Ruby Slippers tagged ME for a MEMEMEMEMEME (ok all of us but ME gets to answer!!!)
1. What were you doing 5 years ago? I dunno. I'm only 9 monfs old, I don't fink that's more than 5 years.
2. What 5 things are on your to-do list today? PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAY
3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy? FOODS!!! FOODS FOODS FOODS FOODS!!
4. What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire? ME would build home for ALL homeless kitteh's and woofies and all aminals that doesn't haf mom lady persons. That would prolly take all the money.
5. What are 5 of your bad habits? - the mom lady person says toe biting and peeing on the bed. is that 5?
6. Where are 5 places you have lived? Um, somewhere not with the mom lady person, and then with the mom lady person. is that 5?
Bill, you are excellent at these things!
Congratulations Bill!!
I am so happy for you!
Bill the GingerSnap, you are such fun. I like your answers.
Concats on your award guys! And that was a super meme Billy!
You might want to keep working on the counting, Billy, but you have accomplished a lot in your nine months so far! Miles--hope you are staying low and cool, buddy...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Those were great answers Bill.
I guess it's really good that you couldn't come up with 5 bad habbits.
sometimes I think those memes are for beans, not kittens.
Congrats on the award Billy!!!!!
I like your meme :) Do you by any chance like food? hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Purrs Mickey
We are glad that you don't have 5 bad habits, but peeing on the bed is pretty bad. Camie does that too - but she does it when she is asleep 'cuz she is old.
Mom says you are so cute.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Bill, you are so funny!
Way to go Bill. I like your answer for number 4!! :")
Awesome job, Bill. And it's close enough to 5 for government work!
Good Job Billy, my kind of boy!
Bill I loved youw answews and I think they wewe all five...xept fow bad habits..you don't have enuf of them..thankyou all fow saying puwws and puwwayews fow my Daddi..he is much bettew now
smoochie kisses
Bill, you are so cute! :) We like what you would do if you were a Billionaire. :)
Congratulations to all of you on your award! :) It is very well deserved. :)
Billy, you are a good meme doer!
Billy you need to learn to count or you won't get your fair share of the treats!
Billy, you did SO well on that Meme that we think you should prolly do all of them. In fact, you can even do all of ours if you want!
Billy that wuz some good answers you gave furr your meme. You did an eggsellent job to it.It is good that you only have two bad habits.
Those were grate anzwers...only one fing I fink dat will git yu in any trubble is da peein in da bed. Fur sum reazon Mom's don't wanna no pee in da bed. So yoo might wanna refink dat one. Otter wise yoo is doin grate!
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
**blowin kisses((
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman...
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adorin tiny tuxie nippin princess
Good morning to my Billy SweetFeets! I've missed you! Your meme is so cute! Come over and play with me!!!
Love, Auntie Deb
Purrs, The Taylor CatSSSSS
you did well Billy boy, doze was grate ansers.
OHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHOPHMIGOSH! That was the SAME meme that was MY first meme! It was FUNFUNFUNFUN! Wanna PLAYPLAYPLAY? Huh Billy? PLAY?!?!?!?!
That's 5! Good job Buddy!
A couple weeks ago you could have said standing in the human litter box, but now you don't do that, or it would have made 7.
Great meme, Billy Sweet Feets. Just "purrfect". And yes, that's five!
Missy Blue Eyes
I love your to-do list Bill. I myself plan to do that today, but will nap too!~Orion
Congratulations on your award!
And you did good on the memememememe, Bill.
Silly-Billy, you are getting better and better at counting!
BILLY!! PLAYPLAYPLAY FOODSFOODSFOODS!! YAY!! I is comin ofur!! I got pirate tricks to show ya! We'll be the most fearsome pirate pair ever!! - Fagin
Con cat u lations Billy, Sammy and Miles too! Dats a furry nice award.
Good job on that meme!!
It's not 5 Bill, but it's good enough. We loved your answers. We are glad you have a mom lady who loves you, too.
Oh, Bill, what an adorable little fellow you are! Congratulations on your award -- it's very well deserved! And I smiled and smiled reading your meme. You sound like so much fun!
To you and your big brothers and your Mom: Things went well at the vet, I'm happy to say. :) Thank you so much for your thoughts and purrs for me!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Brilliant responses, Mr. Snap!
Congratulations! We think you should also win an award for such an excellent Poop & Run Attack you led last week. Thank you... for all your help.
Hey Bill! William here from the UK. My new bruvver Charlie is friends wiff Miles and Sammy, but I don't haf a friend yet...
You count good, little cat! I am 1 year old, that's littler than Charlie - but mama cq says Charlie is a fluffball!
I pee on the chairs...perhaps I should start peeing on the bed?
Congrats on the award!!!
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