MILESA gentle reminder for mom!
Fanks everyone for your unnerstanding about our visiting issue. we sat on mom this weekend and told her to shape up or ship out. ok, well not really ship out, but we told her to make at least an hour every night for us to visit our friends - and maybe 15 -20 minutes in the morning while she is waiting for her coffee to brew. Sammy whapped her in the face at 5am Saturday to tell her to get up and go to werk. she saided it's saturday and she doesn't haf to go. we just wanted to make shur 'acuase we doesn't want her to get fired or anyfing. or maybe Sammy just wanted to whap her in the face.
tell sammy i'm gonna' do that to sarge in the morning and he is retired. let's see what he says! oboy! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
ps: i'm really liking this whapping stuff!
ya know with daylight savings time and all it was probably a good thing that Sammy woke up mom...right? She might have forgoten to feed you or something. ;)
and I'm sure that as soon as mom gets used to her new schedule you'll have plenty of blogging might look like she needs a nap all the time, but you'll figure it out somehow...right?
Whappin' your mommy is okay. We do it at least 14 times every day.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
As long as Sammy doesn't put hte claws out when he wahps...its okay to whap Mom.
We used to wake mom up at 5 am to make sure she made it to work on time. She don't gots a job no more but it's a hard habit to break so now we wake her up at 6 so she can feed us.
That is a great, assertive way to make sure your momma knows your needs and her duties. Well done, Miles and Sammy!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. I'm glad li'l Bill is settling in okay.
I think Sammy was just making a point on Saturday.
Do not worry, routines will be settled into.
Way to trane yer lady! Grate Job, Miles...we culd all use a lessun from yoo!!!
Gee Miles, you CAN fit a whole ham in that mouth!!!!!
I just think Sammy likes whapping ;)
It's hard to get a routine when the beans keep moving the time on the clocks!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Hi Miles, been awhile since I have visited. Sounds like your Mom is quite busy with her job. I don't get to visit to often either but it's for different reasons, so I understand. So glad to hear Bill is getting better. Hope by now he is drinking water better. Sammy you are funny, whopping pop corn around. My Mom keeps hers in the bag.
Whapping is ok I think,
I also do on my human everyday.
And pull her hair, too....
You are so great reminds your mommy to get up! I am proud of you!
Oh Miles! What lovely tonsils you have!
I've been relly gud at dis whappin stuff lately. I whapped Boo, den Ping and I efven tried to put da bitey on Jinxy when he put his head in my food bowl. Dat stopped him rite der in his tracks.
**wavin paws**
Bye baby Bill!
Bye Miles...grate pixchur of yu I'm empressed wif yur toofies.
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy whappin king cocoa puff!
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring angel girl
Oh yes, it's very important to wake your Mom at 5am, that way she has more time to fuss you iffen she's not going to work! :)
Furry gentle a'minder, Miles. I's sure yore Mommy presheeated it lots. I don't fink yall should come ofur today,maybe I should come to yore house. Mommy is nnoyed wif us fur not catchin the mousie in her bedroom last nite. Well she didn't efun tell us it was there. No fair! Oh well. I'll bring yoo sum hams.
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
You guys must be having a hard time adjusting to her being gone too! Little Bill will keep you busy all day!
Due to my whapping skills I think I have Kaze blamed for "stealing" some important item from the coffee table. Hehe.....
Make sure you let your mom get some rest. I'm sure it will all even out in a few weeks but don't put too much pressure on her.
Oh what a cute picture! Your Mom will get use to the new routine and then you can visit all the time! Sammy must have wanted to make sure she got a good start on the weekend. (hehehe)
Your FL furiends,
Empress starts singing opera everyday at 5:00am! Momma just throws floofy toys at her on the weekends. ~Queen Snickers
I did a dental exam while your mouth was open. Your teeths look good.
What's wrong with a 5 am whapping? I think that sounds like a great plan!
The tv in our bedroom turned ITSELF on this morning at 5:22!
My sisters and I are wondering if we have a ghost . . . and if so, why is it so concerned about making sure mommy gets up on time?
You are a good alarm kitty like me.
Funny story - my mum was at work today and had some spare time at lunch so she visited some of the cat websites, which usually she does at home. Anyway, the school where she works has quite strict website filtering so the kids can't access any nasties. She clicked on the link to your site and it said "Access Denied: this site has been classified as Match Making or P*rnography" !!!! We don't think your page is either of those things! But don't worry she could access it from home no problem. After all, here I am.
Sammy I totally agree with you - you gotta make sure that schedules are kept! I wake my mommy up early EVERYDAY even if she's not working.
I went on a whapping spree today with Mommy going to work for the first time. But I did not get Mommy in the face. Maybe tonight...
Mom would kill me if I whapped her at 5:00 in the morning. I think I would be sleeping alone, and not in the bed.
Wow, Miles, your teeth look very good and your tonsils are very clean!
oh we understand, we is just glad your mommy is enjoying her job! our mum has been sooo busy of late and we rarely get to visit at the moment.
hope you are all well though! special purrs and headbutts to you x
It takes a lot to keep the mom in line. Sometimes nothing will work. I liked that photo of you and the yawn. Reminds me of the Red Ridding Hood story. My grandma, not that you are a grandma because I know you are not, what big teach you have.
Sammy, my mom hunts about two seconds from our house and STILL she runs out of time to help me visit and stuff. I think your mommy's doing a great job.
That was a very good reminder to your mom about Meezer Monday. And of course it is important to make sure she gets up on time for the long drive to work. How are we supposed to know what day it is. We just go based on what time of the day it is.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Yep - we gots to keep our beans on track wif da Meezer priorities!
Good alarm kitty.
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