Well, we is here bisiting my foo-ton. I loves my foo-ton. Oh, and my daddy too. No good foods yet. Maybe today they will do some shopping and buy me some good foods.
OH, and I BEATED the tag-team goop. I gotted Burrito wrapped, and then daddy helded me, and mommy gooped me, and then I gotted out and washed it all out of my eye. HA.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Have fun wif yur Daddy and yur foo-ton. Maybe he will give yu a special taste of some hams becuz yu has been frew so much.
Hope yur eye is better.
:::wavin paws:::
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Hi to my handsome sweet Sammys
Purrs and Headbutts
Wow Miles, yoo effun beated dem beans whin dey dubbul teemed yoo! I'z proud to be a boy cat today~Speedy
Dad beans usually need help getting their refrigerator right. Your mom will have to straighten it out.
rock out the foo-ton guys!
Nothing...not human, nor beast...can out-wit or out-maneuver Miles!
That's my boy!
The dreaded burrito wrap! At least they didn't hold onto you till the goop soaked in!
Enjoy your futoon Miles. I hate being tag teamed...'re a meezer, when will they learn that we always win? Have fun!
Too bad they figured out the burrito wrap. Between cutting our nails and wrapping us up, we don't stand a chance!!
Hi to our bestest furriends.
Humans certainly don't give up easily, do they? When will they ever learn that they can't outsmart a Cat.
Be careful Miles, or they will be putting that cone thing round your neck again so you can't wash out your eye...
mom's not a good typer tooday cuz she hurt her wristy but i maded her type enuf for m e say hi to my boyfriendcat. enjoy yore foo-ton Miles and purr for yore daddy. i hope yore eye gets better fast so no more goop
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Glad you had a safe trip... and way to outsmart the double team Miles!! I have a question for you. Do you end up all greasy on your paws and stuff from the eye goop? I had to have it a lot when I was a kitten, and my white bib up front and my face were always a bit greasy. You can see it in most of my kitten pictures (even a little in the one I just posted today). I was just wondering if it happens to other kitties, or if I was just a sloppy kitten! Hope you have a good visit with your Dad!!!
I'm sure hoping your eye is better today, Miles!
you should see this thingy that they got in the shelter out here in cally4kneeyah - it's like a bag that ya zip the kitty into an the only thing that's stickin' out is the kitty's hed an then they kin stab the kitty or give it meddysin or put goop in its eyes. good thing yur people duzzn't haf one of those.
purrs to MeezerDaddy! sorry about the burrito-ing but enjoy your futon!
We's glad that y'all gotted there safely! HOpe the eye feels better soon.
Please please please please please don't tell my people about the burrito wrap!!!
Yeaaaa, and it sownds like yoo got some grate excercise time during yer goop divershun!
Ohh, I had to do the goopy stuff in CGPH's eye recently. His eye was sooo ucky, but in just a few days, it was all cleared up. Sometimes it comes back, specially if someone won't take there naughty kitty!
Have lots of fun with your daddy! Don't let them goop you up too much.
Wow, Miles, I am very impressed. As much as I try I can't beat the tag-team manicure. You'll have to give me some tips.
I thought kitties were supposed ta get treats when the peoples did somefing mean to 'em.
Catzee is right. If you keep the goop in your eye, then you'll get treats.
no, no, miles! it's not always a good thing to get one ofurr on the beans. you gotta leave the goop in yer eye so's it gets better!!! PLEASE!!
i don't like gettin' goop for the ear-crud put in my ears, neither, but it stops 'em from itchin!! c'mon, dude--be a mensch (or i guess that should be "a catsch"!) this is ONE time they're tellin' ya "it's for your OWN GOOD"--an' it's TRUE!!
your furry good furriend, nels
Miles, Miles, how are you gonna get better if you don't take your meds? I know it's awful 'cause it takes 2 people to hold me down for things like that, but you gotta DO IT!
Maxwell Smartkitty
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