I deklare myself Miles - The Poos-a-nator, rassler ex-tror-da-nare, striker of fear into the soft squishy-ness that is Sammy. Or sooper-hero. you 'acide!
Here's how it happened:
We was chilling in the lifing room - I was laying 'ahind the curtains, pulling on the sheers so that they would rip (i pull on them and they rip from the seam at the top, not claw holes, heh heh heh) and Sammy was laying in front of the couch, where mommy was sitting. All of a sudden, I was infekted by nuke-lee-ar ray-dee-a-shun and my eyes glowed green and I gotted muscles. I had the urge to attak. So, I standed up, and I was HUGE!! I crouched down and wiggled my butt and leaped HIGH into the air, flying out frough the curtains wif ease, and landed right on Sammy's head. It was AWSOME. It scairt mommy! It scairt Sammy!! I bunny kicked him a few times and WHOOOOSSSHHHH, I ranned off up the stairs. When I camed back down, I was my normal self - no huge muscles, no glowing green eyes, no leaping high in the air. But, I'm going to hide my sekret - I fink I can tap into those powers at any time.
Now, off to design an outfit for THE POOS-A-NATOR
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Miles are you sure you are OK when you turn into the Poos-a-nator?
Miles, we want to see a photo of the Poos-a-nator! Too bad you scared your mommy so much she didn't have time to take your pixshur.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Wow...Miles..That sounds like a very pawsome poerz youz haves. I finks youz should comes over and teach our pupskie Shania a lesson. She is being very bad furz our meowmize....Sia
I think we could use you to scare off the squirrel we had at our house this morning...or to teach Lilly some more better manners. She keeps barking at our house guest.
Oh mighty Poos-a-nator, you did indeed strike fear in me! I'm so glad that it was not my head that you landed upon - sorry, Sammy! Can't wait to see the Poos-a-nator outfit!
Poos-a-nator!! I want to meet ya!!!!
Yoo'll always be my sooperhero, Miles!
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
We always nooed yu had sooper powers, we can't wait to see yur costoom.
:::wavin paws:::
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping(who wants to try becomin a sooperhero too), Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy adorable mancat Sammys!
Your adorin regal angels
Wow a superkitty! Use your powers for good! Like opening tuna cans and the fridge door to get HAM!!
how very cool that you can become poos-a-nator whenever you want! huge muscles are FUN.
ben fuzz
You must learn to use your powers for good! We like the idea of glowing green eyes and racing through the house.
Sounds like you're feeling better! Yay!
Sounds like you're definitely feeling better. Yay!!
Oh wow! You should have a special outfit and I think its good you're keeping your talents quiet. Keep practicing a little bit more, not that you need it, just because its fun to strike fear.
Oh, wow, we need a picher of that! You have tapped into the power all cats have, but don't always know how to use. You need something with a cape on it!!!
Oooh, a superhero! I can't wait to see your special uniform.
Wow, Miles, that's very impressive! Congratulations on being the Cat of the Day!
Oh Miles, wow...thats all I can clearly have hidden powers. I think you should concentrate on harnessing your powers to further the cause of Meezers taking over the world. With your skill, you could really realy become ruler of all you survey!
Love and hugs
Yao-Lin xx
Wow, Miles, that's so kewl! I butt-wiggle-pounce Bonnie lots, too, efun tho she complains alla time bout it. She says, "Don't you pounce me!" An I say, "Pounce me? Ok!" Tee hee hee. Are you sure you don't got a twin like Hendrix/Bendrix?
Oh, an amember, NO CAPES. That's a furry impawtant lesson frum The Incredibles.
Congratulations on being COTD!
Miles! You sound just like the Incredible Hulk! If you were wearing clothes when your muscles popped out they would probably tear right apart!
Da Poos-a-nator, sooper hero extrodinare...wate, are sooper heros 'apposta pounce der brofurs?
I think you must be feeling all the way better to be able to turn into the Poosenator. I can't wait to see your special outfit. Congratulations on being Cat of the Day.
You wanna come over and thwap the Brats for me? Then maybe they'll leave me alone. If you do that for me, you'll always be my superhero. :)
Meezer power!
Concatulashuns on bein' Cat's Kat of the Day, hehehe! That's a fab-yoolus honor.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wowy - that sounded like a nip rush to us!
Geeez Miles, you DO sound like a sooper-hero! Ya know, it is summertime - there should probably be a real bid-budget mooovie 'bout you!
ooops . . . "bid" ---> meant to say "BIG"!!!!!
concatulations to the manly poos-a-nator cat of the day! what a pity there's no picture of you all "hulked out"!!!!
oh, that was our silly mom, "olrebbie" commenting before we could wrest control of the puter!
we are glad to hear you are feisty--you must be all better! we hopes so, an' purrs an' purrrays that your bloodwork comes back thumbin' its nose at the vet!! tee-hee!
an' what SHE said . . . only double!
Poos-a-nator....ha ha ha ha
Miles the Poos-a-nator! Marie the Defender! We should team up to fight evil!
Wow!! Did your whole body turn glow green or just your eyes? You have to learn to leash your Poos-a-nator powers......the vishus deer wouldn't stand a chance!!!
Wicked, can a movie deal be far behind?
Oh Miles, Cheysuli and I are so thrilled that you got to be Kat's Kat of the Day!
Sometimes Cheysuli does what you did but she's not nearly as good at it!
Sounds like you are feeling better. We are glad that you can turn into the Poos-a-nator. Try that at the vet sometime, just imagine it...hehe
Sooper-hero Meezer!!! You could get your own T.V. show with that.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You are the Poosinator and I am the Tamponator. We need to team up and fight cat and tampon crime!
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