Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How to confuse the beans


When you are a kitten, eat all the food you can find - stinky goodness, crunchies, treats, ice cream, anyfing. Keep eating all the food. Then, when you turn 1, stop eating efurryfing, no stinky goodness, no crunchies, no bean food, no nofing. Make your mommy fink you is going to starve to deaf. But, really, just only eat when she is sleeping to keep your energy up. Do this for a whole year. Then, when you turn 2, let her see you eating crunchies, but when she puts down your stinky goodness in the morning, demand that she gif you a kiss or you won't eat it. Then, when she gifs you a kiss, don't eat the stinky goodness anyway. Now, when you are 2 1/2 start eating stinky goodness like there is no tomorrow. Scarf down yours. Scarf down your brofurrs. Ask for a 2nd bowl when the beans start fixing their dinner. Scarf all that down. Then scarf down all the treats you can eat. Then, the next day, eat nofing. I started this plan yesterday. Mommy is so confused she can hardly talk. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

IMPORTANT NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAF SWITCHED TO BLOGGER BETA: If you does not haf the option to leave an anonymouse or other comment turned on, we can no longer leave you a comment. There is somefing wrong with the Google sign in for the comments that tells us or correct password is not correct. So, please don't fink we has forgotten about you, we just cannot comment wifout the Anonymouse or Other options being enabled in your comment sekshuns.


Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds furry smart. Cheysuli never did eat crunchies though...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sammy you must have a PhD in confusion!



Fank yu fur makin me udderstand I is not crazy 2-day. I fought Blogger had gone kaboomie...

Momma kisses me too! I like Momma kisses.

Sammys yu is my hero!
Bye my sweet handsome Sammys!

:::wavin paws:::
Byeeee Miles!!

Purrs and Headbutts

Renee Nefe said...

soon your mommy isn't gonna know what to put down for you to eat. Maybe she should just leave a ham out there.

Anonymous said...

I was not aware of the complicated plan to freak out mamas! I guess I've always just loved food.

Beta Blogger....hiss!!


Ivan from WMD said...

But wait--there's more! When you're 16-1/2, you can get all excited about eating and the moment food is put out for you, you can say, "I don't want that." Then, because your mom doesn't want you to starve, she'll put out another flavor. Then you can say, "I don't want that." Then she'll say, "That's all that's on the menu tonight, Eddie--I mean, Sammy," and you can look all dejected and howl a lot at the very top of your lungs so everyone in the neighborhood will think your mom's being all mean.

(Carera-roo! Hahahahaha!)

Anonymous said...

i had the same problem with beta a first. click that youve forgotten your password and theyll resend it to you. i kept commenting the old way and had to realize to sign in with my google acct address then the new password. i hope this helps...sisfur

Anonymous said...

So what do I do? I am almost 6. I don't know if I could not eat.....I love food!

Anonymous said...

Our Mom is evil and gives us only crunchies. If we don't eat it, she doesn't give us anything else. Did we mention that she is evil?

OK, we always eat it. But still!

Anonymous said...

we haded the same purroblem wif the beta this morning so our Lady set us up wif our furry own email address at gmail an so now we're logged inta that an plus we're logged inta our normal non-beta sign in an so we're able ta leaf comments on efurrybuddy's blog. maybe you need yur furry own gmail email address too. after all, it's the furrst step ta bein' able ta shop online an that means hafin' whateffur ya wants shipped rite ta yur howse. we're gonna order a case of Sheba roast turkey flayver.

Just Ducky said...

You don't even need a gmail account, just a valid e-mail account. But I lefted a message on an original blog and I was Derby. But then on a beta account, they had me as sassycat, which relates to the beta account. Strange.

I love confusing mum too, but I don't get as much variety in food choices as you do. Just crunchies, stinky goodness, ham and turkey are only as treats.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

well, not only are your beans confused, but i am too. why don't you just eat what you like?

Anonymous said...

We can't confuse the beans with the foods, we like eeten too much to skip a meel. But we like the idea. Maybe we cood jus eet after dey are asleep, sher, dat cood werk. Hey, Sadie, Zippy I haf a grate idea...

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I am confused, Sammy. Those are a lot of rules.

Oh, Momma says Beta Blogger really stinks! She has been all over trying to sign blogs today, just wasting time.


Max said...

If it's Stinky Goodness, I'm eating it!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, if there's food put in front of me, I have to eat it! Eating is my favorite thing in the whole world, and if someone is a little slow in getting it out for me, I bark like a doggie!

Kukka-Maria said...

Sammy sure has the recipe for human insanity! Brilliant!

As for Blogger Beta? I can't switch yet, but I don't have the problems others do when leaving comments. Perhaps they are intimidated by my super-sexiness?

I'll put in a good word for my boyfriend, Miles...

The Crew said...

Sammy, you better watch out for all that scarfing! Too much and you'll wind up with a weight problem.

About the beta comment problem, Mom had to get us a google email account of our own, then suddenly we were able to leave comments on beta bloggers pages. Me...I don't care HOW it works...I just care THAT it works. I want to be able to visit my friends and talk with them.


Anonymous said...

I always have to get a spine scritch when my gooshy food is put down. I don't eat much all at once so there's always kibbles for us. But if my gooshy food is put down without getting lovins I go find my OTW and demand lovins before I go eat my gooshy food. So she always gives me lovins, 'cause Grumpybutt is a food-sucker-upper, and if I don't eat it she has to stand over it and guard it for me.

And I confuse her by standing just where she can see me and staring. And if she asks me "what?" I just meow and stare some more. And I keep doing it until she gets annoyed and chases me around.

But you are the bestest at confusing the humans!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We won't switch to the beta blog until the problems are solved. Let other kittys find those. HA-HA-HAHAHA!

We tried confoosing The Big Thing about our food, but it never worked. He puts down some wet smelly good stuff and if we tried not eating it, he just leaves it there all the dark. The smells call to us all dark and it is gone by light.

He says if we don't eat it, it won't make him go hungry. He doesn't ever give us food from his own bowl. He is sneaksy though. If we don't eat, he gives us one tiny treat and that turns our tummies on! But even when he doesn't do that, we eat all the wet stuff by first light.

You are so lucky you can confoose your Big Thing!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...