Tuesday, June 26, 2007

well, this was 'apposed to be Tailsday


I am mad mad mad. We was 'apposed to haf Tailsday pikshurs today, but we is leafing to go to Daddy's. While I am happy that I am going to see my foo-ton, I really didn't want to go in the metal machine wif wheels again! See, Monday I hadded to go get more bloods stolen from me. So, into the PTU and off to the v-e-t again. Mommy felted so bad for me 'acause I was just shaking and shaking waiting for the tech to take me and stab me and steal my bloods. He's my favorite purrson there, but I peed on him anyway. I tolded him I was sorry as he cleaned me up. I think he believed me. He tolded Mommy I was a good boy, so I guess he and I are still buds. Mommy says that hopefully my bloodwerk will come back 'afore the 4th of July so she doesn't haf a stroke or heart attack or something like that. so, cross your pawsies and eyes and say purrayers that it all turns out ok and that I'm not sick.


Tara said...

Oh Miles, don't be mad. Your mom is doing the best for you. We are all really worried. Go visit your foo-ton and have a great time!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Efurrything is crossed although crossing my eyes gives me a headache ...

I hope you're not sick, Miles. That would be furry bad!

Enjoy your futon and time with your daddy!


PeeSss: Good, healthy karmic thoughts for you!

Max said...

Dood, really, ya gotta work on poopin' on the stabby people!

I got paws crossed that your blood looks spiffy and red and that there aren't any cooties in it.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Miles, my paws are crossed and prayers are being said! Have fun at your Dad's!



We hass been purrayin real hard dat all of yur testss come back x-cell-lant! We ba-leave dat they will be purrfect!!! Have funs wif yur foo-ton and yur Daddy! I bet he will give yu lots of pig!

BYE Miles!!!!

::::wavin paws::::
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie

Bye to my sweet super handsome brave floofy mancat Sammy!

Purrs and Headbutts
Your angelic little sweetie

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We hope you aren't sick. Paws crossed. Purrrrrr.

The Tower Hill Mob said...

We're purring and praying for you,Miles.
In the meantime you and Sammy have a good time visiting Dad ( and the futon).

LZ said...

I'm going to keep my tail curled for you all the way until they blood work gets back!! We all purr for you at my house. Have fun on the foo-ton.


Gemini said...

Oh Chey has crossed her eyes--or is that a fault in a Siamese? We hopes you feel good and that you have good blood too Miles!

Kukka-Maria said...

Always thinking of you, Miles...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z crossed our paws and tails and mom has all her fingers and toes crossed. We'd cross our eyes but den we bump into stuff. We's saying purrayers dat yoor blood is perfekt just like yoo.

Meowers from Missouri said...

we's purrin' an' purrrayin' that all's well wif your bloods!! mom has had a reminder notice to purray on her computer face at day hunting an' at home, so we hasn't forgotten, efurr!

an' we purrrays that your poor mom don't haff a conniption before the test results come back! then they would put her inna hospital an' take HER bloods!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We have all of our paws crossed here for you, Miles!
Mom does not like waiting, either. Hope your good blood papers come back quick!
~Noah and The Bunch

Carolina Cats said...

Miles, we are purrin and got all owr toes and tales crossed that efurryfing will be fine wif yore bloods.

Have fun wif yore footon!!

Finny & Buddy

Daisy said...

Message to Miles' blood: You must be GOOD! Pixie and I are going to cross all of our paws for you.

Boots, Ozzie and Brenda said...

Paws crossed and purrayers to you Miles.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh poor little puddin, we are saying purrayers for you cos we love you and we want you to be 100% well.

Please let us know as soon as u get some results little pud.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no Miles!! I hope your blood test come back with excellent results!!!

Karen Jo said...

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I really hope that your bloodwork results come back quickly and that they are 100% good. Have fun with your Dad and the futon.

The Furry Kids said...

We are crossing everything and saying lots of purrayers and sending you guys lots of pawsitive thoughts. Have fun at your dad's!

MaoMao said...

Awwww, great big huggies to you, Miles. I'm sorry about goin' to the v.e.t. and I'll be keepin' my paws and my whiskers crossed and my tail tied in a knot that your bloodwork comes back okay. Me and my sisturs are sendin' great big hopeful purrrrrrrs that efurrything will be okay!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

I hope everything turns out fine. You need to tell that vampire vet to STOP stealing your blood. It is yours after all.

Forty Paws said...

We've got everything crossed for you and are purring!!!

Uh, BTW, Maw can't remember if it's your mom or the Meezer Gang mom who likes Dr. Who. Anyway, Dr. Who has 2 new episodes on July 6th on Sci-Fi channel.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

purrfect blood, purrfect blood, purrfect blood, purrfect blood, purrfect blood...we're gonna keep it up till yur results come back. purrrrrrrs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We reely hope yer bloodwerk comes back ok, and we got efurryfing crossed furr yoo.
Yoo haf a good holly day wiv yer dad and yer footon.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your bloods have to be good because you ARE a good boy Miles!

we are keeping our paws crossed too

Parker said...

Miles - I have everything crossed that will cross. It's gonna be OK!

Ivan from WMD said...

Miles, I already know the outcome because I'm reading this backwards. Anyway, my mom says I laugh like Bart Simpson every time I read where you've peed on somebody!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...