Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I'm a race car driver - and I don't even haf a license!

On the Road Trip for True Love, we had many adventures! We all had so much fun!
But the bestest time for me was when I took the Big Red Bus out onto the race tracks!

This is Daytona International Race Track. This is the ferst track I raced the bus on! I went FAST!!!!! I mean REALLY FAST! RAMMING SPEED fast!! I was going at LEAST 100! Without a restrictor plate too! The kitties on the road trip were in the bus when I was driving. That was prolly a mistake. There were tem-tay-shuns flying efurrywhere. And them some kitties got the barfs. I felt bad about that, but did I mention that it was AWSOME FUN to drive that fast?
This is where the Meezer500 is going to be held in February 2008. I think I have a chance to win!
This track below is Infineon Race Track in Sonoma. We stopped there for the BBQ with the food network guy. This racetrack has left AND right terns. Kind of like the race track in Watkins Glen near where I live. I could not go 100 here, I only went like 80. And no kitties were in the bus this time. That was prolly smart. I almost tipped the bus over a couple of times! but did I mention that it was AWSOME FUN?

Here we are in the party bus. Obviously I was not driving this time. But we had lots of fun

Sammy was driving the bus here - you can almost see how fast it was going. Did you know that it's really a bad thing to get a speeding ticket when you are a cat without a driver's license? AND, the police do not think that a cat that's 3 years old is really old enough to drive? Good thing Sammy could outrun the police!

We are glad we are back home now with Mommy. Traveling is nice, but really

There's No Place Like Home!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a really fun time! I missed all this excitement last week. My Lady finally let me blog today. She said she is all caught up on her homework, finally!!! I'm glad you had a good week.

Artsy Catsy said...

WOW! That is one super cool party bus! Must be nice to go on the road other than in a prison box to the vet. I hope to see you all tomorrow at my surprise birthday bash for my human artist mom Sharolyn!


Just Ducky said...

It is good to be home.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

ha ha ha...i woulda got the barfs

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am glad you are all safe to home~! That is the most important~!!!! :)

Gemini said...

Yes, you guys like to drive fast! I think it was rather fun.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Mommakitty has a commercial driver's license and sometime helps teach other beans how to git their license. She says there is not law about cats and driver's licenses...so It must be OK.

Wendy Hoke said...

There's ham for Miles at yoga class today!


Skittles, The Huntress

Lux said...

It *is nice to be home, yes!

Tara said...

I think I might have yaked too.

There really is no place like home.


Karen Jo said...

You had lots of fun seeing how fast you could get that bus going on the racetracks, Miles. It was a very good idea to let all the kitties and woofies off the bus before the second time, so nobody barfed again. I'm glad everyone is home again.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Yes I woulds have yackeds too. Then agains I yack all the times. Its goods all you kittys mades it homes!

Parker said...

Zooom, Zooooooooom, Zooooooooooooom! Sammy is one swift kitty - I had to hang on for dear life!


Being on da bus goin fast wuz so much fun! I thought when we wuz on da boardwalk in Daytona and when Miles got onto dat Harley and zoomed off we wood all halve a hart attack...wowie! He did all kinds of wheelies and efurryfing...Miles yu performed deaf dee-fyin acts of bravery. Sammy I wuz nefur afraid when yu got behind da wheels of dat bus. Yu drove so well, I dunno why dat policebean tried to stop us?! Did yu see da look on dos policebeans when dey saw only cats on board? Wow I nefer seed such ca-motion.

I am gonna be doin some nappin today to catch up...it was a lot of fun being on da road, but it's home sweet home.

Bye Miles
***wavin paws****
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie

Bye to my sweet handsome racin floofy cocoa puffs.
Your adoring (but tired) little angel gurl

Renee Nefe said...

So sad that the adventure is over, but also very glad you're all home safe. I'm sure you mommy missed you.

LZ said...

What a fun adventure it was! Sorry we couldn't make it but it sounds like you made the Meezers proud! I want to be in on the Meezer 500, I think we could do some good bump-drafting.


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

WOW! You guys were goping really fast! That was some fancy driving!!

Daisy said...

Going fast is very, very fun! I never been in a bus that was going 100 before. I did bomit, but just a little. It was worth it to get to go so fast though.

Tybalt said...

Great job on driving for both of you! I can't wait to see you racing for real in February, Miles! I'm glad you made it home safely, with all sorts of stories to tell.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wowie!!! That sounded like so much fun...wish I could have stole away to this road trip with all of you!


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Man, dat Sammy drivez da fastest of any cat I know. He should be care-full not to nip & drive howevefur!

-Dr Tweety

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I bet you could win the Meezer 500 too!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Miles, you are such a character. But I will watch you in the Meezer 500!! I think you have a chance too :)
I liked the trip too,it was the most fun I ever had........so far,heh,heh,heh!

Team Tabby said...

We had such a great time. We loved going FAST when you guys were driving. Thanks Sammy and Miles, it was really fun.

Mindy & Moe

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are a great race car driver, Miles! :) The road trip was a lot of fun, but it is nice to be back home. :)

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...