Pretending you are deaf is the only way to deal with the loud objections of the people when you are someplace you are not supposed to be. Also, if you roll around on your back enough, they will give up and leave you alone.

My name is "comeonsammygetoffthe table" and "peopledonotlikefurintheirfoodsammy"
For more Meezer Rule Wednesday, visit
oh and Miles is still camping. It seems that he has decided to take a bay-k-shun this week. but SHHHHHHHH don't tell him that he has to go to the v-e-t at 12:30 to get more bloods stolen, he seems happy in his little tent werld.

Ha ha Sammy. You and Smoke have similar names. His is "nosmokegetdownofftheclocknowsmoke" and I've occasionally heard "Badsmokegetoutofthecereal."
Sammy! This is an excellent meezer rule! I will make sure to practice this!
Sammy, my nickname is very simple:
Miles looks very good at camping, hahahaha~!
I think that is a great spot for Miles.
Many say that the best part in house is where the cat stay, so, I think Mile is giving us the hint.
Awwww darn it! Poor Miles, I'm gonna send him some special purrs - Puuuurrrrr Puuurrrrr Puurrrrr!
♥ Sammys ♥
Yu look so koot and floofy and handsome. Fank you furrs teleportin ofur and takin care of me yesterday,it madda me feel ALL better. I can see without seein more dan one fink at a time. No more dough-bulls.
Tell Miles we will be finkin about him and purrin....
:::wavin paws::::
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my handsome sweet floofy mancat! ♥
Purrsss and Nosekisses ♥
Your adoring little baby angel
~Abby ♥
That's a great rule! I get "No! Eggie, no!!" a lot for some reason.
Lots of luck to Miles at the V-E-T. We're crossing our paws that his bloods are behaving.
Earl Grey
Poor Miles, I'd hide too if I had to give more blood. Good luck at the vet!
Mum has given up trying to keep me off the table. She figures that's why it's called 'fur-niture'.
Good to see you boyz looking so well!
Can't say I blame Miles about the tent. Camping is a good way to get away from it all. And I know what you mean about playing deaf. Some human outbursts don't deserve to be responded to.
The name I never answer to: Daisy-No-NO!
I sure hope Miles' blood is good. Poor little guy, completely unaware in his tent.
Oh Sammy that is such a long name. How do you remember it all?
Sammy, that's a very good rule! I like your nicknames! Mine is "Dragonheartgetdown".
I hope Miles' bloodwork comes back normal!
Oh, we hopes Miles blood is normal! Yeah, our names are Sadiestopit or Sadigetyoorbuttoutamyface and Speedno (yelled furry loud) Zippy is always Sweet Zip or Zipperina or some other lovey dovey crap! Dat little know it all, she never gets in trouble....
Sammy, mine is "TiggergetdownoffthecounterNOW! I just tell her no! Oh, Miles will not be happy! We hope his blood is perfect!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
The name I don't answer to is don'tbitemethathurts and stopchewingontheplasticbag. Sometimes I don't even answer to Henry.
Excellent rule! Can buns use it also?
~Lando Bun
Hee hee you guys are so funny! I should tell all the buns out there that your rule about lying on your back works for buns too. Bunny Mommy and Daddy are so captivated when I flop out and roll over that all their problems melt away...
That is a very good Meezer rule, Sammy. Cutness wins out over No! all the time. I hope that Miles blood test comes out perfect. I'll be thinking good thoughts for him.
that is a wonderful rule!
Hope Miles is OK at the vet xxx
Sammy, why do the people keep repeating themselves? Today my name was "Tylergetoffofmyhands" and "TylerIcan'ttypewithyourbuttontopofmyhands". I'm not a meezer, but don't they have rules about kitties sitting wherever they darned well please, and no one can say nothing about it? I cannot take more frustration than being directed by a human. I am going to look over my adoption contract and find the exact language that spells it out. Until then I'm in hiding.
Oh, poor Miles 12:30 is quickly approaching...hang in there buddy. I'll be sending you brave thoughts.
hehehe, I'm crackin' up, that's a great rule, and I use that one, too. I'm reeeeeeally good at pretendin' to be deafies when Momma's cookin' and I want up on the kounter to taste test what she'z cookin' and she sez, "Mao, no" and I ackt like I can't hear her.
I can't wait 'til we acheeve Totul World Dominashun, can you?
Good luck at the v.e.t.'s, buddy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
WE get on the table all the time, most of the time momma & daddy let us, unless people are visting then they act all rude to us and tell us to get down.
That rolling thing works all the time.
Miles is cute camping in his cube. Good luck at the vet, buddy!
I think our wolfie Lilly would probably like a tent too. But DD says she can't have her tent 'cuz she already gave Lilly a couch!
sumtimes ars names ars "whatdoyouthinkyouredoin".
yuki & kimiko
Nicknames, it is "ouchDerbythathurts". That is when I put the bitey too hard on mum.
my Mom has a lady at her work who was horrified when she saw a picture of me sittin' on the kitchen table. i mean what's up with that? it's MY table too!!!
Sammy, that is such a great rule, and you look so neat!
Miles, enjoy your camping vacation! Thinkin' about you!
Miles looks so cute - yet unaware of the coming vet trip :)
:::grumble:::: how did we miss this post yesterday? Did you hide it from us?
Oh, now we remember.... yesterday was a busy day for mommie and Blizzie. They had to go to the doctor and then come home and take the accutane test and then fill the prescription and then drive home to get the forgetten ID card and then drive back to get the pills and then comehome and eat dinner then have videochat.
We missed your bloggie, but we hope Miles is brave at the VET.
Prinnie likes to pretend she is deaf all the time, but she is not a meezer. Maybe she wishes she was.
Guess what else? we have an awardie for you on our bloggie. sheeesh life is bizzy.
You are a very good advocate for the Meezer World Domination Brigade, Sammy. That's nice of you to let Miles enjoy his moments in the tent without ruining it with v-e-t news.
Your buddy, JJ
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