Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Meezer Rule and Whapping Wednesday


Here's my rule for today: Not keeping to your normal nightly routine will make the mom get up and search the house for you at 3am. When that happens, quick jump into your normal sleeping spot on the bed and pretend you've been there all along.

Good times!


For our whapping lesson today, we will concentrate on the human litterbox room. We have a wonderful human litterbox room. We haf what mommy says are "dormer" windows in the upstairs human litterbox room, and that means we have GIANT WIDE windowsills. We can lay in our windowsills and stretch out crosswise and lengthwise. The best thing is that this windowsill is next to the human litterbox. AND mommy uses it to keep "woman smelly stuff" on - like powder and perfumes and bubbles for the bath and stuff like that. And the human litterbox paper stuff ('acause I used to shred it when it was on the holder). And they're all great whappables. And they are most fun to whap when someone forgets to close the lid on the human litterbox. It's so much fun to watch mommy's reaction to seeing a giant wet roll of human litterbox paper soaking in the bowl. I just get so much joy from that.
Your homework this week is to see how much stuff you can fit in the human litterbox - or the sink! the sink is always good too!


Just Ducky said...

Mum keeps the paper rolls inside a cabinet plus they are lower than the bowl. I can't lift it into the bowl, so I can do that trick.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

miles: okay, got it, will try that tonight!

sammy: grate idea! sarge has lots of stuff by his sink. he won't know it was me, right? even if no one else is here? i will do what miles said and act all innocent, right?

smiles, auntie bee

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I dunno 'bout that whapping lesson. It seems to me that we could lose our allotment of Temptations if we tick Mom off.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I've learned that there is always stuff to be whapped off tables.

But I learned I better NOT whap the wine glass!

PB 'n J said...

They keep the lid down here - cause we've already tried the whapping (and the swiming!). But we love to know things into the sink, then bat them around!

Renee Nefe said...

oh we must be aweful furry parents cuz we keep the litterbox room closed off to animals. Just lock them out of there.

I guess a kitty wouldn't like it here too much. I have loads of knick knacks (in the shape of bunnies) that would be good for whappin though.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It will hafta be da sink Sammy, dey keep da lid down on der litter box. Hope yoor keeping Billy boy in da house!

Forty Paws said...

Annie likes to whap stuff into the sink after she's used it for her personal litter box. Does that count?

Luf, Us

Mickey's Musings said...

Miles,your rule is perfect!!!! I live it! Hahahahaha!!!
That is a good whapping lesson Sammy .It is a challenge here as Mom puts everything away!!! Wonder why ?!!!!! Heehee But when she forgets............. ;)
Purrs Mickey

Gemini and Ichiro said...

YES!!! Toilet paper in the toilet bowl. They can't even get mad at you because they do it to!!!!

Max said...

Heh...the People keep the giant litterbox closed just for that reason. They know we'll either play in it or put things in it if they don't.

Southbaygirl said...

We Love to pull the toilet paper onto the floor!!!! That's where our litter box is!!

Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Miles, that's a great rule!

Sammy, sadly the door to the human litterbox room is kept closed so we can't get in there. :(

Irishcoda said...

ROFL, I think we're lucky here that the gang doesn't whap stuff very often! Not sure if that's a maturity issue or if whapping is a Meezer thing...that's too funny about the human litter box hee hee

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Meanie mum keeps the lid down on the human litter box, but we can reach the shelf above the baff if we stand up tall. That's good furr whapping.
If the Beans wake up in the night and Eric's not in his usual place on their heads, they breathe a sigh of relief and keep furry quiet.

Parker said...

The lid's always down here and it's a shame...


Momma keeps the door shut to da big bedroom and so we can't even get into the human litterbox...and the other two litterboxes she keeps da lid down...bummer.

***wavin paws***
Bye Billy
Bye Miles

**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy whappin king meezer man

Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little tuxie angel princess

Ana said...

Pumuckl loves to destroy the toilet paper and to play with it until all the bathroom and the corridor are covered in white. But whapping it into the toilet he has never tried so far :)

Deb Cushman said...

Miles and Sammy, Those are such wonderful ideas! You guys are super smart!

The Furry Kids said...

Miles, that is an awesome trick. I'm going to have to remember that. Hahahahaha!

Sammy, I bow to you and your whapping expertise. You are definitely my idol. heh heh


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those, as always, are great rules!!!!!!!

Tybalt said...

Sammy, that may be a difficult assignment for me since I'm kept out of the bathroom, but I will do my best to make you proud!

Java's Coffee House said...

Ohhhh I has lots of ideas for whats to whap. Mommy keeps fun whappable stuff on the sink right nexted to the human litter box. Now I just has to get her to forget to closed the lid.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Miles, we think you just about have succeeded in totally toasting your woman's brain!

Sammy.....excellent tips as always!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Your whapping lessons are great! Our lids are always closed though because they have blue water. ~Queen Snickers

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Seaborne: "Miles, I did that the other day. Mommy had to look everywhere for me! Hee Hee It was great!"

"Sammy, great whapping lesson. Mommy keeps her litterbox door closed, but the other bean doesn't.....I'll get back to you....whapping mode is on!"

Unknown said...

You two are giving Hellie such good ideas!

zevo hussein calamari said...

MY pet human caught Nubi drinking out of the human litter box the other day. She has been putting the lid down now and calling him Mr Potty-mouth.

Oh Bill... you can stay at the Ritz.. it is all taken care of!

Anonymous said...

Rats! Mom keeps her paper in the linen closet. Nothing to whap in there for us. Rats! Rats! Rats!

Ivan from WMD said...

BOTH excellent editions today! They made me laugh a whole lot!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

sammy, miles, I have to hand it to you! Those are some wise, wise words. I am going to see if I can whap Baby Mao into the sink. I have managed it before now, honest. x

LZ said...

There must be something in the Spring air Miles because I'm doing super duper mischief stuff myself. Hehe.


Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Miles, we will break the nightime routine too, and Momma will go look to see where we decided to sleep instead of on her pillow! She should be happy that we go elsewhere, because me and Simon hog her pillow, but Sam lays behind Daddy.
Sammy, we can't go in the bathroom except when Momma is in there because of the paper stuff, we all have unrolled it in our lifetimes.
Pee Ess, I hope your eyes are getting better, Miles! I worry about you!

The Devil Dog said...

Sammy mom says she would call you Sammy the Satan cat. Bad Bad Bad cat. You and I would be great friends.


Victor Tabbycat said...

My beans keep that human litterbox closed so much, I just GOTTA stick my nose in if it's open. An stuff belongs in the sink - duh!
Miles, I is so glad to hear yur eyes are all better! Ok, how many toes is I holdin up?

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...