um, so last night i was hanging out in the kit-chen while mommy had her lazy butt, errrr, was sitting on the couch, and when I camed in to sit next to her, my head was soaking wet. No, I didn't dip it in the water dish. I really don't know what happened. I was dry, and then I was wet. No water on the floor. I say that there was a sudden rain shower in the kitchen right over my head. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, November 09, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
?What the heck happened out in the kitchen?
Oh Miles, you have left us with a mystery. Perhaps it was raining where you were...
I believe this will remain a mystery forever.
Sammy didn't pee on your head, did he?
T squirt bottle was not around by any chance? Or were you in the sink?
Silly boy,hahahaha!!
So.. what egg-zactlee went on over dere? Did you go skinny-dippin' in da toilette???
-Dr Tweety
Wowww that is really mystery!!!
That's furry funny. Exactly the same thing happens to Forest. I think she spills water from her bowl or something...
You diddant quick wash your furrs in da sink did yu? Wee wuz all wonderin what Sammys had to say bout what happened?
Tell yur Mommies dat all dos recipees helped my Momma a LOT! She even lets me sit in her lap and eat offa her plate ... she is makin sum gud stuff now!
***wavin paws***
Bye out furr dem rain showers...
Bye to my sweet handsome whappin king cocoa puffs!!
Have a grate weekend!!
****blowin kisses****
Purrs and Snuggles
Your adoring little petite flower
Maybe it wuz lots of Sammy spittle?
Did you do some toilet dunking?
Oh no matter, just do not tell mommie. She does not need to know your sercrets
Happy week-end and FRIDAY
Hmmm, I have heard stories about sudden rain storms in the kitchen, but I never knew anyone that it happened to. This is very mysterious.
Where was Sammy when all this happened?
Hai zis iz Gomaz. I sink ur mom need fix roof. mai house has no rainz.
Very mysterious! I have never found my head to be wet in my kitchen. I hope you have a drier weekend!
Purrrrrs, Willow
Usually this comes when I drink from the baf-room faucet. Or Chase takes a nap in there.
Ah, the old mysterious wet head trick. We do that one too.
maybe you got concusshen and cant remember gettin yor head all wet ??
Miles, It was raining in Vegas and the ham is gone. It's not looking good.
I believe you, Miles. Plausible Deniability, that's the name of the game.
I believe you, Miles. Plausible Deniability, that's the name of the game.
Sammy, bud, somecat is trying to frame you for whapping some guy. Not good, considering your whappage excellence. I'm heading over to help you find the purrfect place to lay low until this blows over. Cuz we know you didn't whap a whole guy. Right? Yeah. Right!
your bud Pepi
Miles Miles Miles!!! I's comin rite ofur now! Some eejits are tryin to say yoo stoleded alla the ham in Las Vegas! Maybe if we helps them look for the hams yoo can get a HAM REWARD. They does that lots, gifs a persent of the hams for findin them. Let's go! We can camp in the tent out neer the crime seen.
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Maybe you eated some ham. And then Sammy wanted to taste it. So he kept licking and licking your head to try to get a taste. And pretty soon, your head was all wet.
Ummmmmm, was the water faucet on? Or was there an alien in the house and he flung alien juice on you?
I wonder what you were really up to . . . I mean . . . yes, I'm sure it was a surprise rainshower in the kitchen. *wink wink*
Hmm such a mystery. This happens to my little sister but I know what she does (sticks her head under the flowing water in our water fountain). I don't know why she does it, she is just weird. If you do not have a drinking fountain, I can't help you.
Wow! A freak rainstorm? That happens to us when we try to drink out of faucets sometimes.
Heh heh. Datz hilareeyous!
Yur Mommy is furry brave to do yorkshire puds. Maw reely duzn't has a pan to do dem in. Howz bowt we come to yur howse fur roast beast and yorkshire puds an you kin come to owr howse fur turkey? We dunt haf no foo-ton dough.
Luf, Us
Freek rainstorm? Um, okay, we'll buy dat...
what on earth happened?? Crikey!!
Sammy & Miles,
Tell your Mommy thanks! I think that the problem might be that I'm now running Vista...although it seemed to work just fine before, so I don't know why it's taken this long to get all bogged down. I will check for a problem between them & Vista.
Thanks bunches!
A wet head, huh? That is a freaky occurance. Maybe the aliens attacked you with a Super-Soaker while you were in the kitchen and you just don't remember?
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
took me forever to figure out how to get to my security center, but I did find it and my firewall was on already...YAY! and I'm now running a defender scan.
Thanks for your help.
Monty is home!!!!!!!
A sudden rain shower? in da kitchen? Gotta watch out for those.
So Miles, what did you do?? How did you do that?
Mindy & Moe
Hmmm this is furry stranje. We often haf wet heads but we know how it happens. It's cuz mum leaves the baff tap trickling furr us to drink furrom, and we bofe like dunking our heads unner it. Mum sez she finks we try to see who can git the wettest head. Mebbe yoo wuz sleepwalking and dunked yer head unner a tap wivout knowing about it.
It was a thunder cell in the kitchen, I tell you. They do that, rain in just one place, while it is sunny in another.
Mom's eyes been leaken all day, first cause Monty was gone, next cause he was home. Humans are weird.
Miles, that wet head thing happens to me all the time. I LOVE water! I like to stick my head under the faucet, and sometimes I dip my head in our big water bowl, or just stand in it and dance.
That's a strange mystery - re you sure you weren't in the sink? That's usually where we are when we get mysteriously wet.
Sometimes Mike's head gets really wet when Vincent has been licking on it. Did you happen to notice if there was a kitty in your kitchen licking your head??
Wow, Miles, I wonder how your head got wet?
Our heds get wet when mom lvs a sink goin.
Detective Skeeter and �The Unaccountably Wet-Headed Meezer�
SITUATION: Miles Meezer reports not doin anything wrong, but getting his head wetted for no known reason. Reports no water onna floor, didn�t dip head in the water dish, an says there was �a rainy shower� inna kitchen. The Mom was out of the room, not a witness to the event�
OK. I�m usually invited into places to seeks �after-facts�. But liquid is tricksie stuff and goes away fast. So I hadda invoke my time-travel routine. Well, it really isn�t so much time-TRAVEL as �time-viewing�. I hope Miles an Sammie won�t mind, but I put myself up on a tall place with my �astro-cat� presence in their place an replayed the events of the day. It�s genetics, don�t ask me to �splain about it�
It started with the dish-washing� That�s no surprise to me. I�ve seen it happen before. When all was quiet, I took some counter-scrapings and sent them off to the lab. I knew what to expect, but I like to be sure, ya know. I suspected that Sammy had been exposed to Dihydrogen monoxide! Nasty stuff! It collects. It pools together and searches fer a place to get on over edges an down. Its evil stuff, and you have to watch out fer it!
It is also known as hydric acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
* contributes to the "greenhouse effect."
* may cause severe burns in vapor form.
* contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
* accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
* may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
* has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.
Some Beins may think it is �jus stuf�, but I know better. It has attacked more than a few kitties before.
Serious stuff, I tell you. We can drink it, but it has all those other consequences�.
With the lab report back (positive for Dihydrogen monoxide) I went back a little further in time�
Wet dishes get placed on the counter. The stuff collects. It is dragged by gravity to surface edges. That�s where Miles was attacked by the awful stuff.
It was the fork (possibly a spoon; astral vision is a bit fuzzy)! It was sitting with an end just over the counter. When the Dihydrogen monoxide liquid reached the edge of the counter and contacted the fork handle hanging JUST over the edge, it suddenly made a freedom break towards gravity via the well-known principle of �vishus deer attack�.
Unfortunately for Miles, he was standing with his head directly unner the escape path of the evil liquid ! The liquid Dihydrogen monoxide fell onto his head as he was standing there (through no fault of his own) and that caused the wetting of his head.
I conclude the following:
1. Miles was not responsible for his head getting all wetted.
2. He was struck by an unexpected gravity attack of Dihydrogen monoxide.
3. You can�t trust a fork hanging over the edge of a countertop
4. Dihydrogen monoxide is really terrible stuff
I hope that solves the mystery of the unaccountably wetted head� ;)
Usual cost is one can of tuna an some nip, but this is for free (it was too easy). Watch for my story in the next �We Are The Kitties� book for serious Detective Skeeter work.
Detective Skeeter
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