UPDATE: we is less than 40 bisits to 25,000 - so make shur to look and see what bisitor number you is
::SIGH:: - Mommy says that I can only haf stinky goodness efurry ofurr day now, 'acuase I has to lose a pound. And we can only haf tem-tay-shuns okashanally instead of all the time.
And I haf to wear this stoopid e-collar for 10 days (unless my owie completely heals 'afore that). And she will haf to give me a baf so that my furs doesn't get matted. AND, I still has to haf goopy stuff put on my chin. At least I gets lots of cuddles, and at least Mommy cutted the cone down some so that my whiskers are outside it and I don't bump into all the walls as much. But I still can't efenn skratch my ears - and they was itchy last night, so I hadded to wake mommy up by putting the bitey on her, and then skratching my cone so that she knowed what I wanted. She tried to skratch my ears, but her claws are not pointed, so it's not the same. It's hard to eat and it's hard to drink, and mommy saided that maybe she would gets a baby bottle for me to drink. HOLY CRAP. ARRGGGHHHH, I can't stand this!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Miles, I'm horrified to hear that. This sounds like quite the trial for you.
Here's a tip: When mom is scratching your neck (you know where the cone attaches) you should lick your lips and scratch the air with your hind paw. That gets them to scratch you more often. Also fun is to stick the cone in their face when they're sleeping. Hehehe.... I had to wear my 2 cones for THREE WEEKS!!
OH no Miles...yu poor guy. Whatefur can we dues to help? Yu R havin a furry bad time...10 days? 10??? Dat is a lot of naps.Tell yur Mommie to give yu lots of X-tra hugs...and get yu a kitty treadmill so yu can take off dat pound in no time.
:::wavin paws:::
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx & Gracie
Bye to my sweet and gorgeous Sammys
Poor Miles. :( Sorry to hear that it's hard to eat and drink, and that you can't scratch your ears properly. I hope your mom can scratch them really well for you.
I've never had Temptations, so I can't comment on not having them all the time, but stiny goodness every other day? Oh my, I'd starve! But then I have a fast metabolism, because I'm a Sphynx.
I hope your owie heals up soon so you don't need to wear the collar very long.
Awww Miles we are so sorry to hear all this! Sounds like your momma is trying to help you the best she can though. Be strong little guy.
Poor, poor little Miles! I wish I was there to comfort you (or at least hold yer paw).
Oh no, poor Miles! We are furry sorry you haves to go through all of this!
My (Smeagol) favorite way to drink is out of a bottle, but it's the hamster kind, not the baby kind (Mom still has to hold it for me). Not sure if it would work with your collar, though. Maybe a small bottle would be okay.
Miles it's not the stinky goodness making you way more, it's the carbs in the dry crunchies!! So don't eet as much kibbles and maybe yore mom will get the messij and give you more stinky goodness.
If mom wants to reed abowt foods and stuff like that, tell her to go to this plase food charts (hope we did the linky stuff rite) - it's not just abowt foods for sugarcats, it's for all cats.
Finny & Buddy
Ooh! Bad collar... We've never had one of those an we SURE don't want too! Our Big Thing has long claws, but he bought us a Big Thing backscratcher and we like that too. Maybe your Mommy can get you one of those.
Ick on the baffs... Our Big Thing has never baffed us ever.
You're gettin furry close Sammys and Miles...I am sures dat someone will hit dat magic numb-burr tonite.
the Lady tried to put me on a diet by getting me crunchies for overweight cats and cutting back on the stinky goodness. I just ate more diet crunchies and gained weight. they were good.
Same fing happened to me as Grr. Mum bawt D I E T crunchies furr me and Flynn, an I put on anuvver 2lbs.
Old wippit butt nefurr seems to put on enny wate though.
I'll come scritch yer ears Miles. :) Sowwy you gotsta wear that thingy n go on a d-i-e-t tho.
your girlfriendcat Sanjee
Oh Miles that is so awful. Bubbles knows how you feel. Hang in there, it will get better.
Poor Miles with all your issues to work out. 10 days being a cone head?
Miles, that cone thing is a real bummer! I think you should just hang your head and howl. Nothing makes my bean more upset than when I do that. She picks me up and hug and asks "whats a matter little boy? How can I make you happy?"
# 24984
Doots - 24,987
Poor Miles. We are sorry about the cone, but Mommy thinks it's really cute!
Can't you have your mommy take the lampshade off so you can eat? Are you sure she's not secretly putting you on a crash diet? Sounds mighty coincidental, if you ask me.
Reely, a cone, an owie, a dental, and a diet-all at da same time. We fink it's a kon-spir-acee!
I am number 24, 997... so close.
Feel better, Miles.
24,998 Doots!
25,000! we see it!
we is number 25000!!!!
yuki & kimiko
we's so 'cited we forgetted the rest of our comment - all of which wuz loaded wif simpithee fur you an so we're sorry we furgetted ta say that furrst.
we gots on at the same time as grr, midnight and cocoa. they typed faster. pooh!!!
we feels sorry furs you miles. that is a terrible torture no kitty should have to endure. we hopes you feel better soon. we gots x-site-ed too and forgots to say somefin about yur torture.
yuki & kimiko
It's us, we are number 25,000!!!! Sorry, couldn't help ourselbes, do hope that you heal up quickly soos you can take that horribeble cone offs yourselb. Ear scratches are berry portant.
I was actually looking at the sitemeter statistics, and Bonnie & Victor were visitor #25,000. It's true, check it out!
Doots, 25,001
OH MAN! 25,002!
I just *had* to stop and lick myself, didn't I? If only I had waited, I coulda been IT!
I knew that broken site meter would mess this all up.
Happy 25,000!
Miles- Yoo can come ovur to owr place to eat stinky gudness efurry day AND weve purrfected getting into the temp-tay-shuns bag so yoo can eat all yoo want!
Oh and we're 25,004. Dues that mean anything!?!?! Congratulashuns on yer 25,000!!
I lost! 25,006! Hmpf! Congrats on whichever cat who posted above was #25,000. There seem to be several who appeared at the same time!
Hang in there, Miles! Hopefully you won't be in that torture device much longer!
Oh poor miles...
Susam feels sorry for you. Just let you know, she has a broken paw and has to live with bandage for 10 dayss too.
I hope you and susam get well soon
I knoos I would miss it!Dis mornin I am 25,016!
Congrats to Bonnie and Victor!!!
Gud Morning my Sweetie Sammys!
Doesn't matter to us if we won or not, didn't know the meeter was broken. Congratulations Victor and Bonnie.
What the hey? Did I miss something when my Agent was sick? Have you had 25,000 visitors since installing your counter?
You are far more popular than me...
And, Miles? I'll take care of your ears for you. Whispering sweet nothings in them should do the trick!
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