Ferst, mommy says "THANK YOU" for all the get well wishes and purrsss. She is starting to feel a little less yucky, even though she hadded the "headache from the place i cannot say because it's on my bad werd list" yesterday and last night.
Second, I realize she is sicky, but sicky people should never, ever, try and groom a kitty. know why? SHE MUTILATED ME!!! ok, well, mutilate is a harsh werd, See, she was clipping the claws on my back feets and she clipped one a little too close, and it started to bleed and I screamed and she jumped and I jumped and I clawed her cheek and it started to bleed. It was all very tramajik. I'm traumatized.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, February 08, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
I'm glad that your momma is feelin' much better ... Sick 'beans are no fun at all. Oh, an' I HATE when Mom does the clippy claws an' makes me bleed, too! The bitey tends to be a good display of my dissatisfaction.
Claw clipping should wait for a day when she feels good. Easy to make a mistake when you are not feeling good.
oh no! yu wuz bleedin! how terrible. sick mommy beans shood nefer clip nails. we hopes yu recofer soon frum such a horrible xpeereense.
yuki & kimiko & kintaro
Sounds furry tramajik fur all involved! Glad she is feeling a *little* better. Hope yur toesies are too!
~Meeko & Kiara
oh honey i am ever so sorry that happened to you and your sicky mommie... hugs to you bof!!!
smiles, auntie bee
pee ess: lick it and it will feel better i think
Poor Miles! I bet your mom is traumatized, too, though.
Oh, Miles! I feel your pain. The Blonde One says she feels your bean's pain too. This morning I kicked her in the mouth with my back feets for absolutely no reason at all and she ran into her litter box to put alcohol on her mouth. So what if I just came out of my litterbox? My feets are clean!!
We's glad your bean is feelin' a little better now!
Oh how horrible!!! I can't believe she clipped too short. See LL?? That is why I'm afraid when you clip my claws.
noooo! Miles dats sucky! I hope you is ok!!
I almost always get one of Lilly's claws to bleed even when I'm well, cuz Lilly is way to wiggly. She doesn't like the towel burrito...and she's more like a towel elephant! anyway.
Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. My friend Ladybug suggested putting Vicks Vapor rub on your feet and then putting on your socks...another friend tried it and it seems to work pretty well.
oh and please tell Sammy that he needs to finish helping mom to put away that tree! lol
Oh, I'm glad your mommy is feeling better but that clippy claw thing sounds horrible! I've never had my claws clipped - I don't think my Food Lady would survive if she tried to clip my claws!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
Oh I hopes she feelz better soon. Dis sicky stuff iz really goin' around & around. It iz no wonder dat she feelz dizzy.
Now abouts dat mutylashun of your sharpeez. I tinks you better come oevfur & we can planz a revenge fur when she feelz like herself again.
Oh my goodness Miles! That sounds horrible! Are you alright? Do I need to rush Bast to you to do a healing or a resurrection (either of you or your human if you got her for that?)...
We'z glad yoor mom is starting to feel better but...holy snerkles, she MUTILATED yoor claw and trawmatized yoo! Yoo need treats and cuddles to fix dis...
Poor Miles! I'm sorry you are so traumatized...lots of purrs and head butts. Mom clips Kavan's nails all the time, but doesn't dare do mine. And after this, I'll make sure she doesn't!
O, Miles, how horribull. hope you recover soon. i hate to haf my long claws clipped.
Good to hear your mommie is feeling better. Mine mommie started out wif a huge headache an a fever... she says it's tha sickest she haf ever been.
Purrs, KC
Oooohhh...the toe clippin' thing sounds so dramatical! We hopes your toes is okay!
We just wanted to say "thanks" for all the nice comments you have leaved on our Blog. Felix is home now but not feelin' so good. We is all lovin' on him LOTS. If you have a spare minute, please say another prayer for him, 'kay?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Miles, sorry man about the mangled claw. She clearly isn't in her right mind yet. Maybe she'll be apt to accidently give you more treats? Worth a try.
This calls for HAM!!!
And lots of it too!
Oh Miles you poor kitty! :( You might have post traumatic stress disorder now after a thing like that! I mean you may only be able to eat ham now and may never have the courage to face the confined space of the PTU! Oh yes I'd milk it for all it's worth! ;)
Oh no! I'll gif it a kissy so it feels better. (But we won't tell yore Mommy so's she'll feel gilty and gif yoo lotsa ham n stuff.)
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Oh Miles
We are furry sorry yu is feelin traumantized. WE hopes yu is feelin better dis mornin. We hopes yur Mommie is feelin better too. Our blogroll is out dis mornin we can't find nuffin! Grrrr blogrollee fing.
***wavin paws**
Have a gud weekend Miles!
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs
Your lovin little lady
We hide all sharp objects when our pet human is sick...she is dangerous.
I will send over a ham and a bottle of tequila to ease your suffering.
Oh no! Your mom cut the quick. :( We are glad she is starting to feel a little better. Continuing to send healing purrs her way.
Wow! Your toe was bleeding!!?? How dare her make your toe bleed!! I guess you are even though, since you made her bleed too!
I am glad your Mom is feeling better.
Claw clipping sucks.
We nominated you guys for an award - even though we think you already have it. :)
I wood lub to come ofur and watch da snowss fall. I fink dat is so neato since we don't git snowss to fall here.(In fact we had 85 yessterday....and today it's gonna be in da 70's).
I hafta to tell yu too how much I LUBBED my balantine...sigh it is so wunderfull and booteefull...makes me feel like a furry special princess....
& Nosekisses
Your adoring little princess angel
Ouch! Mom will often clip our guinea pigs nails too short and they squeal loudly!! She keeps a little vial of stiptic powder nearby and it immediately stops the bleeding. Your mom can get it in any pet shop.
I'm glad your mommy is feeling better.
Oh Miles, that sounds like a horrific claw clipping experience! I hope you recover from the trauma soon.
I is so a'cited...Momma finally got yur balentine posted furr me ofur at Skeezix's...pleese let me knoos what yu fink...
Your purring lady love
That's great that your mommy's feeling a bit better; we hope she keeps improving!
About the claws, Mom knows she should clip ours more often, but she's always scared she's going to cut too short, too, since our paws are not just sitting still. I'm sorry about your claw and your mom's cheek! :(
Me-owzer. It was a Catlamity for efurrybody.
Now efurrybody needs purrs.
Some of your bloods came out, and then some of her bloods came out. It sounds like you should call it even now.
Oh yes - mommy sneezed once while clipping my nails and pinched my toe! Needless to say - she does not give me mani-pedi when she is sniffly anymore (I scratched her kinda good).
We're glad your Mommy Meezer is feeling better!
oh my...mummy is she ok> and I hates when I bleeds, I jumped up on my mummy once and landed on her head...I hopes she feels better...meow
didn't your mom understand that you were tryin' to let her headache get outta her head? there's gotta be an open spot for it to come out, right?!?!
hope your both on the mend real soon!
Oah Dear~~~
Now you and your mommy could snuggle together now, because you both not feeling well~~~
Just kidding~!
I sincerely hope you both will be better!!
Your poor mom, poor you. Yes, when moms are sick they should accept our loving and nothing else. Especially if it is traumatizing. Mom has a grinder for our nails. She says it makes her less stressed out and if she is less stressed out then we are less stressed out.
Oh Miles - we are soooo sorry that you got clipped. It hurts when they do that. We are starting to have our claws clipped because Tiki can't retract his back claws anymore. We have very rarely had it done, so don't mind it too much.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
It is the week-end now. I sure hope that you are both/all feeling much better.
Headaches are terrible!
Oh noes! Dat's horrible! Was she on any medicashuns at the time? She could get a CUI - Clipping Under the InFLUence!
I fink sleepin on Mom's head helps wif headaches. It's part of Fur an Purr Therapy.
Seems your mommie cut the vein that runs in the claw ~ though u guys are even now we fink!
Oh, yuck! Oh, blood! No, No, I think MUTILATED is the RIGHT word! I'm very tramajikized just reading about it!
Ouchies for you and the momma! We hope you both feel better real soon.
Yeah, clipin claws is tricky. A Bein hasta be concentratin hard on that. That's where "cut to the quick" comes from, after all.
We know tyou got hurt. We guess the mommy is feelin pretty bad about it too.
Poor Miles! I hope she felt very guilty and fed you lots of ham to make up for it.
Miles, that's a bit tough on you - maybe you should mention that all future clipping should be postponed until your Mom has a medical clearance. Make sure that she can't get to the clippers UNTIL she produces proof that she is medically fit to operate them.
We're still purring for your Mom to get better, but now we're also purring for you as well,
Gypsy & Tasha
Oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about the ouchy claw clip! Hugs to you, my friend, and hugs to your Mom -- I am glad she's starting to feel better.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
That is traumatizing!!! Healing purrs to both of you!!!
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