This is not a story about me (and I am formerly feral, if just for a little while), but a story 'bout the kitty we meeted last week at our daddy's house. Sorry we doesn't haf a pikshur.
Mr Kitty (we will call him that 'acause we doesn't know what his name was, or is now) usded to lif in a home, wif at least a mommy, and maybe a daddy. One day in the late winter this year, the mommy hadded to move out of their 'partment, and lefted Mr Kitty behind. Then the mean nasty landlord (mommy says we can call him Simon LeGree) maded the kitty move out to the outside werld. He had nefurr efurr been outside in his whole 10 years of life.
He wandered around near his house and the office building akrost the street, looking for food and a new purrson to take care of him. He gotted into a fight wif anofurr animal - maybe a woofie, or a racoon or somefing, and he losted his left eye, and part of his ears. He was in really bad shape, but had losted his trust of people. The lady that lived downstairs started taking him food efurry morning when she wented to werk, and he started to trust her. She hadded 1 poodin, 3 woofies and 2 fev-vers at her house, so she didn't fink that she could take him in. So, during the summer, she fed him and when she hadded to werk at night, she broughted him into the office building and he sleeped in a crate near her desk. When it started to get fall outside, she fought that she should prolly take him home wif her - he was getting reallly sick wif a URI. So, she broughted him to the v-e-t, who said that he needed medikshun, and he needed to haf a hoo-ha-ectomy too! Maybe that's why he was getting into fights. She bringed him to her house, and put him in a warm shed while he took his medikshun. He started to feel better and she gotted him his hoo-ha-ectomy. Then, her werk closed, and to keep her job, she took a job offer 1200 miles away. She could not take Mr Kitty wif her, 'acause of all of her ofurr animals. He camed inside and lived in the hallway, 'acuase her woofies scairt him really bad. He was a really really sweet kitty. A white and gray tuxie, but he needed to haf surgery to close his eye socket, so he looked really rough. But he purred whenefurr mommy would pet him. Mommy gived him lots of extra foods last week while we was there - to fatten him up. We finded out that the lady downstairs finded him a really good furefurr home, and mommy telled him. He wented to live wif his furefurr daddy last Saturday. We hopes that he likes it there, and that he will get the surgery that he needs for his eye. He is a really sweet kitty who was put frough some horrible ordeals, at an eldery age. But now he has a furefurr home! YAY!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Good story, Sammy!
That deserves a Tem-tay-shun.
Hooray for all the nice beans who got Mr Kitty to his furrever home. Boo for the mean ones. Excellent story telling Sammy. We like stories with happy endings. May Mr Kitty be safe & happy for many years to come with his furrever Daddy.
We love happy endings!! There are so many nice people in this world, but many mean ones too. Thanks for the story!
That's a nice story about miracles in this holiday season. Thankfully there are still some nice people out there.
Sounds like he's had quite the ordeal! Thank goodness for that lady and her huge heart! I expect his new home will be a great place for him and he will bet that eyesocket healed up nicely.
Yu has a reel gud aa-bill-it-tee to tell stories. Momma wuz furry worried bout Mr. Kitty. She wuz afraidy he might not have a gud ending. It is so wunderfull to knoos that there R still gud beans out there wif gud hearts to take in older and sick kitties. Now Mr. Kitty is safe and happy wif his new beans who will makes him a gud furever home.
Fank yu my handsome sweet Sammys fur sharing such a wunderfull storee.
:::wavin paws:::
HI Miles
~Boo, Ping, Jinx & Gracie
Bye my gorgeous Sammys~
Purrssss and Headbutts
I am so glad that worked out for him. What a horrible thing to have happen to a kitty and he sounds so sweet.
Oh that makes me sad and happy at the same time!
That is a furry good story for Formerly Feral Friday.
That's a really good story, Sammy. Our Human's eyes are leaking again, though. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Oh Sammy, what a very nice story! So glad to hear that Mr. Kitty has found a fur-ever home!
I am sooo glad mr kittie fownd a furr-effur home! Thanks fur a furry gud story.
That is a very sad story with a very happy ending. It really makes me feel lucky that I have a wondeful furever home. I hope Mr.Kitty gets his eye surgery soon!
That made MOmmas eye things leak, efun though it has a happy ending. We am purraying for him, (& you guys too.).
Yay! It's good to hear a story with a happy ending.
Awwwwwwwww :) Mommy's eyes leaked extra cuz it was a happy end story :) We's furry glad he founded a furever home :)
Sanjee,Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS and nose nuzzles to my boyfriendcat Miles! ~~ Sanjee
Uh-oh, there are water droplets in Meowm's eyes. This furbaby had a tough life. We are both glad he has found a furever home (and we hope it stays that way).
I was so worried while I was reading this story. I didn't know what was gonna happen to Mr Kitty. I am so glad he found a forever home. That must have been awful for him to be an outside cat after having been an inside cat for so long. I hope he is happy now.
i'm so glad mr. kitty found someone to love.
dat wuz such a sad story furr Mr. Kitty but hooray furr the happy ending.
I made the Food Lady reed this, and it made her face leek. Whut a sad/happy storey. I like happy endings.
If it had had a bad ending, I was gonna go poop on someone. Or something. I think my People would go homeless before they would make me or Buddah live outside alone. How can anyone leave a kitty behind like that in the first place?
That was such a sad story (with bits of happy) - we're sure hoping Mr. Kitty lives happily ever after and knows that he's loved.
Miles, we got a challenge for you!
Write a short song about HAM to the tune of Jingle Bells and we'll donate $10 to Libby's vet bills
I'm really mad that Mr Kitty's first mommy didn't find him a new furever home...she wasn't a good mommy IMHO!
When we moved to Korea we didn't take our wolfie & hoppers with us because we knew it wasn't a good place for fur-babies...and we were right. But we found them all new furever homes.
I'm so glad that Mr Kitty has a new furever home.
So glad that the kitty found a good forever home. So sad that his original mom just left him behind, and didn't find him a new home.
I hope everything continues to go well for the kitty.
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