So, I wented to the v-e-t last night. I managed to pee on mommy (I peed on the BACK of her pants when i was sitting on her lap, darn I'm good). But she didn't notice until we gotted to the v-e-t so she could not change. Then I seed the v-e-t. He violated my private personal area just to say I didn't haf a fever. He could haf just asked. Then when mommy said I was miserable 'acause my eyes herted, he said "poor boy looks miserable". then he keeped shining a light in my eyes and nodding or shaking his head. Then he saided that he was going to change the type of goop I'm getting and that I have something that's kind of like pink eye AND herpes in BOF my eyes. He saided that if i'm not better in 7-10 days, I haf to see the opth-o-mol-a-jist. ::SIGH::
Sammy, STOP IT!!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Awwww, yoo poor guy. We'z gonna send some purrs dat yoor eye gets better and yoo don't gotta go to da upto, aptom, opito, er, eye speshulist.Sammy, don't pick on yoor brofur he's miserable enuff.
OH dear Miles, I hope you do not hafta get glasses! That would be such a bad thing.
I'll bet the new goop will make your eyes as good as new! (Then you won't have to get glasses and have Sammy tease you all the time!) He could be nicer about it all!
Oh, Doooood... +1 on the peeing...+2 'cause you made it look your your Mom is the one who peed! I gotta remember that!
I hope your eye gets better really fast. The whole thing has to suck.
Gosh, Miles, I hope your eyeballs don't fall out! I don't think Sammy would make a very good seeing eye bro and Bill is too little.
Miles - we will be purring for your eyes. We hope the new medicine works so you don't have to go to the eye doctor. Mom has to go there in a couple of weeks.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh Miles! Meowm and I will purray and purray that the new goop makes your eyes all better!
Sammy----you be nice!
Sammy, if you are not nice to Miles I will come over and chase you around the house. And I can jump on high thing, so that won't save you. I just can't get down, but I am sure Miles would help me with that. Even Lucky wants you to be nice.
Miles, that eye-goop stuff is sooooo growwwwwssss when you wash your face-I'm really sorry about your icky eye, dude. I'm hopin' it heals real soon! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but life has settled down a bit again..howse your mom's new job? and your dad-does he have one yet?
Miles you gotta get them baby blues all healthy. Maybe you can get contacts.
Miles, yoo did good wif the peein. I hopes the bottles of water helped. I's purrin lots the noo goop helps. I mean, it's icky, so it better help if yoo gotta do it huh! Grandma Cat hasta haf a heart pro-see-jure Thursday, and Mommy's gonna stay all day wif her at the hospittle for it. Can I come snuggle wif yoo and purr for Grandma Cat n our furriends who needs purrs?
Purrrrrs and nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Miles, We hope your eyes get better soon. Hopefully, the new med will help.
Pay no attention to Sammy. He's just embarrassed to tell you he cares how you are.
oh no, now you have it in both eyes. Poor kitty.
I was ROTFLOL at your little conversation with Sammy...hee hee
every good conversation should end with a whap.
Oh Miles!!! :( I hope the new goop works!! The glasses thing would just not work.Just something else for sammy to whap :o
Purrs Mickey
Great job peeing on your mom.
Oh Miles, we are sorry to hear you had to go to the vet and that your eyes are still hurting. Sending lots of healing purrs your way. We hope the new eye goop helps lots.
Oah Miles,
I am so so sorry to hear that.
Let me give you a big hug~!
I am praying and purring for you wish you well!
Don't worry Miles they had to change the kind of gloop I was getting put in my eye when I had the conehead on, cause the first one made things more ouchy... The second one worked great, but took a long time to go it all as it had gotted very bad from it not being helped by the first stuff! :( Oh and I don't have to wear glasses so you'll be ok I'm sure! :) I'm sure there's ham in the cure somewhere though... ;)
Awwww Miles! I am soooo sorry! That sux a squillion times over! I hope your new medicine works and that you don't need glasses. Was that a good whap that you gave to Sammy? He kind of deserved it!
I am sending healing eye purrs. Also mommy says glasses are not bad. My daddy wears them. You look distinguished and smart of and you are not supposed to hit ppeople who wear glasses so you would not get whapped but could whap more :)
WE are sur hopin dat dis noo medeekashun werks...I mean it's all goopey and icky it'd better werk! WE don't want yu to half to wear no glasses.
Oh Sammy I'll be rite ofur and I'll show yu how gud my whappin skills have become. I whapped Gracie and Ping and Boo dis mornin.
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
***blowin kisses***
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little angel gurl
Miles, I am very sorry about this eye problem, but glasses are not so bad. They will make you look extra dignified and intelligent!
..PS: I really hope you do feel better soon!
Oh, poor Miles!!!! I hope you get better really soon.
we is so sorry that you hasta go anofur round wif the eye crud. but good job onna peein', dude!
mom sez "the goopier the better" when it comes to eye goop. dad scratched her eyeball wif a whisker once (don't ask . . .) an' she got a fection. the drops din't help at all, but when she got an icky goop to cure it, it cleared right up. so be of good cheer!
Miles... i do hopez yourz eyes both get better soon. We'll keep our paws crossed and send youz some purrs to make youz feel better about this.
Wowee! Dorf is going blind and even he doesn't have to get glasses. You're special!
Luf, Us
OH Miles! I'm so sorry your eye hasn't gotten better. UGH!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
PS Way to go with the whapping!!
Aw Sammy, I prolly koodint resist teesin eether. I jes hope you make nice with him latur cuz I bet goopy eyes blows hareballs. Hope you get them meezerbloos back quick Miles!
Oh no! We hope the new goop helps and you don't have to get glasses. Although, you'd probably look super duper cute with glasses.
I think you would look very smart in spectacles. But I hope your eyeballs feel all better soon.
Well, hopefully the new goop does its job and gets you all better.
Hope you eyes get better soon! I hated having hurty eye! ~Queen Snickers
We're sorry you had to go to the V-E-T again! And we're really hoping the new goop works!
*snick* I hope you get some jazzy glassies. They will make you look intelligent, Miles!
Hmmm ... You could always get contact lenses, Miles. But I think that you'd look furry fetching in some prescription eye wear. Mom's are Gucci an' PINK. I'll bet they'd look nice on you.
How did yoo get hair-piece in yur eyes?
Poor Miles & poor Meezer Mom - we all hopes that you is feelin' all the way better furry soon.
And a furry Happy (be-lated) Purrfday to Meezer Dad!
Sammy you mustn't laff at Miles, it's not nice.
Miles we hope the new goop works better furr you and your eyes git better reely kwik. If Sammy keeps laffing at you, give him a whap furrom us.
not da eye dr.! Dats awful!
Billy, dat wasn't nice to share wif yoor brover!
We hope the new goop helps your eyes out Miles!! And good for you setting Sammy straight. Whap him again if he keeps bothering you.
O Miles, I'm sorry you had a bad experience at the vet! I hope your eye feels better very soon, though ...
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