This is Lucky. Lucky and her Sister Roxy, and Millie, and Dragonheart, and Mindy and Moe, and Georgia and Tilly are all on their way to our house to pick us up. We is going to Luxor's so that Lucky can meet Lux. Lucky has a "thing" for Lux, and thinks he is "The Gregory Peck" of cats. She has it bad for Lux! And Lux thinks that Lucky is a lovely lady! We is going to stop and pick up a bunch of others, like Parker, Monty Q and Daisy!! It's going to be lots of fun!
We call Lucky a Meezer Pug, because she has a face like a Meezer, don't you think?

We has to go get breakfast cooking so that they can eat when they get here.
Let's see, we has Organic Duck for Dragonheart, lots of bacon, eggs, ham, toast, biscuits, some nip, toona water, various cans of stinky goodness an lots of water
Oh, this is gonna be a great road trip!!!
Wow yoo all gots a big fun event goin' on. Lucky definitely looks like a Meezer. How cute!
I didn't know that there was so many of you that like car trips. I hope you all have a good time. And Sammy, if Miles poots in the car, it's his problem not yours.
A doggie meezer? How did this happen?!?
We LIKE the bloggie setup you have now. Very nice and colorful.
Thanks for checkin on us. We miss you guys too, but our parents are too busy to sign us on with 3 outta 4 people in the house workin. We're afraid to complain too much cause they might make us get a job too. Ick!
Hope you guys have a happy happy halloween!!!
Sounds like a great road trip for everyone. We'd ask to go along except we hate road trips.
Our mom thanks you for your kind words of comfort.
I better keep this trip on the quite or Lilly will be jumping in the car too. LOL!
Have fun!
Can I come??? I bring nip! I heard about Lux and Lucky and think that is sooooooo cool!!!!
I'm gonna head over there right now!
Oh that looks like fun! Can I come too? Oh wait, pugs kind of scare me.
If Miles poots in da car yoo will hafta drive wif all da windows open. Zippy was gonna go wif yoo guys but mom sez she can no longer drive and dat got her all mad and stuff. Sadie and I don't like to go in da car so...have a grate trip yoo guys and drive safely.
awwwwwww ~~The Fluffy Tribe
I just wish I could be going on the road trip to meet me, too! No, wait, I'm already here!
Lucky you all! Have a great time meeting Luxor, he's one of our favourites. Her school kids put him in a poster!
Roxy kinda looks like a midnight panther cat!
We want to come! Mom is gone, so we can sneak away. Lucky is so cute!
Tara and Kavan
I can't wait to arrive at your place for breakfast! :) Thank you for having the organic duck for me. :)
Wowie, this sounds like such a fun road trip! Have a gurreat time!
~Donny and Marie
hiya miles and sammy! it's auntie bee! i miss you bof lots and they haf lots uf ham on the ship and i think of you when i haf it. see you soon...
smiles, auntie bee
Uo oh, I forgot about the pooting part! Yikes!
Have fun and eat lots of ham. Lucky and Roxy are cuties.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
oooo Dat sounds like a lot of fun. All of yu haf a gud time. Maybe after yu gits back Sammys yu can teleport ofur. It's gonna be stormy and rainy here today, yu might need a naps and we could snuggles together..
::::wavin paws::::
Bye Miles, have a safe trip.
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome globetrottin floofy cocoa puffs
Purrs and Nosekisses
****Blowin kisses****
Your adoring little tiny princess angel
Oh, we are so excited!!! We can't wait to meet you!!Heeheehee!!
Tillie & Georgia
Have a great time! I bet you're gonna have a blast today!
No pootin allowed! I don't think he will. We are having fun! This is not a stressful drive, but a fun drive. Plus, we are taking plenty of potty breaks.
My human says pugs are cute dogs. She say they look huggable. I do not plan to hug one myself.
Sounds like lotsa fun! :)
Whoa, that sounds like a great road trip, you guys. Have a blast!
your bud Pepi
Hiiiiiii and lotsa purrrrrrs and nosekissies to my boyfriendcat Miles! Be careful on yore trip pleeze! ~~ yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Road Trip!!! What cute woofies.
Woohoo! Road Trip! Those look like nice doggies. I can't wait to hear what Lux and Lucky get up to! Do I smell romance? (Or that just mey be the tuna water.)
The Road Trip sounds like so much fun! And Lucky is the Cutest Meezer Pug I have ever seen! I can't wait for Luxor to meet Lucky!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
here's to a successful road trip *swigs of tuna water all around*!!
can't wait to hear all about it!
Sounds like fun! A Meezer Pug an a House Panther Pug! All the bestest fur alla yous!
Road trip...road TRIPP...ROAD TRIPP!!
wOO woo.....I'm gonna go with Sammys on a road tripp!
Purrs and kittykisses
Wow that sounds like a really fun trip! And breakfast - num num num!!
I am so excited for tomorrow when you all stop at my house!!! I have some special Lizard Stew cooking.
wow..Lux and the pug...has a ring to it doesn't it? That would truly break down barriers you know!
Whatta adventure! We look forward to hearin all about it!
We do hope you will all be somewhere where you can attend our Party Nov 1st, though. :)
Skeeter and LC
The Meezers-Kaze, Latte, & Chase You are one busy group of cats. Wow, you must have to write things down on the calendar to know what is going on.
I am so glad you all could come to my party on Sunday, I hope you all had a good time. Do I have your right names? I hope so, I have met so many new friends I want to be sure I have the right face with the right name. Keep in touch Hope to see you soon.
Road trip! Yay! You guys are gonna have a blast!
Luf, Us
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