Friday, November 16, 2007

Nervous time


Ok, so mommy gotted a call today for a 3rd phone innerview for the jobbie she really really really wants. If she passes this phone innerview, she may get called to go for a face to face innerview in mare-uh-land (although that is not where she will be werking, she will be werking from home or traveling around the east coast). She is nervous and really really really wants this jobbie (and we need it badly too!). So, her innerview is Monday at 9am, so if we could ask you again for your purrsss. Cat blogosphere purrs are furry powerful- they haf gotten jobbies for other mommies and daddies and brought kitties home from being lost, and helped lots of kitties get better.

Thanks! we loves you all!


Milton said...

Oh, I'll be purrin' and purrin!
Mine mombean is lookin' for a new jobbie too. She sez her boss is a big stinker.

Just Ducky said...

Purrrs for Meezer Mom. I know she will do really good.

Gemini said...

I will crank up my moter now!

Myst and Blackie said...

Purrs for Meezermom... we hope the interview goes well.

LZ said...

Oh we're purring for your mom and dad!! If she comes to Maryland that isn't too far from us at all! She should come visit her favorite spots from around here :).


Ivan from WMD said...

We got her covered, times four!

The Devil Dog said...

We will all pray very hard for her. Mom went through that with dad and it is so much better now. Mom found out the insurance will be 1/3 of what she was paying and that will really help. So mom knows what you are going through and wants all the best for all of you.

Roxy et al

Anonymous said...

I do not purr. My purr box is broken. Still, I will try and try to give all the purrs I can muster in the hopes that it will help your momma get the job. Good luck!

Leslie said...

"mare-uh-land" took Her a minute, She was born in America but the family moved to Australia when She was little.

Thank God, or she wouldn't have ME! Her Old Style Siamese from Victoria, down south.

Thank you for supporting me on my new blog about keeping it just for me, but I get into really big trouble (although She isn't Siamese She can yell louder than me) and She is still making me share. Trixie isn't even really a cat! She's a little girl with very short legs in a black and white fur coat.

Snot fair!

Daisy said...

Wow, a third interview sounds very promising! Pixie and I both will be purring and purring for her!

Parker said...

Daisy is right, they aren't fooling around. We will purr and purr and purr and purr!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i will send some frum floreeda...

smiles, auntie bee

The Tower Hill Mob said...

We're sending our very best purrs, prayers and good vibes your way.
We hope that if your Mum gets the job, she'll visit Boston...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I will purr hard for your mom! I hope she gets the job!

Millie said...

Oh yeah! I'll be concentrating with all my might, sending purrs and positive thoughts for your Mom. She deserves it. We hope she gets that jobbie.

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrs and purrayers from us, too!! Purrrrrrrrrs, purrrrrrrs from now until we hear the news. Good luck Mom Meezer!
Your FL furiends,

Fat Eric said...

Sending purrs for your mum and keeping paws crossed that she gets the job - or another one even better!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

OH! We really really hope yer Mommy does well on the interview. An since we live in Mary Land, we hope our purrs work extra gud!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

hi guy we wishibg her luck we were wondeing if you could send us a snail mail adress so we could send you a hoilday card wiff costom postage

Lilly lu

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh boy, a third innervue sounds like dis is getting sereeus. We'll be purring real hard fur yoor mom to get da jobbie. Working from home wood be grate!

Tara said...



Mr. Hendrix said...

You got them. Tons of them. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrssssss and prayers for your mommy to get this jobbie!!!! Puuuuuurrrrsssssssss!!!!

TheSlyCat said...

We are purring for your mom, and also tagging you with a meme.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Many purrs and headbutts! We all's wishes your mommy bean good lucks!

Asta said...

Hhi I will cewtainly cwoss my paws fow hew and send hew tewwiew vibes, which awen't puwws, but they wowk too
smoochie kisses

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We are purrin' for your meezer-momma, Sammy an' Miles! Can you hear us? Sparky Fuzzypants is noisier than an Evinrude boat motor. We really, really want your momma to get this job that she wants.

(Waves) ... Good luck, Meezer-Momma!


Mickey's Musings said...

Sending pawsitive purrs to your Mom!!!!!!!!!!

If you get a chance and things are not too crazy, I tagged you for a meme.Come see :)

Good Luck Meezer Mom!!!!!!!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...