How are you all doing? I love living here with the Meezers, but I must admit, as cute as the Meezers are, I have been a bit lonely. Now I have my very own Ginger Boy!! I am so very happy! He likes me and we like talking together. He's a bit wild, but I think I can calm him down.
I hope all of my Green Wall Shelter littermate Squillions are as happy in their forever homes as I am in mine!


We have been tagged by our good friend Mr Kelly (and Nicky, Caitie and Lizzie) for the Message in a Bottle Meme. Unfortunately, mommy could not get the pikshur to work, but we will still post our message.
Here are the rules:
What message would you like to send out to the universe? You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean.Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle.Write anything you wish.Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. Here are the rules: 1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle 2. Right click and save the graphic at Mimi Writes.3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That’s a Mimism for blog + eternity.) - don´t forget to leave your link at Mimi´s Home to be added to the master list.
Our message would be: Treasure your friends as they are your greatest comfort in your times of need.
You're a busy household today! I like your message, it is very very true. Happy squillion day!
Your message is the absolute truth! We are glad you are here and are our friends. Congrats on the Oscars for CCSI and for your awards. Mom has pictures of some of the fabrics going in the quilt, if you want to see.
We're happy you have ginger pal now!
Happy Squillion day~~
Sammy and Miles, I think you both are the best sitter, hahaha~~~
Congratulations on your so many awards~~~
That's awesome that you've a little ginger-buddy! I'll bet you'll have some great adventures together.
Congrats, fellas, on your awesome aCATemy deserved'em!
Hey, it looks like everycat got something today!!! That is too cool :)
We like your message in a bottle too!! I guess everycat and their Mom got something today :)
Friends ARE special!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh, Squillion day! It's indeed a happy day...
I am glad you like your award! Te meme was beautiful! And I am glad Bill has his own squillion! Maybe he can play his kitten pranks on it and not his two meezer brothers!
The ginger kitty is so very cute! Concats on the awardies ~ you totally deserve them :)
Baby Bill
Welcome to your furst SQUILLION day...purrrrssssss
Sammy and Miles
CONCATS on yur wunderfull awards! Wowza!! We lub yur message in a bottle...we fink YU arr absoolootley corect!
**wavin paws**
Bye Baby Bill and Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
***blowin kisses**
Sammy, Momma has a noo fing out I has nefur seed before. She is stuffin fings into it dat she wears and I am gettin werried. I fink she is leavin and is gonna be gone for a few days..she is sayin sumfing like Toosday...I dunno but I am werried. HELP!
Purrs and Nosekisses
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Your werried little princess
This message is very true, the message is a good one.
Friends are treasures forever!
You got a lot of super great awardies.
I like them and you deserve them.
I see Bill is very cute and perky. I like him!
Friends are forever! You are so right.
Congrats on the award!
We like the message in the bottle message. It is very, very true.
Congrats on your aCATamy awards and the Great Blog Award!
Oh, and Happy Squillion Day!
Happy Squillion Day and congrats on all your awards!!!
What a wonderful message in a bottle!
Happy Squillion Day!
When does your person start back t work guys?
Peaches (my virtual squillion) says hello Seville! Take good care of little Bill!
Sammy and Miles~~concatulations on your awards!
Happy Squllion Day! Bill that's a nice looking friend you've got there!
We put up an auction for you guys on our bloggie today - we want to help and we found a way!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Oh little Bill, I am very glad you have your very own Squillion!
Hi Guys!
Congratulations on your awards :) That is a very cute picture of little Bill with his Squillion - we love it!
Happy Thursday!
P.S. We is wondering when your Mommy starts back to work and how your Daddy's job search is going :)
Rocky, Angie, & S'moresy xoxoxoxo
wow you meezers haf been busy and concatulations on yer new Bill, is he still stinky? Concatulations to yer Mom too for her new jobbie and we is crossin our paws for yer Dad. We know how that jobbie stuff can be strssssful. We are tryin to catch up with all our bloggin buddies. We are behind, way behind ~The Fluffy Tribe
oh boy, look at bills eye.
Hi Seville!!! Please be a good furiend and example to Bill. He needs an orinch buddy.
Purrs Virginger and Derby
I am putting my paw down. Mommy is way too bizzy if it takes me til now to get by to see my handsum boyfriendcat. Um, well, ok, to see Seville and Bill this time. hehehe They looks well matched an happy tho :)
Purrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies to my handsum Miles :)
your girlfriendcat Sanjee
Your message holds a great deal of truth. I am so happy that Bill/Norton has landed in your world.
Tell your Mommy that we will be thinking of her on Monday!
What great acceptance speeches for your aCATemy Awards. Percy says you were terrific to work with. And he appreciated your penchant for ham. He's kind of fond of it now too and keeps telling Jan she needs to keep the fridge stocked with it. She thinks you spoiled him.
Jan's Funny Farm
That's nice Seville, that you have a new friend the same color as you!
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