YET ANOFURR UPDATE: MILES: 4:30 I'm home. I'm cranky. My mouf really hurts. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I need a nap. I was furry happy to see my mommy but she better not efurry do anyfing like that to me again. I'll update more tomorrow.
ANOFURR UPDATE: 1:15pm. The v-e-t called and Miles is out of surgery. He hadded to haf 4 teef removed and va-neers putted on 4 ofurrs. He hadded "pockets" ofurr a couple of teef and hadded to haf anty-bi-otiks put in the pockets. He will haf to haf pain med-i-k-shun when he comes home. Mommy saided he could come home after 4pm - she saided that is 1 long and 1 short sleep from now. She saided that the v-e-t didded some research and askded the head v-e-t there and saided that the lee-shuns are common in Meezers, and that it doesn't mean that he is sick. That's good. The bad news is that I has to see the same v-e-t on Furrsday for my rooster shots. I hopes I doesn't haf to haf a dental.
UPDATE: The v-e-t called and tolded mommy that Miles has to haf several (between 4 and 8) teef pulled, and that he has lesions on his teef. She saided that this is found ushually in older kitties, or kitties wif Feline Lukemia. He tested negative when he was a baby for lukemia, so the v-e-t is confused. Mommy is furry upset. He is still in surgery. We will update later.
Mommy gotted us up early today and then she wented out and chipped the mental monster wif wheels out of the ice and shoveled the driveway. Me and Miles was running around trying to find the food and water - they was all gone. Then Mommy camed and scooped Miles up and burritoed him in a blankie and tooked him outside. Then after 2 sleeps she camed back - wifout Miles. She saided that he would be back this afternoon, but I don't know. He was sreaming when he lefted the house. Now all I can do is run around the house and yowl. Wrestling is no fun by yourself.
Oh, Mommy says that Miles is getting his teef cleaned. I wonder, should I let her try and brush my teefs again so I doesn't haf to get mine done?
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
OH poor Miles..he has had a rough go of it for the last week or so. Sammys yu is gonna hafta be furry nice to him when he comes back from the VETS...
Purring for Miles....
Hi to my sweet lovable handsome Sammys!
Purrs and Headbutts
Ooh! You might want to consider the teeth-brushing thing, Sammy.
Oh! I's glad Miles didn't reely disappear! I's purrin for him lots to get his teefies cleaned and recuver quick.
If his vet won't do it (and most won't...something about it being "ethically questionable"), I know a great vet who will do teeth whitening on him, too.
I mean, if Miles expects to be seen with me on the red carpet, he should have some gleaming white choppers!
We're thinking of him today in West Michigan!
It's very, very upsetting when Pumpy has to go to the vet . And even more upsetting when I have to go!!
I get totally freaked out when the woman puts Pumpy in that carrier and takes him away.
Oh no, poor Miles! I hope he feels better when he gets home, lots of kitties have missing teeth. I'm sorry you're alone, I know thats no fun at all.
My goodness, poor Miles has gone through such an ordeal lately! The Divine Miss Marilyn sends him (and Sammy) purrs and head-butts. Get well soon, my furry friend.
(And give your mommy a hug from me!)
We are sending so many nose bumps and nuzzles to the Meezers boys and especially for Miles. And Meezer Mom too because I'll bet she's furry worried. I hope everything goes ok! And so do Bunny Mommy and Daddy.
Poor Miles. :( He's been having a rough time of it lately. I hope all goes well for him at the vet.
Sammy, be nice to him when he comes home.
Oh, poor poor poor Miles! I never knew they could put veneers on. Be sure to update us when Miles gets home, I am a little worried.
Oh, no , poor Miles!
We're sending purrs and headbonks to you all!
Poor Miles! He certainly has been having a rough time of it lately. Miles will probably think this is mean of me, but if he is still a bit dopey when he comes home, maybe that would be a good time to get the goop in his eye. I just want him to get all better.
I hope Mile feles bettur wen this is all dun. Teethwurk is nefurr fun. Get Better soon, Miles!
Poor Miles, he certainly has been going through a rough time. Hope he feels better once the antibiotics kick in and his teeth are less sore, and his eye heals up, and...poor boy!
Oh Miles, we are so very sad that you had such a rough time at the vets.
Sammy, you might ought to brush your teefs, it couldn't hurt.
The Divine Miss Marilyn says veneers are very "in" in Hollywood. She approves heartily. Miles is one stylin' cool cat now.
poor kitty. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Poor Miles, Fat Eric left me a comment about you, so sorry to hear about all your problems.
I've added you to our Prayer list.
We are supposedly having an ice storm, too, here in Houston TX. So far this is unlike any ice storm I've seen -- I'm from Dallas TX and have seen a few. There's no ice! Hmmmm.
It's colder than anything out there, 33 F with a brisk north wind of 25 mph. Didn't think you could have an ice storm without ice!
Oh, poor Miles! Tell your Mom to give you plenty of that pain meds. It will make you feel sooooo good. Hope your mouth feel better soon.
Miles ... I hope you're feelin' more like yourself. Havin' teeth pulled must really hurt. It's a good thing that Temptations® are soft on the inside so that you can still eat them while you recover from your v-e-t ordeal.
Sammy ... You might wanna reconsider your position on tooth-brushing.
Oh, you poor Miles. We are sending extra purrs and headbutts to our bestest furriend.
Big Piney Woods Cats
poor Miles! we lif neer Hollywood an it's furry fashunibble ta haf veneers, but we neffur herd of 'em fur cats!
Purrs to Miles on all of your toothy problems. It hasn't been your year so far. Hope things gets better.
we feels so sorry fur yus miles. we wills be purrayin fur yus to have a beffer rest of the year.
kimiko & yuki
Oh Miles, that sounds awful. I am sending headbutts and purrs your way and I hope you feel better really soon.
Miles we hope you are feeling better kwik.
Purrs from Finny & Buddy
Oh man, Miles....dude Im sorry you wound up getting some teeth yanked out. I think that might hurt worse than it sounds. Maybe even worse than gettign nootered!
Miles, sorry to hear you had to have so much work done on your teeth. I hope you feel better soon.
My mom says that a lot of Siamese have dental problems. Her Whiskers never had to have teeth pulled, but he had to have a lot more cleanings than their other cat.
Miles, take care. *hugs*
Oh Miles!
Miles....oh poor dear Miles...we diddn't knoos yu wuz havin such a time of it at da VETS... I fought it wuz terrorable when I had my front canine out...but how many toofs did dey pull? Oh my....FOUR??? Well it's a gud fink dat they make stinky goodness soft! I bet yu are gonna be brushin yur toofs now efurryday! A meezer gotta have a booteefull smile! We hopes yu feel better today. We'll all be finkin of yu!
Purrs to Miles!
Hi to my sweet lovable Sammys(who is glad to have his brofur back home wif him!)
Purrs and Headbutts
Miles -- hey buddy, hang in there! We'd say we're feeling your pain, but hopefully you got some good stuff to take so it doesn't hurt too much. Sky had 9 of his teeth removed last August and he said it wasn't much fun. Keep us posted! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Oh Poor Miles, I'm sending purrs to make you feel better and headbutts to Sammy for having to miss you all day.
I hopes everything turns out well. Poor baby.
Poor Miles!! Sending purrs to make you feel better.
The Monsters and Mom
Oh Miles, I am so, so sorry. This sounds horrible. I can only imagine how scared and frightened you must have been. This only makes me want to wait even longer to go to the dentist. I hope you are feeling better, and I send you my biggest purrs to get well soon!
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