Um, hey lady!!! Yeah, you!!! The one we call "mommy". What is this crap in my cruncy bowl? It is NOT Purina One Natural OR Whiskas Meat flavored crunchies (yeah, yeah, yeah, I LIKE JUNK FOOD). LADY!! Back here!!! Look, my real mommy knows that I like to eat the werst for me junk food crunchies, not this healf food crap that seems to have found it's way into my bowl. I gets my healfy food from eating begetables (like brussels sprouts, and corn). So, eifurr you're a im-poster and haf abdukted my mommy to a space ship, or you are my real mommy and you just don't love me anymore. And lets talk tem-tay-shuns. 5 tem-tay-shuns does not a treat make. that's like an amuse buche (I may be a cat, but I watch all the cooking shows). A treat is at least eleventy-nine treats. Or a squillion. So, eifurr you are an alien or you just don't love me anymore.
Oh nooooooooooo! We's gotta get your Mommy back from the aliens!!!!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrs to my boyfriendcat Miles :)
~~ Sanjee
This is serious, Sammy. I think you need to call in the Experts.
Oh no! I keep hearing about these Temptations. I think I have to convince my humans to buy me some!
Oh, no Sammy........CRAP in your fud bowl! What is the CRAP called? Mittens gets CRAP in her fud bowl all the time now and never gets temp-ta-tions or she leaves Momma her "calling card."
Oh, no Sammy say it isn't so. I know your real Momma would never do that.
Oooh, Sammy! No Temptations? That IS cruel!
Has your Mum stopped to think that an unhappy Sammy is a thinking Sammy and maybe an actively plotting and acting out Sammy?
My Mum says she loves you anyway.
aww, Sammy that stinks. We hopes your find your mommy soon so she can give you the crunchies you like. - Sia
Oh dear I am on my way wif some Tem-tat-shuns and some Fancy Feast crunchies (has yu efur tried dos? dey are dee-lic-mouse). Time fur a food inn-er-ven-shuz.
Plus I gets to snuggles up to my sweet handsome Sammys while da white stuff falls on da ground... it is awful cold here too...only gonna be in dah 40 during the sun light hours.
Brrrrrrrrrrrr... I'm comin to snuggles wif yu Sammys!
Here I is Sammys!
I vote alien. I think I see a green tint to her skin.
Oh, poor Sammy. Crap in you food bowl! Sounds like you need an intervention.
Oh your Momma has to love you. I can't believe you are not getting what you want. Oh my! Is it 'cause Miles weighs more than you?
It does sound like she may be an alien. Be careful, be very careful. Look for the signs: Kukka Marie mentioned a green tint to her skin. Also look for any kind of antennas coming from her head (thats how she contacts her ship). -Scout
Oh no!! I'm sorry something bad happened to your mommy. We eat "health food" but its not so bad once you get used to it.
Temp-tay-shuns on the other hand should be shovled out. (I actually allow myself to be touched AND picked up but only if I'm in teh Temp-tay-shuns corner).
My Mom has been trying to switch me to a special diet for kidney problems recently, but I'm not falling for it! I think the aliens got her too!
You tell 'em Sammy!!
Sometimes my person puts stinky goodness in my bowl that isn't seafood flavor. Is it supossed to be a joke or what?
Have the alyans taken over on your mum? We kitties don't like to switch foods.
ACK!! Health food!? How horrible!!!
what kinda crap ya got? we like most crunchy crap. in fact, we gotta haf two bowls bof wif diffrint kinds of crunchies at all times cause ya neffur no what we mite feel like eatin'. it's just the stinky goodness where we gots issues (Sheba only - no exceptions). duz ya want Grr ta come offur an eat the crap fur ya? she will. an i'll put the bitey on the mom-imposter while Midnight rips her dis-guys off wif her Claws of Doom.
It sounds like aliens got your Mom!I wonder if it's any of the ones that the weird gray kitty in my house is in contact with (the kitty that came at my Mom's purffday)
No, yer lady is deffinatelie an alien...keep asking hur whare yer reel lady is and evenshuallie she'll give in and bring yer lady back!
Dear me! This sounds ... intolerable!
Hey Sammy, looky! It's a Sammy the Siamese Cat Bead! I bet you didn't know they made a cool lampwork bead named after you!
... eleventy-nine or a squillion ... Sounds right to us! And Latte's suggestion to use a shovel will definitely get them served up faster.
Felix, Maxine & Fletcher
A REAL Big Thing gives straight-forward good wet smelly food with no silly stuff in it! You better sniff your Big Thing VERY carefully to make sure she is the same one...
Blech. What sort of health food crap is it?
I'm afraid I'm not too discriminating, mum chooses nice food for me but dad says why does she bother, I eat ANYTHING as long as it's food!
I found out a new human food I like - fruit cake! (the humans dropped some, I got there first, yum yum) Mum says cats aren't supposed to like fruit cake and I am weird. Whatever.
Yep deffernuttly sownds like yer mum has been taken ofurr by an ayleun. We wud protest if we had crap in owr fud bowl, an Temtayshuns shud be on constunt supply.
Health food? I hate to say it, but it sounds like you have also been put on the dreaded diet. I really hope it's not so, but if it is, good luck to you because it's absolute torture.
I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't tell you the truth...
Health food? Um, did you see what Edsel has?
One time our Mommakitty forgot to buy catfood and all she could come up with in time for dinner was oatmeal!
What could be more important that planning for our meals?!
You need to read your momma the riot act (whatever that means).
So what kind of food is it? I'll come over and eat it for you. (Like Eric, I like almost everything.) Nevertheless, I hope your mom returns from the aliens and gives you what you really like.
gasp! not health food? What's the world coming to? Maybe she's a robot :)
They keep messing around with our crunchies too. What IS IT with these humans? Or could you be right, they are really not our humans? --- Alberta, Sky,Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
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