Friday, January 04, 2008

Finally Friday



I can see the bottom of the crunchy bowl. I looked in the food cabinet and there is no crunchy bag, or even a box in there. Mommy said that I haf enough to last till tomorrow, but, when I get nervous I eat crunchies, and seeing the bottom of the cruncy bowl makes me nervous, so I will prolly eat them all by 3am and then I will start the boob-walk. and that will teach her that when daddy offers to go out to the convienence store and get more crunchies, she should say yes. and that it doesn't matter if he's wearing jammies and it's like minus eleventy four degrees outside. my crunchies are the most important thing.


LZ said...

Oh my GOSH!! This is really not a good thing. At all. Crunchies should always be backed up (like a hard drive!)


Anonymous said...

Sammy, the first thing you need to remember is Don't Panic. Just chew and swallow slowly and make them last.

And if you run out anyway, make them give you fresh ham... ;-)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am having palpitations just thinking about it. Sammy that is awful!

I like your Siamese background btw!

Motor Home Cats said...

Oh, running out of food is never a good thing, but at the same time, you want your daddy to be safe so he can live to hunt another day, and if it is that cold, he might freeze to death outside.

We love the new look.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Tyler said...

Oh Sammy, I feel for you man. The other morning we ran out of crunchies in the bowl during the middle of the night. My mom is on vacation so when we meowed loudly when she got up several times to use the luman litter box, she IGNORED us. We had to wait until six am to be fed. It was awful. I will hope for you that you don't run out during the night.

Max said...

Doood...I think that's abuse! The bottom of the dish should NEVER be visible, even if there's enough crunchies for TWO days. It's distressing, and that's just not right.

Renee Nefe said...

DON'T PANIC! don't panic! Breathe in, breathe out.

I can teleport over some of Lilly's crunchies, but I don't know if you'll like them...I hear you're quite picky. I do have lots of leftover turkey though...would you like a wing or a drumstick?

Tara said...

I feel a bit faint just thinking about it! Make your Mom RUN to the store!


Ramses said...

Oh yes crunchies are vital!

Parker said...

Gasp! I'm nervous for you!

Hot(M)BC said...

Yoo got that rite, Sammy! Must haf crunchies!

Nosekissies and lotsa purrs to my boyfriendcat Miles :)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

crunchies are furry impawtant

Kaz's Cats said...

No way - the bare bottom of the bowl! How could they do this to you? We always let Mum know immediatly when we glimpse the bottom of our food bowls - no matter what time day or night!


Gypsy & Tasha

Meowers from Missouri said...

heavens to betsy! what is wrong with your mom's attitude???? you better pounce her good, so she gets busy on making new year's resolutions, starting with:


The Furry Kids said...

She definitely should have sent your dad out for crunchies. I think the mayor of your town should have declared a state of emergency.


PS - Momma wants to thank your mom for the lovely card that she sent and to tell her that it was really sweet. Since she's been feeling icky, she can't remember stuff and she really can't remember if she thanked your mom already. *Momma blushing*

PrincessMia said...

This is a very dangerous time. Very Dangerous!

The boob-walk is a just punishment.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

No crunchies?? That is NOT good! I always demand them, even thoughs I don't eats em all. When Mommy Bean forgets to gives them to me, I sit on her pillow, stare at her untils she gets up. It doesn'ts always work though, shes a bit s-l-o-w!

Chance said...

I dunno if da boob walkin will wurks dis tyme. Yoo gonna need dwastic actyuns! Yoo no wat iz meen. Itz tyme fur da ..... BITEY!

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Uh-oh guys! We agree with Chance, drastic measures are in order! Time for the bitey AND the bunny kicking! (Boobie-walking will not suffice!)

P.S. S'more's has a bowl that says "What part of empty don't you understand" when her crunchies run out - and sometimes our Mommy STILL doesn't get it! GAH!!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

She should always take advantage of the daddy offers to run out & get something. And then she can add something for herself like "and pick up some chocolate ice cream while you're there."

Daisy said...

Emergency! Emergency! 'mergency!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! No crunchines!!!??? What is this...errr your world coming to when your Mom won't keep enough crunchies in your bowl!!?? Chance's time for the bitey!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

OMG!!! Outs of kibblez????? & refuzin to goez out in her PJs???? what iz up wit dis. Your dad should mention dat a shppin' list wit KIBBLEZ written at da top should be on evfurry time your momee geaz to da store.
I sugestee you comez oevfur here & we polishez off da rest of da roatie beast!!!

Chrissie said...

Oh No! Be Careful Sammy-There's a hole in the bottom of the bowl and it will suck you in! Hurry, get your mom to fill up the bowl with crunchies-it covers over the hole and then you don't get sucked in- I know this because when I can see the bottom of my crunchy bowl, I feel kind of dizzy and wobbly, and that means that something is trying to suck me in!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a disaster!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Noooooooooo, now yoo got us panicking too. Our mum wouldn't dare run out of crunchies and she always checks the bowls befurr she goes to bed, cuz she knows what will happen if she duzn't.We walk over heads, tummies, boobs and bladders all night. If we got night starvation and can't sleep, no way are they going to sleep either.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, a crunchie run is definitely called for! It's never good to run out of crunchies. And running out of wet food is simply not to be imagined... *horrors!*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Just Ducky said...

I have lots of crunchies, teleport over if you need some. I will have mum fill the bowl extra full, just in case.

The Devil Dog said...

That does not sound good. I think your dad better go get some crunchies quick!


Karl and Ruis said...

Running out of crunchies... that qualifies as a nightmare!!!
Tomorrow we will visit the South Pole Station - so come on over and check it out!

momsbusy said...

there is no ekscuse fer runnin out of crunchies. none what so efer.

yuki & kimiko & kintaro

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, no! You should NEVER be able to see the bottom of the kibble bowl ... EVER! That's just NOT good. You need to nimble up your feet for a 3 AM boob-walk.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Crunchies are very important.

Thank you for your good wishes yesterday. I am doing much better. Dragonheart

The Furry Fighter said...

my bean is well trained, she went to Vet Place to get me more of my Catfish and Tapioca foods yesterday - and I still have a third of a bag left! she also got me some pan-liners despite having some of those left too. she said she is going to be more organised in 2008 - yeah RIIIIGHT!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

i just stopped by to say "hi" to the farrow of the footon. but now i'm all upset 'bout your dilemma. i hope you haven't starved!!

Deb Cushman said...

We're concerned for you! Are you okay? Did you ever get your crunchies???

Renee Nefe said...

Hi Boys! did you survive the crunchies crisis? I think you must have to come over and wish me a belated purfday.
Thanks for the wishes boys. You're both very sweet and I can feel the head butts.
If you read the post below that one you'll see that we went out to eat some cow for dinner. do you likes cow? It's pretty good stuff. I knows that you can't have the chocolate brownie or the icecream...but we enjoyed it! Thanks again!

Mickey's Musings said...

NO crunchies!!!!!!! NO crunchie run!!!!!
Oh the horror!!!! Get Sammy to practise his Whapping right now!!!
That is no way to gtreat a cat!!!! :(
Purrs Mickey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

One must NEFER be out of crunchies!!! That is a rule.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Let me get this straight. Your daddy offered to go out and sacrifice his comfort to get you the crunchies you desperately need and your mommy said no?

I think you need to increase your 13 things to annoy your mommy to 26 things and do them ALL at 3am

Lux said...

Of course your crunchies are the most important thing! I sure hope you got more ...

Tesla and Hansel said...

those beanies. they have to know you come first. :)

Milton said...

There is only one solution to this ..... make them open a can of tuna. If they don't have any kitty tuna make 'em open a can of bean tuna. The kind with all that good tuna juice. MMmmmmmmm Tuna juice!!

Asta said...

I suwe hope you got youw cwunchies..I don't want you to be newvous and stawving
smoochie kisses

Samantha & Mom said...

Did you wake everyone up in the middle of the night howling for crunchies? We hate to see the bottom of our bowl, too.
Your FL furiends,

Jan Price said...

No crunchies? This is an emergency. Dial 911!

jans funny farm

Java's Coffee House said...

I has a neferending bowl of crunchies. No matter how much I eats it nefer runs out. Maybe your bean can get you a neferending bowl of crunchies to eats.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...