeserf all that stuff you wants - an more prolly.

Kukka-Maria said...

I don't know, Sammy. I take issue with "pushing Miles down the stairs."

I may have to pen my own letter to Santa on Miles' behalf...

Anonymous said...

Sammy you've been a fabulous meezer!! I bet Santa brings you all of those things you want!


Anonymous said...

That is a great list, Sammy! It has inspired me to start composing my own list to Santa.

Dianne said...

You like those feathers guy! My mom got a coat loaded with them, but they are 'inside' it, but I could smell the ducks, geese or whatever. That just make me flustered!

Mattingly said...

I don't think you have to worry Sammy Meezer. I don't think you were naughty at all... just being a cat. And I bet those things you did made your Mom love you even more... and that means you've been a great boy this year!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

I'm sure you'll probly gets lots of tem-tay-shuns. The fings you do are just normal things so we finks you are definitely on the good list.

Anonymous said...

You certainly should get every last thing on that list you asked for - you're a GOOD boy!

Anonymous said...

You are very good at being a cat. See, the word 'good is in that statement. Therefore you should get all the presents you ask for. 'Cept the dorky sweater for Miles. That's kinda mean. Just push him down the stairs again, that's more fun for both of you!

Renee Nefe said...

That was sooo sweet of you to ask for a present for Miles. awwww

Santa can't possibly think that you're a bad kitty now.

Does Santa think that wolfies who mess up family Christmas pictures are bad? fefyfomanna: Trying to get the perfect family photo... If so Lilly's in big trouble.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

We think you should get effurything on your list Sammy ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

amy and the bad cats said...

santa should bring you the things on your list, sammy, but maybe next year you shouldn't push miles down the stairs.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...