While riding the big red bus on the Road Trip for True Love, I finded a whole bunch of stuff in the luggage compartment. Why was I in the luggage compartment? Well, um, you see, me and my girlfriend Abby was 'vestigating down there. Yeah, 'vestigating. Really. I'm a gentlemancat.
Anyway, we finded about eleventy seven of these:

About 5 of these - are there any naked necked cats out there who these belong to?
Monty come and get it!
(sorry to whatevercat (or pug) hided it there. But poor Monty has been so sad, and this is a happy trip, so I wanted my friend to be happy again).
Now, I also finded THESE in the luggage 'partment. So, any of you cats or pugs wif sensitif ears, I will only charge 1 tem-tay-shun for your own pair.
Yoo guys are gonna be rolling in tem-tay-shuns. If Monty gets his kareoke macheen den yoo's all gonna need earplugs.
That's a whole lot to find when you were investigating...you must be very good at that.
"'vestigating" ??????? Ummmm,OK(snerk)
I have a funny feeling that when all you guys get home,yer beans are going to notice something very different.Everycat is a little more "wild" wound up,heeheehee!
I might have to teleport over,now that Miss Peach is doing better and resting(sides,it's not far )
Hey, we are gonna have a great day in San Francisco! Come see all that I have planned for us!
Oh Monty is going to be so happy!
Kavan and I are planning on lots of fun for you this weekend, so stop by Motown (Modesto)!
That's so very nice of you Miles.
The last items drives me laughing all the way~!!
We won't tell 'em efurryfing we found, now will we? *kittygiggles Sammys is a complete gentlemancat! But he surrr is a grate kisser...OOPS I diddant mean to spill da beans...we wuz only 'vestigatin...yeah we wuz, really. Lookat all da fings we founded in da back of da bus.
Boy dis has sure been sum ride! Wait'll we all go ofur to Beezies place and den we gotta go see Kavan and Tara and DivaKitty and Sophia and Kimo and Sabi and Skeezix...I hope I diddant leave anyone out cuz we is gonna go bisit dem all!
Purrs and Nosekisses
****blowin kisses out da back window****
ON DA ROAD AGAIN! Holding paws wif my sweet Sammys!
Your adoring little angel muffin
You guys are so funny! I am so glad you joined the road trip, because it wouldn't be half so much fun without you!
Wow, you found lots of stuff down there. With my sensitive Frootbat ears, I think I need a pair of earplugs.
We'z need earplus round here 'cause Tigmut'hep snores! :S
Yup, pass my frootbat ears some ear plugs!
It's a good thing that you two were...investigating.... That's a lot of missing toys! Although between all of the great food and naps, I haven't thought much about playing with toys - hehehe!
Purrrrs, China Cat
Vestigating huh? We heard all the smooching. You did find a bunch of great stuff, er after the smooching.
Vestigating. Hmmmmms. I fink yoo should give me a pair of dem earplugs and I won't tell yore Mommy bout... well, I won't tell.
Lotsa Nosekissies to my boyfriendcat Miles! ~~ Sanjee
Wow! What a wot of things you founded! And those are some vewy nice wooking earpwugs!
Oh good idea getting those earplugs - especially now that the Karaoke machine has been found!
Great investigating! I'm so glad you found Monty's karaoke. I know he was very upset that it went missing.
Hey Miles, Sammy is right.
But meet me in the special place. We'll talk
Here is my Temptation, I would like to purchase a pair of those ear plugs. But, Monty, it is only to play with as a toy. It has nothing to do with your singing. I promise. Really. Do you believe me?
You found it! You found it! Hurray!!!!
Hey Sammy, are you SURE you and Abby were searching for mousies & toys down there?! I heard a different story.
Good thing you went investigating (he! he!) in the luggage compartment. Those ear plugs are going to come in real handy. You know they make good toys too!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Deze plugz iz a good ting, 'cuz I plan on singin' furry loud when I gets to do da hoot-n'nanny ting. Any cat plannin' on nappin' on da side pillowz might need deze. Will dey fit fruitbat earz?
-Dr Tweety
I would like two pairs of earplugs please.
wow ise can;t wait to get on that bus!!! :)
Hahahahaha! I bet now you're gonna have to listen to Monty singin' "Play That Funky Music White Boy" in honor of Luxor, hahahaha!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Those ear plugs look like sanity savers!
I Dare You!
Yes, It is ME, Anastasia! Karl was thoughtful enough to put the Dare out on the Day of the Dead, so I can come personally! And if you don't accept the challenge, I might just come again and haunt you, Hahahahahahahahaha!
Miles & Sammy: be sure to check your email... we left a long long letter about a goof-up we made...
get in touch with us when you can!
Maggy & Zoey (and Ann) from Zoolatry
Hey, if ya had already found MontyQ's karaoke machine what was you looking for under the table at dinner with Abby?
That's kinda whut it looks like when Mommakitty moves da couch or kitchen island - jackpot!
Good thing there was a trunk for the lost and found stuff! And it was great that someone packed earplugs!
Luf, Us
Earplugs please!
Petaluma road trip photos are up!
Hey, stopping in today real quick to remind you of Opus & Roscoe's pizza party today. Don't forget to drop by. Also surprise from me to all, my picture is posted!
You did a very good job of investigating, Sammy and Abby. Whatever else you did is nobody's business. You two are going to get rich in Temptations by passing those earplugs around, now that you found the karoke machine.
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