My wonderful, sweet, georgous, beautiful ABBY (and Ping, Jinx, Boo and Gracie) sented us some wonderful Chrissmas purresents!!

There was this photo album wif MY pikshur on the cover - the kitty doesn't haf a tail eifurr, just like ABBY!!

There was aslo the mostest wonderfulest FEV-VER TOY I haf evurr seen!!!!! I jumped, I spinned, I pulled, I rassled it! OHHHHHHHHHHH, it's wonderful!

And theBIGGEST bag of Tem-tay-shuns I has efurr seed!!!! Miles tried to pick it up in his mouf and it was too heavy for him!!

And some Gift Tags!!!!!!!!!
We also gotted really nice chrissmas cards from Meeko and Kiara and Oreo!!! This is turning out to be such a speshul chrissmas!
Wow, what a wonderful assortment of goodies. It is truly a wonderful season.
Uh oh I is having T--ra-ble signin in...
Furst I is glad U got yur prezzies. Momma wuz furry worried, but I tolls her NOT to cuz Sannta dee-livers! I is so happy U like efurryfing!
:::wavin paws:::
HI Miles <<<< Boo, Ping, Jinx & Gracie
Purrs and Headbutts
Hey Sammy, do you watch TV at all? I ask because there's a new commercial for PayLess Shoes that I know you would love. It's full of feathers!
The first part is boring, just people sitting around at a party...but then this one girl picks up a pillow and smacks the guy next to her. Then a pillow fight breaks out and there are feathers everywhere!
DD & I say each time it comes on that this is the commercial for Sammy!
That gift tag looks lot like Zeus! And the Temptations look divine! The picture frame will look great with my photo in it.
All in all, a great get!
Crismass can sure be fun! I wish efurry day was Crissmass!
WOW! The motherlode of Temptations!!!! Happy eating!
Oh you all a furry lucky! Enjoy all those temptations.. .what was that about a diet that your Momma was thinking you needed?
Yes, I'd try to make off the the bag of treats too! I just love treats.
Maxwell Smartkitty
Wow - that's some great stuff! Happy meezer Monday - thanks for visiting!
What? I'm sorry...I saw a fev-ver toy. And them temp-tay-shuns. You guys are too lucky!!
Fev-ver toys are the greatest! I'm gonna get some for my kitties, since they ate all the fev-vers off a few of the toys around here...
Also putting this on all the blogs I visit today:
Just wanted to leave a quick note to spread the word...let everyone know they need to come to my blog today (12/18/06) to vote for the name of the new kitty.
WOO HOO! Great presents!!
Wow just look at that fev-ver toy! And the bag of Temptation is ginormouse.
The fev-ver toys are the bestest fings in the werld.
Ooo, what yummy pichurs!
SCORE!! Amazing fev-vur wand!! Yoo bowth must have been vary gud!
What a lot of fun goodies! Enjoy!
Those are good presents you got! And Miles' Secret Paws presents too!
Oh fun! Yall got lotsa goodies!
PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS to my boyfriend cat Miles :)
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