The wonderful Scout gived us this special award! we is just so honored that she would give this to us!

However, we cannot pass out the awards today because Mommy is really sicky. We needs to purr on her to make her better.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
However, we cannot pass out the awards today because Mommy is really sicky. We needs to purr on her to make her better.
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
We're so sorry your mommy feels sick. We'll purr-ay for her.
Miz allie cats files crashed and she lost all the addresses for the Swap n Tails, so could you please send yours over again. meow
We sending purrs and nose bumps to Mom Meezer!
I hope your Momma feels better soon. I am Super Tabby this Tuesday. Should I come and super purr at her?
Congratulations on your awards~!!!!
I sincerely hope your mommy will get better soon. Or your morning call will be no response!! Oah, please purr to her for us!!
Sending purrs and prayers that Meezer Mom feels better soon.
Those are wonderful awards. Concatulations!
I feel bad that your Mommy is sick! I hope she's better very soon!
Oh I hope your Mommy's feeling better soon! In the meantime congrats on the awards! :)
Sammy and Miles
We is furry werried bout your Mommie...we will all hold paws and purr furr her to feel better!
Concats on yur awards and as soon as yur Mommie feels better we will come ofur and give her nosekisses to brighten her day.
**wavin paws**
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx, Gracie
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff angel face...
Purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring little princess
We hope your mom feels better soon! Sending lots of healing purrs her way.
I am so sorry your mommy is sick . . . I'll purr extra for her, too.
Give your mommy lots of purrs and snuggles and we will also send happy healing and purr..fect thoughts on her speedy recovery.
Oh oh, Meezer Mom is sicky? Oh no! I'll come rite ofur and purr on her wif yoo. In fakt, I'll bring efurrycat. But maybe sum should purr next to her so she don't get squished.
We's on the way!!!
(Oh, concats on the awards too.)
Purrrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies to my handsum Miles! ~~ yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
We are purring and praying for Meezer Mum. Get well soon!
Concatulations on your awards!
Meowm and I will be purraying for your Mom to feel better soon!
I'm sorry she's sick! The Toy Man is sick too he has a fever and has to go to the doctor. Keep purring on your mom and maybe she'll at least get up and give you some ham.
I sure hope your mom feels better soon!
Hope your mom feels much better!
Sending lots of healing purrs..
Great to see you guys! Any time you want to go on a time adventure, just let us know! You pick the place and we can all go together! Sound like fun?
Love from Italy,
Opus and Roscoe
ps. Hope your mum feels better soon!
Purr lots of purrs so she'll feel better soon. And snuggles.
Oh Meezer Mom, get well soon!! We are sending loud rumbling purrs and healing vibes to your Mommy!!! Can you hear us!! PURRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSS, PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSS, PURRS,
Your FL furiends,
Oh Noes,poor mommy :(
We will send our best purrs to your Mom and purray she feels better soon!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia, Tillie & Mom
Oh dear, sorry to hear your mum is sick. Sending big purrs and a few sloppy wet Eric hair licks to make her feel better. Hope she gets better soon. My mum was off work sick last week and now she still keeps coughing on me, humans, they're just so inconsiderate, lucky they can't pass on their germs to us cats!
We're sorry your mommy is sick. Does that mean you get to snuggle with mom in bed??
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
We'll be purring for your Mommy Meezer - go help her feel beter.
hope your mom is feeling better soon...I know she's up to blogging cuz she left me a message.
re: tree ummm that was weird. I understand with a fake treee, bu a REAL one? I would have that out of the house asap.
Congrats on the award. We hope your mom gets better real soon.
Lots of healing purrs to your mum so she gets better soon.
Concats on your award!
Congratulations on your awards.I hope your mom feels better soon.
Omigosh, we's purring hard fur yoor mommy to feel better. Concatulations on yoor go purr on yoor mommy!
We're mad at our Mom because she went on a bead buying trip 4 days ago and still isn't back ... so we're all just going to move in with you so we can purr on your mom to help her get well.
& the houseful
KC said...
my mommie's sickly too, so i can sympathize wif yous.
Get welll soon, Meezer Mommie.
Lotsa purrs and purr-rayers,
KC and all the Sherwood cats
Meezermom, I am going to purrrr for you to get better <3
Uh,oh! My pet human knows what it's like to be without insurance. I am purrring and praying hard for your mom.
Skittles, The Huntress
Congrat's on your award. It's very pretty!
Praying your Mom feels much better real soon.
HUGS~ Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake
Sammy and Miles, we are sorry about your mommy. It isn't any fun when your beans are hacking and blowing when you are trying to sleep. Congrats on your awards, and thanks for telling us about spokeo. We are loving it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Sammy and Miles, concatulations on your awards. We're purraying and purring hard for your Mom to get better real soon,
Purrs & headbutts
Gypsy & Tasha
What grate awards! Hope mommy is feelin' better quickly!
Sorry your Mommy is sicky poo! I know what that is like since mine has mono. She stayed in bed with me all day today. Sending her healing purrs!!
We will be purring for the bean.
Congrats on your awards!!
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