I'm smiling 'acause my furry bestest furriend Dr Tomeka Smith saided that I didn't haf to haf bloods stolen for 6 monfs!!! She saided that my plate-lets was still high (normal is 'parently 500,000 and mine were about 650,000 the ferst time and about 580,000 this time) but they is going down. She said 'acause I was a "teenager" she didn't want to start me on aspirin to thin out my blood, 'cause that is a long term fing. WAIT! I'm a TEENAGER! MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM when can I get my driver's license?
Anyway, it's a HAPPY Meezer Monday here at Chateau Meezer (ha, I can speak French!).
I hadded fun on my camping trip. Sometimes the nights gotted a little chilly and I hadded to check into the Lodge (MeezerMom's note: the Lodge apparently is the area on the bed that is under the top quilt but on top of the middle quilt and directly on top of my feet). The Lodge is toasty warm for those chilly nights in the wilderness. The Park Ranger might be upset 'acause I didn't throw out the dead animals when I left. (Sammy's note: delusional Miles means Mom is mad because he took almost all of MY toys out of the toy box and scattered them around the tent last night). I hope I'm allowed to go camping there in the future.
I am glad that you had fun on your camping trip. I am very very glad that you don't have to have anymore bloods stolen for six whole months. That is like forever.
No more stolen blood for a whole six months is furry good news, Miles!
Mom got some tents for me today. Mine are leopard spotted an' blue. She said that we could built a multi-story tent city and call it "Fort DaisyMae" or somethin' ... Cool, huh?
miles, it looks like camping can be kind of tiring, too. i'm glad you have the lodge to retire to when you get a little chilled.
it's excellent news that you don't need to see the sharp end of a pokey stick for another six months!
ben fuzz
Good to see you smiling~!
That is the sweetest expression in world.
And I like seeing you to the camping, just remember take a walk sometimes.
Yay, Miles! No more stolen blood for six months! Good job on swiping the toys and putting them in the tent. I'm glad you had such a good camping trip and that you are smiling.
sounds like a nice camping trip Miles and great news about the blood.
throwing dead animals around your campsite isn't a good idea, it attracks vicious deers.
Hooray! You get to keep you blood for a long time!
That's very good news!
Your camping trip sounded fun!
*doin da happy dance*
No more stolen bloods frum Miles!! YAY!!! We is furry happy furrs yu.
Dat is such gud noos.
Were yu campin in da french mountains?
:::wavin paws::::
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy mancat Sammys!
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little baby angel
I'm so happy that they're done stealing your blood for a while at least. That's the bestest news Miles.
I think you should be allowed to take out Sammy's toys just this once. Hope yoour health gets better and better!
good mews miles! glad yer back from your camping trip
This is very good news Miles.
we are thrilled that you do not have to go to the vampire doctor for a while. 6 mons is a loong time.
happy Camping!!
We are so glad that you are feeling better and don't have to have your blood stolen any time soon.
Yay for your bloods behaving!!! Camping sounds like fun. I'm glad you had such a great time.
We are very happy for you, Miles. Mum has to go for bloodwork often and she says it's a drag. It's even worse for kitties!
Camping looked like fun.Maybe Mum will get me a tent to hide in, too.
You just put the toys there for safekeeping, right?
have a good Meezer Monday!
Miles, it sounds like youz had fun on your camping trip. That is good news that youz don't have to have your blood stolen fur six whole months.
That's great news about your blood, Miles! :) I'm glad you had a fun camping trip. :) Tents are the best!
Oh Miles, we are ever so pleased to hear that!
miles, miles!!!! that's a great smile, an' we is smilin', too--we're everso happy, spinnin' an' dancin' to celebrate the good repurrt from your v-e-t.
you are furry brave to camp out like that, all alone! didja have a flashlight, or did your laserbeam eyes suffice?
Dude, no blood steelin' fur 6 mumfs is good noos! Yoo make camping sound like so much fun dat we wanna do it too! Hope der is a lodge fur us to check into if we gets cold...
Yes, I like campin wif yoo, Miles! It's fun!!! I'm smiling too cuz yoo don't gotta get no more blood stolen for a long time. Yay!
I fink it's ok to go to the Lodge when it's chilly. That's what the Lodge is for, huh!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs and lotsa nosekissies!
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Good news for both you & your blood! YAY!
Happy Meezer Monday to you too, Miles. Great report from your doc.
he he delusional miles he he so funny!!! Glad you have been given the all clear little chap you are such a cutie!! xx
Glad to hear the good news about your blood, Miles. The camping trip sounds like lots of fun.
Hey, buddy! I'm furry, furry glad to hear you don't have to have no blood tooked for six more months. And that's a superduper pickshure of you -- you're smilin' great big!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is furry wonderful news! And what a lovely smile you have!
Hooray for good bloods! And I am glad you had so much fun camping out.
Camping is da bestest! Glad yoo are doing good wif da doc.
Good news about the blood work. At least you won't have to go see them again for a few months.
That's the best news about no bloodwork for 6 months! Camping out sounds like fun!
I'm so glad you can keep your bloods for 6 months!
I want to come camping with you! (without Kavan)
Hooray for Miles!!!! We are smiling with you - no blood stealing!!!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I am so glad that your blood is getting better!!!!!!!!!! I am happy dancing around riht now (Meowm is typing for me)!!!!!!
Camong sounds fun! I gotta try it soon!!
That sounds like 25 kinds of fun! I has GOT to try it meself!
miles dat is wunnerful news honey!
smiles, auntie bee
Miles, we're so glad to hear you're feeling better.
Dude, when you get your license, stop over and pick me up. We'll go cruising.
Max S
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