Dear Other Cats that live in MY house
Let me refresh the rules for you:
1. I was the FERST Meezer to move in here, Grampa Norton passed the mantle of ALPHA CAT to ME and ME ALONE
2. I get the ferst morning skritches from the mom
3. I get the last night time skritches from the mom
4. I get the prime snuggle spot under the mom's right arm
5. The dining room table is MINE and only MINE
6. ALL THE TOYS ARE MINE. I only let you borrow them. DO NOT SLOBBER ON THEM. I don't want to haf to smell your nasty breafs all over MY toys
7. THE GIZZY IS MINE. Miles - I let you have the Spicy Vixen snuggle. Billy, I let you have the multi colore snuggle AND the black and white fuzzy snuggle
8. I get the ferst tem-tay-shuns when it's treat time
Does everycat unnerstand?
OH NO, I hopes that my beautiful ABBY does not think that I am mean and rude and bossy. Please don't think badly of me my beautiful tuxie angel, but someone has to keep the order around here.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, August 01, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
sammy i think you forgot to say all the whapping sruff is yours too!
smiles, auntie bee
Right on Sammy!
Tell it like it is!
Wow! Those are some strict rules, but we understand the need for order (as long as it doesn't apply to us!)
Sammy, man, I hate to tell you, but really your mom is the alpha cat. Always has been, always will be.
Good luck with that...
What's bossy about telling the truth?
Good luck with this, doood. I got the same problem here--it's all mine, but no one seems to respect that!
Good rulz, Sammy!
Ooooohhh...we likes a man that takes control...Hubba Hubba!
Very truly yours,
The Girls from the Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Well that's told them!!
I understand your position Sammy, it is the same here! I'm only bossy, cause I have to be or the Abys would take all my toys, blankets, snuggle spots and food. In fact they'd probably take my boy, I mean it's bad enough that I've just found out that I have to share my boy in the summer with another cat...
I fink dat yoo is doin a gud service to let efurryone knoo what da roolz r! I fink yoo is wunderfull!!! A true mancat always knoos what his limitations r...fank yoo Mr Clint Eastwood! (Momma said dat wuz sum ref-fur-ance to a moovie)
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy Sweet Feets
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet strong handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman...
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little tiny princess
Sammy, as th Alpha Cat it is important to make your position clear. That's what Alpha Cats do. It helps keep everything orderly. Carry on, Alpha Cat. Carry on.
Hahahaha! Good rules. Of course, I am the Alpha Cat here! (I'm the only cat here. hmm)
Sammy, a Mancats gotta do what a Mancats gotta do!!!
Purrs Mickey
Sammy, you have to let everyone know who is boss sometimes. It goes with the territory of being alpha cat. We just hope they listen to you (but we're not holding our [nasty] breaths)!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You have to set them straight Sammy!
We've joined your ranks. We are now a Breeze Box household and we're using them. At least you guys aren't alone now!
I am going to copy your list & post it at our house. -Shaggy
Sometimes and alpha mancat has to assert his authority.
BILLY!!! PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry yourself, Sammy. There are many perks that come along with being "Senior Cat" and unfortunately we have to remind the family of certain things from time to time. There's nothing mean about stating the facts!
Sharing is very, very hard.
I think all of those statements are reasonable.
I know exactly how you feel Sammy!!
What's wrong, Sammy? Are you feeling left out, old, disrespected....?
We hope Abby will give you a hug so you feel better about yourself and your place in the household. You are number 1, even without telling them so.
Ground rules is very important for the top Alpha cat!
I should know! I am always having troubles with that in my house too!
By the way today is my neice Wikipedia's birthday,
Please come visit and have some treats.
Our blog is still locked. We can still see it and comment on others, but we can't post on it. Blogger said we had to ask furr a review which we have done, and if they think we are okay they will unlock it in two working days. If not, they will delete it completely in twenty days.
Help!!! We don't want to lose two years worth of blogging!
Sammy, I agree with you.
Now go have a nice week-end!!
This is only fair. :)
Happy Weekend!
I dunno, Sammy ... That IS a little peckish.
Somecat hasta be in charge or there will be kay-aws!
Sammy everycat needs to know the rules of the house. I rule my house, but then I am an only cat.
If you can get your mom to give you firstest skritches and lastest skritches, you are the alpha Mancat.
Tell everyone about it! You are definitely an alpha Mancat!
I think you are going a little too far with rule #6...a kitty's gotta slobber on toys a little.
Sammy, thanks for visiting with us when Momma was too busy to post or visit ... I appreciate it! And being we have the almost same name, I agree with your stand on things! It is a Sam(my) thing! And Abby should be proud of her handsome mancat for being such a manly dude to tell your brofurs what you think ... and you are nothing but sweet to her!
Purrs and headbutts,
I think you're right to give the orders. Mom says when we get more furbabies i'll be in charge too.
Will you teach me?!
It is very important to have a chain of command, Sammy. Otherwise, there is chaos. And no one wants chaos.
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