Ok, we're turning over OUR blog to the little brat. I mean to the cute little baby Bill.
Me Bill!! Me movie star!!!! Look at me on new blankie playing wif new toys from Junior. Blankie MINE MINE MINE. (Miles: er, Bill, sharing is nice.) Toys is MINE MINE MINE (Sammy: look Bill, in this house the toys are mine. Unless you spit on them first. Then you get to play with them while they're wet, but after they dry, they're mine).
Me like playing wif all the toys! Me LOVES the nip balls - fank you Junior!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Baby Bill - you are adorable!!! I know that you will grow into a handsome mancat like your older brothers.
bills gots a little kitten belly. hows yer neck boo boo bill?
Bill, you are looking so cute! I'm so happy you're having so much fun!
hi bill my name is mu shue i like to offical invite you to join the gorogous gingers since you very gingery!!!!
Hi Bill. Welcome to the blogosphere! ha ha you are in good hands.
I am so proud of you, Sammy and Miles~
You guys take care Bill so well, now he is so great!!! Look at him~!!!! Lots of energy and happy face!
Good job playing with the toys. I don't see any wound on your neck. How is that doing?
Little Bill you are STILL just the cutest!
Bill, You look like 3 Perf, and you like the same toys! Must be a ginger thing!!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
Bill, you are just TOO cute! But now you've done it - my mom saw you and started oohing & awwwing about how nice it would be to have a kitten again. What? I have a whole houseful of staff to snoopervise and she wants more? NO WAY!
Oh Bill, you are a cute kitty!
Spit on the toys Bill an keep them wet!
You gots a new brudder? How did dis happen? I yam impressed. 'cuz I tought dis bloggie waz justee fur meezerz.
Tamks fur comfutin' da momee oevfur here. She iz still recoverin.' So we iz still not back to da regular bloggin.'
Dr Tweety
I'm surprised that you weren't joined by one of those other camera hogs. he he
I'm sure that DD will want to watch your movie...after she finishes beating up our dog.
I see you two have some training to do...
You are very cute, but you need to share your toys. Make sure that Sammy and Miles teach you all the good stuff, like camping and hammm.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hehehehe - he looks like he would be furry fun to play wif!
Hi Bill,
You look so adorable playing with your new toys!
Your Mommy is so awesome for taking you in and giving you a wonderful, happy place to live! Enjoy, little friend :)
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xoxoxoxoxo
Bill! You look so much better! You have a wonderful belly!
I'm so glad you got a home with the Meezers!
Oh you're so cute! :) I bet your momma cat would be very pleased to know that you've found yourself a nice home too and purrsonally I like the name Norton, it fits in well with Sammy and Miles names too!
Now get that eye all better and eat up your dinners like a good ickle baby kitten and you'll grow big and strong and give those meezers a run for their money! ;)
You look like a very happy kitty now. Bless your adopted Mum for getting you well
Awwww Bill, you are so cute. You haf to learn to share, then we're sure they'll share ham wiv you.
It's good to see little Bill being kittenish-signals a return to good health and good heart! Little dude, sharing is a good way to keep peace-and you never know what the Big Boys might share with YOU! Purrs,
Momma said she wanted to snorkle Baby Bill tummy...I dunno what it is when Momma sees kitty tummies, she just wants to snorkle...dat wooman has gone nuts!
Baby Bill is so koot. He looks like he is feelin furry gud. Does he hafta go back to da VET....
**wavin paws**
Bye Baby Bill and Miles!
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy meezer man!
Your adoring little baby munchin
Bill, you are very cute! It looks like you are having lots of fun with those 'nip balls. :) We do think you have to learn about sharing, though.
Awww! You might want to share those toys, though, Bill. You may not know this but you're living with a Whapmeister. I'm just saying...
We hope you're feeling better.
BABY BILL'S BELLY! Mom squealed...humphf....hmm..he is cute...
BILL! You are SO CUTE!
Miles, it was very nice of you to share your blog with Bill. That makes you one magnificent Meezer!
What a little cutie Bill is. You have your work cut out for you, Sammy and Miles. I think Bill learn about whapping in a first paw kind of way.
Purrs, Halloween
Well Bill is cute. But I'd rafur see YOO in a movie Miles!
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
I am so happy the package arrived so quickly! You are so welcome for the blanket and puff balls Bill.....but you should share the puff balls with Sammy and Miles. I are will learn!
He's such a darling!
He's never had toys in his whole little life but he sure knows what to do with them! go Bill go!
Bill you are so cute!
Miles it is great that you turnedid your blog to him for the day.
Bill is cute, but I fink he needs to learn sum manners. Boys will be boys! Miles, has he learned about ham yet? How about walkin on the ceiling? Good luck!
Heh heh, Bill's got quite a little tubby kitten belly there, doesn't he. I think there's a Psyko Stray Cat that he might have a lot in common with, now that I see him in action...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Bill - you are such a little sweetie! Junior is so super nice to send you such wonderful presents!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Baby Bill, you are soooooo cute!
The little ones can be both brats and cute at the same time, for instance, Precious, who is always called Squirt around here. She is a cutebrat....
::sigh:: I know how you feel Miles. those little brats in our house keep taking over our blog too.
sharing is highly overrated. if you want the toys, take 'em. that's what we do.
Rascal & Riley
i like kittens who don't live with me. hi Bill!
You're just the cutest little thing! We're so glad you're looking so happy and healthy. Purrrrrs!
Well now we want a Bill. Great.
That was so sweet of Junior!!
Bill, 4 balls for you and none for Sammy & Miles? This will not last long. Your tummy looks very full!
Dat was furry nice of Junior to send yoo toys and a blankie fur yoor furry own. ::whispers-dey is fur all da kitties:: Um, Sadie sez yoo gotsa share. I would like a cute little brofur like yoo. ::shutup yoo dumb boy:: Zippy sez no...I sometimes think it would be better if my sisfurs were brofurs...oweoweoweowe. My sisfurs is wunnerful and I wouldn't trade dem fur anything. ::psst, dey is bossy tho::
How's the new job, Meezer Mom? I hope you've been welcomed and are settling in, and that you're not stressin' out! I also hope that Meezer Dad will find a new job very soon, too!
You are the cutest little ginger kitten ever! Oh my... adorrrrrabibble
Oh Bill you are just too cute! You're making Mommy Squee!
It's kitten-itis around the blogosphere, Mommy really wants one!!
Bill, you are so cute!! Mommy LOVES your video!!!
Baby kitties!!!!
Bill!!!! You act just like a kitten!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!What a happy boy! Oh you are so lucky to have found this home!!!!!!!!
Have fun kiddo!!
Purrs Mickey
Bill is just a bundle of ginger love and is too darned cute!
awww bill, make sure yoo share. you're really cute playin wif that bally. Have you ever had one before?!
Bill is definitely earning the right to be an honorary meezer!
Psst.. I've tagged Sammy for the Inspiring Blogger Award for his great puzzle advice!
Purrs, Tamra
Look at that tubby tummy!
Luf, Us
Oh, precious little Baby Bill -- you made both Mom and I say SQUEE!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
As a formerly homeless ginger tom, I am very happy to see little Bill is doing so well. Reminds me of myself at his age. Play play play play, then eat eat eat eat eat!
Bill sure is a cute little guy and seems to be adjusting well.
It's very good of you to let him think everything is his. Eventually he'll need to learn that, in fact, everything belongs to the Senior Cat in the house!
He's so cute! Sure loves those toys!
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