Camping is lots and lots of fun! I can hang out all day in the wilderness (Sammy's note: "The Wilderness" is the area across the lifing room from the couch, where the entertainment center is) and hunt and fish and sit in front of my campfire (Sammy's note: the glow from the TV or the flashlight). It's furry 'alaxing. Howefurr, I was rudely ripped from my tent on Wednesday to get taken to the v-e-t yet AGAIN and haf my bloods stolen AGAIN. ::sigh:: - they did not call today to say that it was too clotty so hopefully I will nefurr haf to go back. Efurr.

Caeser and Prinnie haf nominated us for anofurr award!! Fank you furry much, we is furry honored.
Oh I think your camping looks furry fun. Have a good weekend!
Did yoo make S'mores? When mom makes em Zippy gets some marshymallow and I gets some gram craker. Speedy won't eat em cuz deys not meat.
Miles you look like you are enjoying camping very much! I hope your bloods are OK.
You guys have lots of fun camping - try not to get lost!
I think you might camping the whole next week, too.
Happy weekend to you~!
I'm sorry that you had to interrupt your camping to go to the vet again. It is good news that they didn't call to say that your blood is too clotty. I also hope that you don't have to go back and get more blood stolen. Enjoy your camping trip.
Whoops, I forgot to congratulate you on your schmoozing blogger award. It is well deserved.
Camping is a lot of fun! :) I like it when I can curl up in my sleeping bag in my tent! Sorry to hear you had your blood stolen again, Miles, I hope everything is normal!
I am glads yu is havin funs with yur campin advenchures. I betcha yu and Sammys is sittin around da campfires singin and roastin marshmellows. Do yu like marshmellows?
::::wavin paws::::
Have a gud weekend campin and don't let em steal anymore bloods..Momma hadda to have her bloods stolen yesterday so she udderstand how yu feels!
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to the sweetest most handsome floofiest manliness meezer in da hole bloggiewerld Sammys!
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little angel girl
♥ аббу ♥
I hope you never have to get your bloods stolen ever again! never!
Camping IS exhausting!
Happy WEek-end you two !!
Sorry to hear you gots the blood stolen again, Miles. Camping is a good way to relax, though. You can just meditate and watch the campfire.
Your buddy, JJ
Ezra sez... We luff to go camping in out tent too!
I's on my way ofur to camp wif yoo more, Miles! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Purrrrrrrrrs n noskisses,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Camping sounds great, I am going to try it and maybe make fishy and HAM! 'smores. That sounds good!
I hope we all never have to go back to the VET. Maybe we should run away to your Wilderness, I bet the blood stealing people would never find us there.
Glad you are still camping out! That sounds like such a great time! Except the part about going to the vet.
I'm suffering from severe camping withdrawl. I'm gonna have to put the tent in the back yard or something because if I don't get out of my bed soon I'm gonna go bonkers. LOL!
You're so lucky to get to camp all the time.
I hope you don't have to get any more blood stolen.
Miles, you were really roughing it out there in the wilderness. Be sure to keep your survival guide with you at all times!
Haf fun campin this weekend! It looks like yur all set to go.
Have fun camping. I think I will go camping in my tent too.
i like the tent! but i do not like the v-e-t... yikes, hiss!!
We haven't camped yet owrselves but Owr Mom loves it. She says some day she'll get one of doze trailer howses in a campground and we can go. She says it's polly da only way she'll efur get a new howse she and Dad can call their own togefur. Dis howse we lives in is Dad's old house from before. He's not too keen on campin' but we like yur kind of campin'. I tink it's time we go innernet shoppin. What yoo fink?
I wanna camp in the house!!
Mooooommmmm! Why is my tent on top of the china cabinet again?
Have fun camping Miles. I like my tent too.
We gots them same campin' tents! Da Blue looks more realaxin' - our tent is read...makes us furry excited!
Wow, we have the same tents except we have the blue one and the beige one. We like that wilderness idea! Especially when you're not really out in the wilderness!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Hi! Aww , you are very cute! i love you :D =P, i never tried to camping, For your photos I think camping is very funny.
Visit our blog, We returned.
sorry for the bad english.
yup camping looks like fun! And hard work! Make sure you have a nap in front of the nice he he xx
Camping sounds like tons of fun! We're sorry to hear you had to go to the vet again. We hope that the results come back okay.
Congratulations to the schmoozing award, you truly deserve it! Great tents, by the way!
where'd you get a blue tent? i want a blue tent, mommie won't let me get the red one, she doesn't like red, we like blue
I want that tent NOW!
All I do is go to the v-e-t for the blood stealing crime lately, and I deserve that tent!
Next time the Mosaic Lady goes to the store, I'm ordering my own. I memorized her debit VISA.
Nice to meet you cute camping Meezers!
(we haven't figured out how to get OUR PRIVATE CAT blog unlinked from Mosaic Lady's blog account on some of these blogs who don't let us post comments under "other". But it doesn't matter today, because both blogs were bogarted by US for WCB.)
Ooh camping sounds like fun! But what about food? Do you have to hunt down your own food or can you sneak into the kitchen to get some stinky goodness, even though you're braving it in the wilderness? :D
And I'm sorry your blood got stolen, but it's only to make sure you are healthy! =]
Camping is definitely fun - so sorry about your blood getting stolen but it's for your good in the end - honest!
seems that camping is a very fine thing to do! We have never been camping and we don't have a tent but you look very happy!
we hope you're done wif going to the v-e-t and haf your blood stolen.
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