Meezer rule for today: martini's is not water, so don't go fishing in there for the olives.
I will be answering more questions on Friday - Mommy was "too tired" to help me tonight. whatever woman. That's ok, because I whapped alot today and I'm tired. Lets see, when mommy left for "werk" there was foods in the food dishes on my dining room table. when she gotted back, the foods was on the floor. The table in front of the couch (it's a tv table used as a "end table thing" was whapped and everything on it was all over the floor. I had not done that in a while so it was time. Young Billiam whapped the tem-tay-shuns off the fridgerfrator again. The wireless router was on the floor (another favorite of mine to whap). The phone was on the floor (yet another favorite of mine to whap). Tonight for good measure I will whap mommy's head when I settle down to sleep in bed.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Miles, definately don't go fishing for the olives. Martini's aren't good for us kitties.
Sammy - wow - what whappage! Keep up the good work.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Martians??? You have Martians at your house??????
what? oh, martini's....a drink.
never mind.
Martini's? Olives? I've never heard of those before..all we gots at my house is this stuff called "vino"..I think it stinks and doesn't have anything like a fish in it.
Well if it LOOKS like water it should BE water!
And it sounds like a very tiring day, all that whapping. In fact, it made me tired thinking about it. I'm going to go take a nap.
Whapination achieved! What's a martini?
Wow... We nefer tried whappin heavy thins afore! Maybe we should.
wow! That's a lot of whapping, no wonder you're tired. Maybe you can dream of more whapping and maybe kick someone in your sleep. ;)
and no drinks for anyone under age Miles!
I'm so jealous! I'm afraid I may not be whapping for a few days, everytime I try, I say ouch!
Good rule, Miles! Sammy, you sure did a lot of whapping! Our humans now leave the wireless router on the floor, because it's been whapped one too many times!
You had yourself a Whapathon, Sammy!
Miles, wuould you say that this rule would also apply to the lime twist in a Cosmopolitan? Just wonderin'....
It was a whapfest!
All I did yesterday was take out a few flowers on the table!
Oh no I have to wait two more days to find out the answer to my whapping dilemma... The urge to whap Ramses is great though, but I'm not daft enough to attempt whapping him without guidance or I may wind uo at the Vet! :(
I needs more whappin lessons Sammy. Wow you is def-fine-ate-ly the whap master! Miles be furry carefull wif dem martinis you might be seein martians if yu drink em!
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezer man whapanator!
Purrs and kitty kisses
Your adoring little angel tuxie princess
WHAPWHAPWHAP!!! Almost as much fun as PLAYPLAYPLAY!! BILLY!! PLAY!! NOW!! We gots to PLAY!!! - Fagin
That's cool Sammy,always in training! hahahahaha
Miles,stick to NIPtitis!!
Purrs Mickey
So much whapping.
Are you a judge on TV?
Sammy~WOW! That is a lot of whapping!
Miles~What do martinis taste like?
KC said...
O, it was a WHAP-A-RAMA. Maybe that' what F-Boo is doing, too? Or maybe jus gettin started, cause she's still little.
Nah, F-Boo is just a teeny tornado, she is mass destrucshun.
An you's tha Whap-Meister!
Sammy you're a wonder with all that whapping. We still have much to learn furrom you.
Miles mum laffed when she read your rule. She said she got a pikchur in her head of olives flying around the room.
you are an inspiration. I only whap two little fairy fingies that sit on a bookcase cos I can weech them from the stairs. I haf a lot to lern.
Hey fellows, I got to tell you that you have got Miss Bee started to whap me in my sleep, I know she is doing cause I was not asleep and she reached over a whapped me good.
hmmm, grate ideas here! sarge got a new clock by hiz bed and i could whap that a good one tonight! thanks sammy!
and miles, i like martinis and the olives too. if i had one you could play in it!
smiles, auntie bee
Bill~Since I am already 2, I demanded that my name be put on the blog. Maybe you should start working on being demanding.....or have you already learned that?
Hmm... my human has never had a martini (at home) so I haven't gotten to try one.
But good deal on the whapping.
My human is not Catholic, so she does not know Hail Marys but she'd appreciate any that could be said for her for Ted as well. She will say her regular old protestant prayers and mediate on healing for her with the Healing Buddah. (okay so she's religiously confused).
Miles: yep, don't drink the martini!
Sammy: Good gracious, that is a lot of whapping! We are very impressed! No wonder you are tired!
Billy: Hi Sweet Feets, how are you! You are learning how to whap? You can come over and whap me! Love you! Auntie Deb
Dude! How are use? What's happening?
Luf, Us
Sounds Whaptastic Sammy!
Miles, Always sniff the substance olives float in. You can smell the difference! Martinis smell! PU! All alcohols does, I don't like it at all. ~Queen Snickers
Miles, Momma gets a little protective about her adult beverages, too. hee hee
Sammy, you had a full day of whapping. I like the tv table whapping part the best.
You certainly have the whapping covered! I've just taken to using my mouth to be destructive. I especially love boxspring chewing. That jolts humans right out of bed!
Oh my goodness!! That's a lot of whapping going on at your house. Mom and dad were so proud of us while they were gone. We didn't break anything or barf once! Pretty good!
-Jasper McKitten-cat
I think you ought to leave your mom's head alone. Or you might be out in the cold somewhere. I know I would be if I whapped mom while she was sleeping. Otherwise, good job.
I wish I was as cool as you guys, whapping stuff.... oh well, I guess I have done my share of destruction in my younger days.
Pierro is Mr. Goodyfourpaws
Most excellent whapping work. And thank you all for the most excellent Poop & Run Attack you boys help pull off.
We hope your grandma is feeling better.
Oh Sammy my Mommy Bean is tireds alot lately too, it only means more snuggle time for me's though. How abouts you?
Oh, Miles ... I can't imagine you all liquored up.
All that whappin' sounds like Sammy should be nappin'!
Hi Billy!
Miles, you just kill me! And Sammy, I don't know how you find the energy for all that whapping!
Yuck, olives, yuck
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