Phew- Mommy camed home wif her head on. I'm not an orphan. Fanks for all of your support when I was freaked out.
Daddy is now jobbie hunting too. There's still no jobbies for him where we lif, so we will haf to see what happens.
We now haf our own store! Someone has to earn our tem-tay-shuns money. Please buy somefing if you is so inklined. We will also donate 10% of what we make to ofurr kitties in need.
Our Catster pages are FINALLY done. Our buttons are in the sidebar.
AND - Sammy tried to remove my head the ofurr day. I has a big owie unner my chin - but I would sit still enuf yet for mommy to take a pikshur. Anyway it's kind of gross. My furs is gone there, and there's a big gash and it's red and it was bleeding, but now it has a gross scabby on it. I figured no one would want to see a gross scabby owie. He hates me and he wanted my head to come off.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, January 05, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Miles, I really doh't think Sammy hates you.
Glad to hear your mom came home with her head on. I hope your mom and dad find good jobs soon. Good luck with your store!
I think maybe Sammy was trying to give your head to the headhunters so they wouldn't take mommy's head.
I'm 24,415 today.
Oh gosh, so much stuff goin on!!! And Mommy's been hoggin the puter again. I hafta put the bitey on her fur that. I's glad your Mommy's head is ok. SAMMY stop tryin to take Mileses head off!!! If you takes his head off I's gonna telerport ofur and put the bitey on you jus like Cocoa would and that's skeery! Miles needs his head too!
Miles, I's telerportin ofur to comfurt you soon as I makes my FFF post, k? BIGGGG PURRRRRRRRRRS from your girlfriendcat Sanjee :)
Oh! And we's gonna go to your store and make Mommy get out her pl astic card so's I kin get Miles stuff! hehehe
You are most certainly having head problems these last few days, Miles. First Sammy tries to take yours and then your Momma almost looses hers...
sorry Miles, but i guess i should tell yur momma this effun though you won't like it...
i gots a big owie rite unner my chin on account of sumtimes i scratch rite there lots an i won't let anybuddy cut my sharp claws an so i make a big owie on myownself. the Lady TRICKS ME when i come ta cuddle on her lap an she puts sum stuff she calls Neosporin on her finger where i can't see it an then sneeks it onta my owie while she's pettin' me. she just puts a big goopy bunch of it there. then i gots sumfin on my furs so i gotta try ta lick it off, but it's unner my chin so i can't reach it but while i'm bendin' my hed down tryin' ta lick it, it's ackshully rubbin' it inta the owie an makin' it better.
AAAHHHHHH! BLOOD! I hope your ouchie gets better soon. I took a browse in your store, and you gots nice stuff.
awww, I'm only visitor 24,432!
Fooey! ;)
Heads seem to be rolling at yur howse! Better ketch them all befur they roll owt into the street!
that headhunter story was scary ... I am so glad she still has her head. Faz
Poor Miles! Don't let your bro bite your head off!
Come on over to my place and enter a guess in my contest. If you win, you don't have to share with the headbiter, you can keep everything to yourself. (I guess you could share with your mommy and daddy.)
Ouchies....yeah Kaze causes a lot of those. Stupid freaking Kaze. Sorry about the ouchie but make sure your mom scratches it as it gets better, that feels really nice.
Good lucks to your Mum & Dad wiv looking for jobs.
we are glad your mum still has her head.
Miles - hope your owie gets better soon
24,489 Welcome to Catster too. Hope your mum and dad get new jobbies soon. Although sometimes you get paid for not working!
good luck to yer mom an dad ...
an to u in yer noo venchur!
i will vizit yer store soon.
LC: I know what you mean. I haf 2 owies on my neck from Skeeter, but I started the fight so it is alrigt. The Big Thing rubs them gently, and that makes them feel better for a while.
But he wants us to stop making owies on each other. He keeps thinking we have ticksies or something. So he makes us get on our backs while he looks at the lumps in our fur. We don't like that. But we know he means well...
Maybe it wuz an asidnent, I bet Sammy dint meen it. We'll be purraying dat yoor momma and daddy find jobbies soon. Tho, sumtimes, I wish my mommy wood stop werking so much and stay home wif us.
I dunno knoos what dat means but Momma said to put it on my message.
Oooo Sammys and Miles yu boff hass been furry busy. I is so glad to see yu on Catster. Yu boff have furry gud pages.... and I get to see LOTS of pixchurs of my handsome Sammys.
Oh Sammys yu diddn't really hurt Miles? Dat hadda to B an axe-ce-dent.
I madda Momma go and get me somefink frum yur I has my own spec-shull Sammys stuffs!
Sending many kitties purrayers to yur Mommie and Daddy!
Maybe I can teleport ofur and we can purrs softly too-gather.
By my handsome sweet Sammys!
:::wavin paws:::
By Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Purrsss and Headbumps
We's getting confoosed wiv all this hed stuff. We's glad yer mum's still got hers, an we fink yoo haf still got yores (just)Flynn duz the same as Cocoa, an skritches his own chin an sumtimes makes it bleed. I yoosed to git blamed furr it till mum seen him doing it to himself.
Miles so sorry to hear about your scabby owie.I'm sending you a Hugg to
cheer you up :)
Me Again I sent you a Catster Pal Request.
I don't think that number will go up much this weekend.
glad that everyone still has their heads. hope that the beans get jobs soon.
if you become orphaned kitties, DD will gladly take you in...although she might dress you up in dresses and stuff.
We're sending better-job vibes to both of you from all of us down here in PA. We think that if the bosses at their previous jobs were stupid enough to let them go, then they don't deserve good employees anyway.
Make that "...were stupid enough to let your humans go,..."
You probably understood, but I apologize for my typist/editor/human, who is doing a poor job tonight.
Hi Sammy and Miles. There is always something going on at your place, isn't there? We are so sorry to hear about your Daddy's job, but we are furry glad that everyone still has their heads... even if some are damaged... or something.
Anyway, thanks for nice comments about my date with Tipper! It went really well!
Hi Sammy & Miles
Skeezix sent us to see yur stor.
Sorry yur meowmy and daddy haf tu look fer jobs. We r gonna go find sumpthin at yur stor to buy. So yu can hav mor tem-ta-shuns.
We feel so bad fur you. We hates it when you gets an OWIE. But at least yur head wuzznt taken alla way off. That would have been beyond OWIE. Good luck wif yur store!
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